Overcoming Asthma
Story from .T, NZ
Tania (from N.Z.) has asthma. Four hours into the seminar we talked about how to approach getting over an attack. In the afternoon Tania overcame an attack without using her puffer - the first time ever. Isn't that empowering .
Reducing Blood Pressure
Story from W.R. NSW
I can never thank you enough for the impact your PP CDs have had on my life. I have a very hectic life style with a husband and 5 sons, helping to run a business, an artist on the side, art director for the local art society (all voluntary of course) - by night time my PP CD is a god-send. I have reduced my blood pressure to normal after many years on the highest medication, to the lowest possible medication - my doctor is thrilled with me. WR.
Story from D - told to Sandy
D received the wonderful news of "all clear". As an adjunct to this great news she is able to handle her chemotherapy treatment, with her cancer officially in remission. The chemotherapy used to knock her around for about 10 days whereas she now recovers in just 3-4 days by using meditation and visualisation.
Overcoming Asthma
Story from M.M
I was inspired by the story of your son and his success in dealing with asthma. I decided to stop mucking around with asthma and started dealing with it through PP. As soon as I started I realised that I was calling the problem "my asthma". Since then I have only had to use the Ventolin on one day, whereas before I'd been using it almost daily.
Overcoming Asthma
Story from J.M
I recently entered the 800 metre run in the sports carnival just for fun - it was the first time in 3 years I had done a large run as I get asthma. I felt puffed out and then I remember-ed my PP and my goal that I would make it to the finish line. I finished the race and came 8th.
Overcoming Asthma
Story from P.D, VIC
I have had great success with my PP in relation to my asthma. When I was using the nebuliser I felt that maybe I could imagine the steam as a pink coloured healing cloud that I could breathe in which would then open my airways. I had to practise and go to my PP in a very short time - like 2 to 3 seconds - so that I could short-circuit the powerful mind reaction that closes down my airways. The reaction has been brilliant and very successful. I feel stronger and much more in control of my health.
Reducing Blood Pressure
Story from F.D. NSW
The following is paraphrased from a letter received from someone who is 77 years old and does not want to be identified:
I bought your book - "Piece of Mind" and the 2 tapes when I was on medication for high blood pressure. I then attended your course. I have never taken the original drugs prescribed, however by applying your methods, my blood pressure is now normal. I "treated" swollen lymph glands in my right arm pit with meditation to the extent that the swelling was no longer detectable. I have now had one full year without pain and am presently travelling around Australia enjoying life to the full.
Story from D.K.
My Oncologist said 1 year after chemo "You've made my day - I don't get this success story with all my patients you know!" As a Psych. & General Trained Nurse it wasn't easy to find myself on the wrong end of the injection with a cyst on my neck which was removed with radical chemotherapy. I used Alpha - no tingling, no surges of energy (like some others) no bright colours - I just persisted. Sandy, if people like you keep on keeping on, and even if your seminar participants stay in the infant class and are slow learners like me - it still works. Should any of them be unlucky enough to need an oncologist they too can have the pleasure of hearing him say "You've made my day". Thank you.
Story from R.L.
Several years ago now I was diagnosed as having lung cancer, the position and type of tumour precluded both surgery and chemo-therapy, leaving only radio-therapy as an option. I received radical therapy and was given 3 months to 3 years to live. While I was receiving treatment I heard Sandy on the radio and bought Piece of Mind and 4 CDs: PP 1 & 2, Meditation and Healing. I practised and practised and during the Healing meditation when it is mentioned that there might be a gift, I located one. It was a cylinder and yes it was full of endless love, with which I could attack my illness. I do the exercises as often as I can. About 3 weeks ago I was fast asleep and during the night I was woken by the sound of a loud explosion in my chest. It was accompanied by a sense of pain although it didn't really hurt. My first thought was that I was about to die, but quickly realised that in fact not only was I alive but I had the sense of achieving something quite different. I had the thought that I was cured or on the way to remission. I returned to the hospital for the follow-up when an x-ray was taken. The Radiotherapist was very pleased to see that the tumour had shrunk and that the radio-therapy would continue to act for another couple of months. I told her what I had been doing and she encouraged me to continue.
At first I only practised the techniques occasionally but after being diagnosed with an over active thyroid, I became much more serious about it. My GP was constantly surprised that I was so well in spite of my serious condition. He acknowledged that the meditation must have been the reason.
At the same time as I was given iodine to stabilise my thyroid, I reported a lump in my breast.
My meditation helped me to approach the diagnostic surgery very calmly. Even so it was a great shock when my surgeon told me it was cancer. He explained two different possible operations and it was to be MY decision which option to take. This put a very great pressure on me. (I believe this is partly to protect the surgeon.) I decided I would make my decision in meditation.
On the Sunday afternoon we had returned home from a very enjoyable Bbq with friends. I put on a warm coat and took a long slow walk around my large garden. I felt I wanted to enjoy the beauty of the many trees and shrubs that I have grown. Then I went to the spot that I have chosen for my Peaceful Place and sat on a rock.
That late afternoon it was truly a “Magic Place”. The rays of light that I usually visualise were actually shining through the broken clouds and the leaves of the two tall eucalypts nearby. My meditation was very deep and the big decision was easy – I would have a full mastectomy and hopefully no need for follow up radiotherapy or chemotherapy.
After this meditation experience, I felt incredibly happy, relaxed, and at peace with myself and those around me. My cancer was giving me some sort of celebration of my life – like a new awakening. I had a wonderful new energy flowing which was to help me through my operation.
Story from K.G. WA
I attended a Life Skills Seminar which you gave here in Perth and found it very helpful in allowing me to cope with life. Not that I had to endure anything big time, just the usual stressed out husband, boisterous kids and cyclical bills. Then, this time last year I received a shock, my latest pap smear was irregular, I had to see a gynaecologist immediately!
Sure enough, he could see a distinct patch of irregular tissue on my cervix and a small biopsy showed pre-cancerous cells. I was booked in for surgery in six seeks. That gave me time to phone for Sandy's Healing Meditation CD, which I received almost instantly, and to go into a strict routine of healing meditations three times a day. I knew I could remove this thing from my body and during my meditations I could see the doctor visiting me after the operation and telling me that he had not had to do anything because "it" was all gone.
A few weeks later I had the standard post-op check and I sensed that the specialist was uncomfortable. His unease increased when I asked him how big the "spot" was when he operated. Shifting in his chair he said, "Well, actually the area had spontaneously healed itself and there was no evidence of the irregular cells. However, just to be sure I incised the area anyway."
Restraining myself from leaning across the man's desk and throttling him, I instead went for a few moments to my Peaceful Place and thanked my spirit helper. Twelve months later I am still all clear and of course will remain so!
Story from G.V. SA
I was struggling to come to terms with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer and I can't begin to tell you how much your work helped me as I went through my first course of chemotherapy. At your seminar not only did I learn a great deal, but also had a lot of fun. I became more convinced that the mind could play an incredible part in overcoming disease. Thank you Sandy for all the ways in which you and your staff have helped on my journey.
Story from somebody wishing to remain anonymous
I am so grateful that I was able to do your CALM Life Skills Seminars - twice actually. They have helped me with so many aspects of my life. Gaining self confidence, acceptance of things which I can no longer do and enjoy, but still being able to enjoy so many of life's pleasures, that sadly so many people cannot; helping me through my cancer operation, golden staph infection, cellulitis and thrombosis. By using your techniques, especially meditation, visualisation and self-talk, I now have a clean bill of health and no secondary cancer. I know that your electro-encephalograph helped me tremendously as it showed me that I was achieving the correct state of mind. Without that valuable confirmation, I was inclined to doubt my own ability. I also use this power to help friends in need. Thank you Sandy.
Story from C.A. SA
Firstly, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for enabling me to attend your two day seminar recently in Adelaide. It was without a doubt the best I have attended and as I have owned "Piece of Mind" for some years, it was great for me to have these ideas reinforced by practice. I felt that I understood the Emotional Anchor much better, as I had been unsure about this before. I also had an opportunity to look around the outside of my Peaceful Place. Prior to the seminar, I had always gone straight into my PP without looking around. Now I enjoy the 360 degree view, when I have time! One of the things that really impressed me was your honesty and warmth, and you spoke in a manner that was uncomplicated, and easy to follow. As a teacher I am often a little critical of the presentation styles of others. You scored a 10/10!
Last year I was invited to speak publicly about my experiences in teaching relaxation to school children. I was very honoured and was quick to acknowledge that my inspiration came from your book "Piece of Mind". When I started school on the Monday morning (after a 2 week holiday) I was brimming with enthusiasm and wanted to tell my colleagues about my wonderful weekend seminar. I was bursting to tell them about being "hooked" up to the electro-encephalograph and the way it showed that I could access the alpha state very rapidly. I was really excited about meeting my class, as I had a much more positive outlook, although others tell me that I'm a very positive teacher anyway!
On Thursday of the same week my life took a dramatic turn, as I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I'm now at home recuperating from an operation and awaiting radiotherapy. I wouldn't be honest if I said that I wasn't shocked. However, while I went through 4¼ hours of gruelling tests to confirm the diagnosis, I thought of the anecdote that you told us about the woman who had needle biopsies. When I was subjected to the needle biopsy, with the "cast of thousands" in the room with me, I thought "Well, here you go Christine, use your PP." I closed my eyes, even though I was invited to watch the screen. I took some deep breaths and went to my PP. I could hear people telling me that it would be painful, but I hardly felt a thing. Afterwards, the woman who performed the biopsy said "Were you off on a desert island?" I explained a little and she replied she could tell. Before I underwent the bone scans, blood test and X-rays I used my PP. I continued to teach for 4 days, and my colleagues were shocked, and remarked on my really positive outlook. I kept telling myself that I couldn't afford a negative thought and that I would cross a bridge only if I had to. I continued to go to my PP and into a "Healing room" and use your Healing CD.
On the day after the operation the surgeon said to me "You should have the biggest smile on your face. The tumour was 0.85cm, not 1.2cm as the ultra-sound showed. The lymph nodes are clear." Of course I have some down moments, but I am fairly at peace with myself. The CDs have been so helpful. Sandy, I am so grateful that I could be at the seminar. If my journey so far would encourage anyone else, please use it, just as I used the story of the woman and the needle biopsy. Again, my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Story from W.L. Vic
Some time ago now I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent a radical mastectomy, followed by radiotherapy. Although I did not have any problems coping with life after cancer, it was still a trying time.
Life went on and I became a Cancer Connect Volunteer with the Anti Cancer Council (Vic) and lately with the same group in South Australia. Then I formed another Support Group, this one called CCAPS - Cancer Carers and Patient Support.
Whilst researching some information on Breast Cancer Reconstruction for a patient, I came across a new type of surgery and "voila" I now had a GOAL. And nothing, and I mean nothing, was going to stop me from finding a surgeon in Australia who could perform this surgery. I then had to convince him he could do this as I was 10 years over the recommended age for this type of surgery. Well, it is a long story, but I did find him and it did happen. I had a TRAM FLAP RECONSTRUCTION in Adelaide and my life has changed forever. I am doing things I would never have attempted while wearing a prosthesis (yoga, tai chi). I feel normal again. Life is wonderful. A few weeks ago I had my 10th annual check up in Adelaide and came away with a clean sheet.
Following is a summary of my TRAM FLAP RECONSTRUCTION:
* Counselling is required by the Surgeon prior to surgery. It is not always successful. I was well prepared and did not need this. The surgery is major and extremely painful.
* A piece of skin is taken from the tummy area and used to form a breast. The fat or muscle is then tunnelled internally from the tummy area to the new breast (without leaving the body).
* Stainless steel mesh is then inserted between the tummy muscles to eliminate future hernias.
* Operating time - 5 hours
* Intensive care - 3 days
* Hospital recovery time - 2 weeks
* No work - 3 months
* I left hospital after 8 days and returned to Mildura on the 11th day.
* Required strong painkillers but I did not take any.
* Used my Peaceful Place and Meditation I had learnt after attending your seminar.
* Also, breathing exercised learnt at Tai Chi, and sessions of Reiki (I have since done a course in this).
* I returned 3 months later and had a small piece removed from my other breast to form the areole and nipple.
* And finally, 2 months ago, I had this last area tattooed to match the other side.
My Doctor was delighted with the result and the way I was able to handle the whole procedure. The job is now complete and I have never felt better!
Heast Rate - Reducing
Story from J.B
My heart rate has dropped from 126 to 86 by doing PP after jogging. I now use PP before jogging to keep my heart rate more balanced. I feel very alive for the first time.
Migraines - Controlling
Story from T.J, Vic
I had suffered a 20 year affliction of migraine and the condition was worsening. Before lunch, on Day 2 of the seminar, I experienced the well known migraine aura, which indicated 40 minutes to prepare for an elongated stint in the darkness of the bedroom. Panic! Followed by .... why am I here? Working quietly alone, ignoring all seminar activity, I succeeded in ridding myself of the pain and sickness, using Sandy's technique to direct and focus the power of the subconscious mind. I was then able to continue with the seminar. I had never managed this before! I still do this 2 years later.
Migraines - Controlling
Other stories
Erika (from N.Z.) arrived with a migraine just coming on. She was able to spend the whole of lunch time on the first day getting rid of it. They normally last 24 hours, not just two hours.
Joan, for 20 odd years, had been getting a migraine on Saturdays. Sure enough it started and by lunch time Joan was really working on getting rid of it. She succeeded and in fact has never had another. Her migraine days are over.
Since attending the seminar I have been able to significantly reduce migraines which I can now stop developing within a day without the use of injections - and I've had no time off work during the last 4 months .
Pain Release and Healing
Story from M.H
Thank you for a wonderful Seminar at Yackandandah. I use your tapes almost every day for Relaxation and find my Peaceful Place very helpful. After a Stroke I was on Medication for Depression but after developing an allergy to the Medication I am currently managing with the help of my Peaceful Place!
Pain Release and Healing
Story from K.J
I was using a walking stick, taking pain killers - 27 pills each day & I had high blood pressure. I'm now taking no pills at all, forgetting to take my walking stick & the doctor's amazed at my blood pressure.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from J.W
This year has been full of frustration and pain but since attending your seminar I am more positive, have more control of the pain level in my legs and I am sure I am much nicer to be around as a result. I don't think anything will equal the thrill I received when I realised I had walked properly up the stairs at the conference centre on Sunday morning - the first time in the 3 years since my accident! I am also amazed that I spent two days 9am to 6pm and left each day refreshed, not jaded. This alone speaks of the benefit I received and continue to receive from your wonderful methods.
I would like to express to you also the wonderful "feeling" at the Seminar. I think my husband summed it up when he said ... "everyone had a lovely smile for me each evening as they left, it must have been good in there." Thank you Sandy, I feel I have a new start to my life.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from Sandy about Bill
I've told nearly everyone that during my "endeavour to prove" that the subconscious mind does work I visited a consultant. His name was Bill Robertson. Bill said to me "You're doing it" (going to Alpha).
Sandy:"I have to prove it to me."
Bill: "OK, There are two challenging things to do - one is to stop smoking and the other is to release weight."
Sandy: "I don't smoke, so I'll work on weight."
Well, Bill said hello to me at a CALM Life Skills seminar. He shared with everyone that he had had a stroke - down the right hand side of his body and the doctor told him he wouldn't walk again. Bill's attitude was - you just watch me! Within 10 days he was up and about. Very soon after, another stroke - really bad. Bill couldn't talk and the right side of his face was twisted, besides not being able to walk. Once again you can imagine what the doctors said. Bill's attitude was "well this time it's really serious - it'll be a good test of my Alpha powers." You can imagine the rest. That's right! Up and about, and speaking normally in two weeks! You're an inspiration Bill. Thanks for all your help and advice.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from S.P
One direct link of your teaching was put into practice 2 weeks ago when on the beach my heel came down on a boxthorn branch and the spike broke off in my heel; PP and control straight away. 36 years ago I had stepped on a similar branch and had to go to hospital and have an operation to remove similar thorns. This time the pain was almost non existent, I believe because of your teaching and even the past did not catch up with me as it was one thing I had feared. The heel became swollen and red by the time I had made it home, so I washed it off and found the offending half inch spike underneath the skin and pulled it out, and with it a rush of blood. Three days later I could hardly feel that there had been any thorn there at all, so it certainly works - it's great! Also I have been on a diet to release weight and my doctor indicated to me that over Christmas I would have trouble keeping it under control but I actually released 1 kilogram over the 4 weeks and I didn't worry about my diet all that much. Once again I was thrilled. The Seminar, the tapes and the learning have made a difference in my life and I'm so grateful. Many thanks.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from R.C, NSW
At the end of 1993 I had developed psoriasis, where patches of skin recycle in 3 days instead of the normal 30 days, resulting in red scaly patches. I was told by the specialist that there was no cure. Then I found the CALM technique. My next appointment with the specialist was four weeks away and so I visualised myself leaving his office feeling excited because my skin was clear and the specialist was “dumbfounded” over this “cure”. I'm happy to say the specialist was dumbfounded.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from W.R, WA
Shortly after my marathon run in October 1994 I was thrown from a horse and had a groin injury for 8 months - I was never confident that I could run freely. I used your Healing Tape once a day without fail and the groin injury issue vanished. With 3 weeks to go to the 1995 Marathon I started to notice a soreness in my right foot. I was unable to walk properly. My doctor suggested 3 months rest. With new running shoes and my healing meditation I was back in training in 5 days and persisted and achieved the success I had planned.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from M.J, Vic
Jack is 71 years old and came to the seminar for prostate pain. At the seminar, after the pain meditation Jack stood up even before I was able to take control again and he said as he walked to the centre of the floor: ”Well I've got an announcement to make. For the first time in 18 months I've got no pain.” Jack went to his doctor about a month after the first seminar and asked his doctor to take his pulse rate. Then Jack asked him to take it again - it was lower. He also did this with his blood pressure and the doctor was amazed. No more prescriptions for pain for Jack.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from D.M, NSW
I was winning local ski races which was in line with my goal of becoming World Champion. I had a fantastic trainer, a beautiful girlfriend and a family that facilitated unconditional love. At 8pm on 13th March 1993 my life had taken a different direction - I was in hospital with my right arm no longer functioning - my goals of college and World Titles shattered. Shortly after, tests proved my arm would probably remain paralysed and painful for the rest of my life. High speed ski racing accidents can be very unforgiving! I now live with torturous pain. I had been introduced to Sandy's work and have utilised the PP technique countless times to have pain literally vanish in seconds and it is here where I often turn to before making important decisions.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from someone not to be identified
I bought your book - Piece of Mind & the 2 tapes in 1994 when I was on medication for high blood pressure. I attended your course in 1995. I have never taken the original drugs prescribed, however by applying your methods, my blood pressure is now normal. I “treated” swollen lymph glands in my right arm pit with meditation to the extent that the swelling was no longer detectable. I have now had one full year without pain and am presently travelling around Australia enjoying life to the full.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from A.D
From Sandy’s Introductory Tape I learned I am no longer a candidate for psychiatric treatment! Thinking about my car accident, the understanding of how I returned to the living, when expected to go the other way, is to me awesome. The words breaking through the haze of my mind “I’ve got to get out of this” were repeated over and over. The ‘THIS’ was a ½ inch thick plaster of Paris in which I was encased from waist down to cover knee injury and to keep my dislocated hip in place. I had no physical strength, and yet I broke open that thick plaster with hands not strong enough to hold a spoon. I am sure the strength came from the 88% power of my mind. I became aware of my surroundings, began to get better, and now believe pressure blocking nerve supply to the brain was released.
Later, I reduced blood pressure from 220 to 180 in the doctor’s surgery in a few minutes (it was once 240!). The doctor gave in to my request of no treatment for high blood pressure and it is now of no further concern. My self image is improved and lots more.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from T.T, Tas
I had my first heart attack at about 8.30PM one hot Tuesday evening (would you believe that it was still 30 degrees in Hobart) just after completing my regular evening workout. I was sitting down putting on my socks when the symptoms first struck. I was alone, everybody else having left the gym, and the staff were at the other end of the complex. They were too far away to hear, and I could not raise my voice loud enough to be heard outside of the change room. I knew that the next person due in there was the cleaner, and that was not till 9.00PM. It was what happened next that makes me truly indebted to you Sandy. I went to my Peaceful Place and was able to bring down my pulse rate, control the sweating and feeling of nausea and “distanced” the pain sufficiently to allow me to get dressed and go for help. There should be no need to tell you what I did first when I was struck again some two weeks later. I’m here to tell you it works!
I look forward to catching up with you again in the not too distant future, but in the meantime I know that your support is only a tape away.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from A.C, SA
Firstly, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for enabling me to attend your two day seminar recently in Adelaide. It was without a doubt the best I have attended and as I have owned Piece of Mind for some years, it was great for me to have these ideas reinforced by practice.
I felt that I understood the Emotional Anchor much better, as I had been unsure about this before. I also had an opportunity to look around the outside of my Peaceful Place. Prior to the seminar, I had always gone straight into my PP without looking around. Now I enjoy the 360 degree view, when I have time!
One of the things that really impressed me was your honesty and warmth, and you spoke in a manner that was uncomplicated, and easy to follow. As a teacher I am often a little critical of the presentation styles of others. You scored a 10/10!
Last year I was invited to speak publicly about my experiences in teaching relaxation to school children. I was very honoured and was quick to acknowledge that my inspiration came from your book Piece of Mind.
When I started school on the Monday morning (after a 2 week holiday) I was brimming with enthusiasm and wanted to tell my colleagues about my wonderful weekend seminar. I was bursting to tell them about being “hooked” up to the electroencephalograph and the way it showed that I could access the alpha state very rapidly. I was really excited about meeting my class, as I had a much more positive outlook, although others tell me that I’m a very positive teacher anyway!
On Thursday of the same week my life took a dramatic turn, as I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I’m now at home recuperating from an operation and awaiting radiotherapy. I wouldn’t be honest if I said that I wasn’t shocked. However, while I went through 4¼ hours of gruelling tests to confirm the diagnosis, I thought of the anecdote that you told us about the woman who had needle biopsies.
When I was subjected to the needle biopsy, with the “cast of thousands” in the room with me, I thought “Well, here you go, use your PP.” I closed my eyes, even though I was invited to watch the screen. I took some deep breaths and went to my PP. I could hear people telling me that it would be painful, but I hardly felt a thing. Afterwards, the woman who performed the biopsy said “Were you off on a desert island?” I explained a little and she replied she could tell.
Before I underwent the bone scans, blood test and X-rays I used my PP. I continued to teach for 4 days, and my colleagues were shocked, and remarked on my really positive outlook. I kept telling myself that I couldn’t afford a negative thought and that I would cross a bridge only if I had to.
I continued to go to my PP and into a ‘Healing room” and use your Healing Tape. On the day after the operation the surgeon said to me “You should have the biggest smile on your face. The tumour was 0.85cm, not 1.2cm as the ultra-sound showed. The lymph nodes are clear.”
Of course I have some down moments, but I am fairly at peace with myself. The tapes have been so helpful. Sandy, I am so grateful that I could be at the seminar. If my journey so far would encourage anyone else, please use it, just as I used the story of the woman and the needle biopsy. Again, my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from F.M, NSW
I so look forward to receiving your “Switch On” Newsletters that I’m sure I could not live without them. They are a constant reminder to keep the techniques you taught me 2½ years ago, polished and “alive”... and they have definitely played a large part in my recovery programme from a knee operation last week. Between you, my surgeon and my physio, I am in good hands. I am especially blessed! Pain is such a minor issue that my physio is perplexed ... but then again he hasn’t been to my PP, has he? Attending your CALM Seminar in August 1995 provided a very dramatic turning point in my life ... but it didn’t happen instantaneously. There were a lot of issues I had to confront head-on in my life, and it really has taken me 2½ years to do that, with the constant help of your tapes, techniques and your very personal newsletters. The great beauty of it is that the more I work through them, the greater the depth I feel to my life. I am constantly being recreated from a very comforting spiritual power within. There will always be issues for me to confront but I am not afraid of them now.
God bless, and thank you for a wonderful year of “Switch-On Success”. Warmest Regards.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from E.K, ACT
Started: 19/1/98; Finished: 28/2/99. I am in my 4th and final year at Uni and have been doing a spring cleaning when I discovered this half written letter. So I’ve now finished it off.
Four years ago when I was in the middle of a two year working holiday in London I was about to walk out the door to begin a two month trek in Europe. Unfortunately, the day before I was due to depart I had a grand mal seizure. I’d never had a fit in my life before so this came as a huge surprise. After having a C.T. scan I was told I’d had a brain haemorrhage and was admitted to hospital.
I was then required to have an MRI scan which is similar to a C.T. scan but gives a more detailed picture. The procedure takes about 45 minutes in a tightly enclosed area where there is not room to lift your head and the noise the machine makes is similar to a huge drill. Combining such a noise with intense migraines I was having due to the pressure from the bleeding was not something I was looking forward to.
My father called me from Australia and having recently taken part in one of your seminars, he described the development process of PP as best he could. In the next few days I developed my PP and went into the MRI scan, ready to make use of PP. The 45 minute procedure was over in what felt like minutes – I had gone to PP and then fallen asleep whilst the drilling was going on all around my head!
I continued to use my PP for relaxation/stress release and calming over the next few weeks. The day before my surgery Dad arrived from Australia with a set of your tapes for me to use. I had 6 hours of brain surgery, followed by a further 12 hours in the intensive care unit. At this point I was still very much affected by the anaesthetic, and therefore too drowsy to concentrate on anything!
Over the course of the next few weeks I had 3 days using pain-killing injections and then decided to use my PP instead. It didn’t totally cure me of my pain, but it certainly brought the pain down to a tolerable level and I no longer needed injections.
Since this point in time I have used my PP (both with and without the tapes) for stress release, general relaxation, to help with studies and also to help me sleep. Your tapes have done nothing but help me immensely since day one! I thank you and recommend them to anyone considering to buy them. They’re well worth the time and effort in order to achieve results in many aspects of life!
It has been delightful to not only do your seminar initially Sandy, but I felt privileged to be able to help out on a subsequent seminar a couple of years later.
I look forward to more updating newsletters and I hope that this story may be of use to you. With fond regards and best wishes.
Pain Release and Healing
Story from F.R, WA
I am a 79 year old pensioner who was diagnosed with lung cancer approximately 2 years ago. Since that time I have had an operation which removed half of my left lung. However, abnormal cells still remain resident in my system. I have always been an active individual and believed strongly in my own capacity to control my own destiny. My medication since the operation has assisted in relieving the pain somewhat, but as you’re probably aware this is nothing more than a bandaid measure.
I have also used a series of meditation tapes and whilst I felt that they’ve been of assistance I have never really found them convincing enough to have any real impact. I have worked diligently on the meditation 2 to 3 times a day. Your tape was a different story and I sensed a deep empathy with your words almost instantly. I have often felt my hand shaking strongly and tears welling up as the dialogue proceeded. I don’t know as yet whether this has had a positive impact on reducing the number of abnormal cells, but I feel good about what has been occurring. Thank you for your care and for making this tape available.
Blood Pressure - Reducing
Story from S.M. NSW
Hope you are not working too hard - you are so conscientious and give so much of yourself to others. I just love reading the
Calm E-Reports and look forward to receiving them. You are never far from my thoughts as I listen to your CDs during
Meditation. How right you were Sandy, about Meditation lowering Blood Pressure. I developed some heart problems last year which are all under control now. I have a B.P. Monitor - take it before I put on your CD - do the Meditation and take it again after. It's always Down! Often by 10 or more Points.
Pain - handling
Here is another success story from Jack from Victoria, who has now moved on from this world.
When I was conducting a seminar in Melbourne some years ago now, one participant, Jack who was 71 years old was there and his loud voice boomed out: “This stuff doesn't work, what are you talking about, I didn't come here for this.” He stood up a few times and said this sort of thing so I asked him “Hey Jack why are you here?” He said “I'm here for pain. I've had prostate pain for 18 months and that's what I've come for.” I told him that I would be speaking about that the next day. So the next day after we did the pain meditation Jack stood up even before I was able to take control again and he boomed as he walked to the centre of the floor: “Well I've got an announcement to make. For the first time in 18 months I've got no pain.” Absolutely amazing, Jack was as happy as a lark and he took notice of the rest of the seminar. Another thing that happened was that Jack went to his doctor about a month after the first seminar and asked his doctor to take his pulse rate, which the doctor did. Then Jack asked him to take it again and this time the doctor said it was lower. He also did this with his blood pressure. The doctor was amazed and asked him what he was doing. Jack told him - the doctor thought it was great and now there are no more prescriptions! When Jack came back to do the seminar with his wife he shared all this with us and the fact that he had also taught his wife how to get rid of migraines – thanks for sharing this Jack!
Story from H.R. Qld.
It was great to meet you and hear you at Hervey Bay last Sunday and to put a person to the voice I have been hearing on tape for more than three years now. You asked if I could send you my version of the imagery I used when battling an aggressive prostate cancer which ( I'm told) is now in remission. I had to travel to Nambour (two hours away) each week for ten weeks to have radiology four and five days a week, so with little to do around each ten minute session I had time to meditate and develop the imagery. My Peaceful Place was at a beach I went to as a child, and where I took my children and near where I now live. But it was difficult to build it up at first until I actually went to the actual beach and took in all the sights, smells, noises and experiences. (We live near the beach but rarely go near it -- a quandary of retirement).
In the course of meditation I developed three images concentrating on the cancer. The first was that when radiation began I envisioned (as I lay face down on the table under the linear accelerator) the actual beams hitting the walnut sized gland and shrinking it as the big machine hummed. When I meditated at other times I pictured the cancer on the gland actually turning brown and dying--a bit like a drying shrinking walnut. I eventually timed this to occur with the Great Light that enveloped me as the finale to the rainbow imagery, picturing it homing in on that troublesome gland. Then I would walk slowly around my P.P. until I got to the water's edge with small waves lapping it--and one day I came across (in my mind) a dying crab being washed with the gentle waves--up on the beach and then back to the water. Each day it got weaker until it was lifeless--the Crab is Dead. This happened over a few weeks and in the end I felt confident enough to try to picture some movement - some life in the crab - but I couldn't. It was becoming an empty shell and gradually disappeared.
I rarely go back to it but I do occasionally use the White Light to zap my prostate gland, just in case. My other imagery which I still use was to have my body flooded with small white bubble like objects which course through every part searching for similar ones that are black--they bounce against the black ones which burst and disappear. This is akin to your imagery of white corpuscles etc. Time will tell what all this does but I do believe that it helped my treatment. At the very least it gave me some weapons of my own to fight with. I hope that this wordy explanation adds to your knowledge and perhaps might help someone else who hears those awful words: "You've got cancer and I'm afraid it's an aggressive one".
Pain - releasing headaches
Story from K.J. NSW
I am still reaping the benefits of the CALM Life Skills Seminar. I'm not in a habit yet of meditating on a daily basis, however I do get withdrawal symptoms if I leave it too long without meditating which is great. It prompts me to make a meeting with my subconscious a priority for that day, and it always reveals something important that I need to know. It also calms me and helps me to feel centred and blessed. I will get better at making it a regular event in my day, I know this. One delightful success I've found with my Peaceful Place is in managing pain. I have a food allergy and despite my best efforts it occasionally passes by the gatekeeper and I am quite ill the following day. One symptom is acute headache that doesn't respond to anything except visiting my Peaceful Place. When I do, the pain subsides noticeably and I spend the time directing healing energy to my body, particularly the parts most affected by the reaction. The pain relief is wonderful as well as the fact that I feel I am doing something to help heal my digestive system. So once again, thank you for what you do Sandy, it is a gift that you give to others and I spread the word as much as I can. Take care.
Peaceful Place
Story from B.K. NSW
I had a great time at your last seminar. It was a great refresher. I am still using my Peaceful Place. In fact it came in very handy last week when I was walking my 2 dalmations. The dogs pulled me over trying to chase a rabbit and I skinned my knees in the process. My peaceful place stopped the pain, the bleeding and my frustration with the mongrels.
Meditation techniques
Story from H.R. Qld
I've waited some time before replying to your various messages and your email which you sent when I first ordered your
meditation CDs and then the music. As I told you then (but don't expect you to remember) I was last year diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer and in addition to the treatment I was to undertake, felt I needed further spiritual assistance. Hence to move towards
meditation. I believe the body listens to the mind. So I undertook your suggested program conscientiously and found it an immediate help. I put in some twists of my own which may help other cancer sufferers-- the two most powerful images were of little white corpuscle men running around with big needles bursting black cancer cells and (against a background of washing waves) a dead crab being tossed onto the shore by the sea)-- The Crab is Dead. I don't know whether it all helped but I do know that I am now in remission with very bright hopes for the future. With cancer ,Time is the prize, as new treatment methods are being developed all the time. Thanks Sandy.
Taking control
Story from F.B. USA.
As I promised at your seminar in Chicago on October 27, I am reporting the results of my cataract surgery. At the time I was having a problem receiving approval for the surgery from my physician due to my elevated blood pressure.
After the instruction you provided at the seminar, in a weeks time I was able to lower it to an acceptable level. I went to the hospital several days ago for the surgery. When the surgical nurse initially took my blood pressure she exclaimed "Oh my, I'm afraid that's too high for surgery today". The reading was 175/115. Then she left to consult with the surgeon. Fortunately he was running behind schedule so I had 30 minutes to seek my 'Peaceful Place'.
From your teaching I remember that you cannot 'force' yourself there so I just tried to float away. Now the one part that I hadn't fully understood in playing your CD is the difference between the 'relaxing place' and the 'peaceful place.' To me they could be one and the same. I think you even suggested that in your 3 Hour Seminar.
I had my relaxing place clearly in my mind. A bench under a magnificent oak tree, with bright green grass bordered with colorful flowers looking out to a beautiful blue lake. This was a scene almost exactly as one described in your lesson. To me this was both places.
With the urgency of time I was having difficulty blanking out thoughts of surgery, etc. Then all of a sudden I visualized a pathway leading up over the lake to a mountain of clouds. As I reached the top I clearly saw the image of my mother who had passed away many decades ago. I sat down beside her on a soft mound of clouds and felt her hand on my shoulder and a light breeze on my face. Instantly all tensions flooded out of me and I was completely relaxed. This truly was my Peaceful Place!
Within moments the nurse returned and looking at the monitor on the wall over my head she gasped, "What on earth did you do?" The digital gauge read 135/82! I was tempted to answer that it was really nothing on earth but time was too short to get into that. The surgery proceeded perfectly and my sight is now better than it has been in years.
I must admit that I have been a worrier for most of my life. I have dozens of self-help books dating from the 1950's to this year. A number of them promote techniques not too different from yours. But what had made your program so much more effective for me was attending the seminar and meeting you in person. Now when I play the CDs and hear your voice it seems so much more personal, as if you are speaking directly to me - which of course you are!
Now my challenge is to stay the course and not stray away as can happen when you think that you have conquered your fears once and for all. That is when one can slip back into the abyss.
Meditation helps
Story from R.H. W.A.
I did your course when you came to Melbourne 20/21 May. Sorry it has been six months to write and let you know how I'm going. Firstly I have to tell you that doing your seminar was one of the best things I have ever learnt and I really appreciate what you did for me in letting me come to your course with Michael's help. Peaceful Place is a part of my life every day even if it's for 1 to 3 minutes and I do your Relaxation and Meditation CDs most days, it is and always will be a part of my life as it helps me so much in how I feel and daily stress. I have moved to Perth 3 weeks ago to be with my father and my sister and brother. So nice to be home with family. I am feeling well and look after my health just starting to get back into a routine. I am still doing alternative things and still choose not to do chemo and full surgery for breast cancer. I feel a lot better having my family here to support me. I hope all is going well for you Sandy and your wife and I always think of you when I listen to your calming and caring voice on the CD. I hope in the future we can meet again. Take care and all the best.
Story from T.S. NSW (as told to Sandy)
A friend of mine was diagnosed as having cancer and started to have chemotherapy which created extreme nausea and sickness for 10 days after the treatment. There was nothing for it but to stay in bed for the entire 10 days. Then this friend started to use the Guided Imagery Tape PP 4 - Healing Yourself, and reduced that sick time in bed after the chemotherapy from 10 to 3 days. The way this particular person visualised the cancer was as a bunch of grapes which were dirty, withered, old, dry grapes. Then the visualisation moved to picking off the old, dry grapes, and as the grapes were picked off each day, one day something was noticed. My friend rang me quite excitedly and said "Hey I saw new shoots today!", and in the visualisation new shoots growing had very clearly been seen. A short while later there was much concern because suddenly there was nothing to be seen at all. This person then went to the doctor soon afterwards and was told "It's gone - it's officially in remission."
Cancer and healing
Story from R.L. NSW
Some years ago I was diagnosed as having lung cancer, the position and type of tumour precluded both surgery and chemotherapy, leaving only radiotherapy as an option. I received radical therapy and was given from 3 months to 3 years to live. While I was receiving treatment I heard Sandy on the radio and bought "Piece of Mind" and 4 tapes - PP1 and 2, Meditation and Healing. I practised and practised and during the Healing Meditation, when it is mentioned that there might be a gift, I located one. It was a cylinder and yes, it was full of endless love, with which I could attack my illness. I do the exercises as often as I can. About 3 weeks ago I was fast asleep and during the night I was woken by the sound of a loud explosion in my chest. It was accompanied by a sense of pain, although it didn't really hurt. My first thought was that I was about to die, but quickly realised that in fact not only was I alive but I had the sense of achieving something quite different. I had the thought that I was cured or on the way to remission. I returned to the hospital for the follow-up when an x-ray was taken. The Radiotherapist was very pleased to see that the tumour had shrunk and that the radiotherapy would continue to act for another couple of months. I told her what I had been doing and she encouraged me to continue.
Pain and forgiveness
Story from L.J. SA
Firstly I would like to thank you for providing a place for growth and understanding to develop in your seminar. I really enjoyed those two days. When I went into the releasing hurt meditation during the seminar I did not have very strong impressions when I asked the hurt what it was trying to tell me, other than that I would receive answers and everything was going to be alright. After the seminar my husband and I discussed what we were going to do to be able to benefit in an ongoing way from the things that we had learned. We had decided that we would get up half an hour earlier every morning and share a time of meditation together. We also decided that we would study your book "Switch on to Your Inner Strength" every evening together. On the Monday morning, true to our promise, we arose the half hour earlier and put on a meditation tape. I decided to do a releasing hurt meditation - I had wonderful results. Firstly I was taught about forgiveness. I was told that there was no hurt, pain or loss left when forgiveness is complete. That the pain that I was feeling and the hurt of that pain was the result of the grief that I felt in the loss of an important relationship. I was told that we all have sinned in some way and that it was only in the degree of pain that we cause that our sins differed. Forgiveness is the ability to take the hurt of the sin and cast it "into the light" - this was the way that it was expressed to me. I was told that I need do no other thing than forgive. When I am home I have two tiny bowls in the kitchen in which I have placed 20 tiny white buttons. After I have gone to my PP I take a button from one bowl and put it into the other, then I set the timer on my oven so that I will be reminded when I will next go there. Thank you again Sandy for the work that you do. The world is a much better place because of people like you. You have been through so much but your hurt was not in vain, nor did your daughters leave this world for no reason.
PP helping with pain release
Story from R.F. WA
I am a 79 year old pensioner who was diagnosed with lung cancer approximately 2 years ago. Since that time I have had an operation which removed half of my left lung, however abnormal cells still remain resident in my system. I have always been an active individual and believed strongly in my own capacity to control my own destiny. My medication since the operation has assisted in relieving the pain somewhat, but as you're probably aware this is nothing more than a bandaid measure. I have also used various other meditation tapes and whilst I felt that they've been of assistance I have never really found them convincing enough to have any real impact. I have worked diligently on the meditation 2 to 3 times a day. However, your tape Sandy was a different story and I sensed a deep empathy with your words almost instantly. I have often felt my hand shaking strongly and tears welling up as the dialogue proceeded. I don't know as yet whether this has had a positive impact on reducing the number of abnormal cells, but I feel good about what has been occurring. Thank you for your care and for making this tape available.
Peaceful Place Usefulness
Story from C.A. SA
Firstly, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for enabling me to attend your two day seminar recently in Adelaide. It was without a doubt the best I have attended and as I have owned "Piece of Mind" for some years, it was great for me to have these ideas reinforced by practice. I felt that I understood the Emotional Anchor much better, as I had been unsure about this before. I also had an opportunity to look around the outside of my Peaceful Place.
Prior to the seminar, I had always gone straight into my PP without looking around. Now I enjoy the 360 degree view, when I have time! One of the things that really impressed me was your honesty and warmth, and you spoke in a manner that was uncomplicated, and easy to follow. As a teacher I am often a little critical of the presentation styles of others. You scored a 10/10! Last year I was invited to speak publicly about my experiences in teaching relaxation to school children. I was very honoured and was quick to acknowledge that my inspiration came from your book "Piece of Mind". When I started school on the Monday morning (after a 2 week holiday) I was brimming with enthusiasm and wanted to tell my colleagues about my wonderful weekend seminar. I was bursting to tell them about being "hooked" up to the electro-encephalograph and the way it showed that I could access the alpha state very rapidly. I was really excited about meeting my class, as I had a much more positive outlook, although others tell me that I'm a very positive teacher anyway!
On Thursday of the same week my life took a dramatic turn, as I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I'm now at home recuperating from an operation and awaiting radiotherapy. I wouldn't be honest if I said that I wasn't shocked. However, while I went through 4¼ hours of gruelling tests to confirm the diagnosis, I thought of the anecdote that you told us about the woman who had needle biopsies. When I was subjected to the needle biopsy, with the "cast of thousands" in the room with me, I thought "Well, here you go now, use your PP." I closed my eyes, even though I was invited to watch the screen. I took some deep breaths and went to my PP. I could hear people telling me that it would be painful, but I hardly felt a thing. Afterwards, the woman who performed the biopsy said "Were you off on a desert island?" I explained a little and she replied she could tell.
Before I underwent the bone scans, blood test and X-rays I used my PP. I continued to teach for 4 days, and my colleagues were shocked, and remarked on my really positive outlook. I kept telling myself that I couldn't afford a negative thought and that I would cross a bridge only if I had to. I continued to go to my PP and into a "Healing room" and use your Healing CD. On the day after the operation the surgeon said to me "You should have the biggest smile on your face. The tumour was 0.85cm, not 1.2cm as the ultra-sound showed. The lymph nodes are clear."
Of course I have some down moments, but I am fairly at peace with myself. The CDs have been so helpful. Sandy, I am so grateful that I could be at the seminar. If my journey so far would encourage anyone else, please use it, just as I used the story of the woman and the needle biopsy. Again, my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Taking control
Story from F.R. WA
I am a 79 year old pensioner who was diagnosed with lung cancer approximately 2 years ago. Since that time I have had an operation which removed half of my left lung. However, abnormal cells still remain resident in my system. I have always been an active individual and believed strongly in my own capacity to control my own destiny. My medication since the operation has assisted in relieving the pain somewhat, but as you are probably aware this is nothing more than a bandaid measure. I have also used a series of meditation tapes and whilst I felt that they've been of assistance I have never really found them convincing enough to have any real impact. I have worked diligently on the meditation 2 or 3 times a day. Your tape was a different story and I sensed a deep empathy with your words almost instantly. I have often felt my hand shaking strongly and tears welling up as the dialogue proceeded. I don't know as yet whether this has had a positive impact on reducing the number of abnormal cells, but I feel good about what has been occurring. Thank you for your care and for making this meditation tape available.
Assist Healing
Hi Sandy just wanted to tell you I have made fantastic progress since my brain surgery the doctors call me their miracle, but I give the credit to you and others like you who have helped me win this battle. Thanks again - I continue to use your techniques with great success, hope this find you well, thank you for keeping in touch. AT, NSW
blood pressure
Hope you are not working too hard - you are so conscientious and give so much of yourself to others. I just love reading the Calm E-Reports and look forward to receiving them. You are never far from my thoughts as I listen to your CDs during Meditation. How right you were Sandy, about Meditation lowering Blood Pressure. I developed some heart problems last year which are all under control now. I have a B.P. Monitor - take it before I put on your CD - do the Meditation and take it again after. It's always Down! Often by 10 or more Points.
My wife has being wanting to email you about what she experienced when giving birth to our youngest son, about 4 weeks ago. She had been playing your birth CD at night for weeks prior to the birth and during labour she visualised the colours as per instructions. She was amazed at how easily she was able to relax and deal with the pain. She told me (I was there) that between contractions she was actually relaxing deeply! M.M. ACT.
Hope and hopelessness
Wanted to email you right back and thank you for this (a recent) MMN.
Before I opened this email this morning I read a little message (which is for me) but seemed so aligned with this (a recent) MMN.
My message - "When I become conscious of something I become responsible".
You know, during the years I worked with the medical profession, I personally heard criticism of Dr Teo, to which I made no personal response as I did not regard myself as qualified to do so. But throughout my own ongoing journey I have given the words I heard a lot of thought - and I'm on his side! Hope and hopelessness - I'm choosing hope - and I am grateful for the courage of Dr Teo and others who I regard as pioneers in the meeting of science with spirituality. Thank you. EH NSW
my only weapon was my Peaceful Place
Dear Sandy - I am typing this through somewhat blurred vision as I had cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday. I had the right eye done few years ago and in that surgery I told the anaesthetist that I wasn't sure I could keep my head still for the surgery.Of course movement at a crucial stage could be disastrous. He was sympathetic and gave me so much sedation that my head felt like a block of stone.I tried to move it but couldn't. So the surgery went well. Yesterday,to my surpise the pre-op briefing included a lecture about keeping my head still, not coughing,sneezing or talking. I took it all in but thought: I'll be ok-- I'd get plenty of sedation as before. But I didn't! When I entered the theatre I was able to move my head freely and I sure didn't feel sedated. When the surgeon approached I told him but his reply was a sharp "you must keep your head still!" None of this had occurred with him before.
So quickly I had to decide whether to fight or flee. I decided to fight and my only weapon was my Peaceful Place (and I hadn't been there for a while). It came up beautifully and gently and suddenly I was at peace--no worries about an involuntary movement (which I sometimes have) and I was lying there enjoying it (almost) and actually conscious in a distant way of all that was going on. It was over in a few minutes and the surgeon actually complimented me on the way I overcame my obvious anxiety. "What's your secret?" he asked. "Oh! I haff vays" I said and left it that. It still works, Sandy. Incidentally, I still have my cancer remember - the crab is dead) and am trundling along-- a few years beyond the point I think my host of medical attendants had set for me. H. R. Qld
PAIN? - but I hardly felt it
Firstly, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you for enabling me to attend your two day seminar. It was without a doubt the best I have attended and as I have owned Piece of Mind also (Instant download now available) for some years, it was great for me to have these ideas reinforced by practice.
I felt that I understood the Emotional Anchor much better, as I had been unsure about this before. I also had an opportunity to look around the outside of my Peaceful Place. Prior to the seminar, I had always gone straight into my PP without looking around. Now I enjoy the 360 degree view, when I have time!
One of the things that really impressed me was your honesty and warmth, and you spoke in a manner that was uncomplicated, and easy to follow. As a teacher I am often a little critical of the presentation styles of others. You scored a 10/10!
Last year I was invited to speak publicly about my experiences in teaching relaxation to school children. I was very honoured and was quick to acknowledge that my inspiration came from your book Piece of Mind.
When I started school on the Monday morning (after a 2 week holiday) I was brimming with enthusiasm and wanted to tell my colleagues about my wonderful weekend seminar. I was bursting to tell them about being “hooked” up to the electroencephalograph and the way it showed that I could access the alpha state very rapidly. I was really excited about meeting my class, as I had a much more positive outlook, although others tell me that I’m a very positive teacher anyway!
On Thursday of the same week my life took a dramatic turn, as I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I’m now at home recuperating from an operation and awaiting radiotherapy. I wouldn’t be honest if I said that I wasn’t shocked. However, while I went through 4¼ hours of gruelling tests to confirm the diagnosis, I thought of the anecdote that you told us about the woman who had needle biopsies.
When I was subjected to the needle biopsy, with the “cast of thousands” in the room with me, I thought “Well, here you go, use your PP.” I closed my eyes, even though I was invited to watch the screen. I took some deep breaths and went to my PP. I could hear people telling me that it would be painful, but I hardly felt a thing. Releasing Hurt CD also (Instant download now available). Afterwards, the woman who performed the biopsy said “Were you off on a desert island?” I explained a little and she replied she could tell.
Before I underwent the bone scans, blood test and X-rays I used my PP. I continued to teach for 4 days, and my colleagues were shocked, and remarked on my really positive outlook. I kept telling myself that I couldn’t afford a negative thought and that I would cross a bridge only if I had to.
I continued to go to my PP and into a ‘Healing room” and use your Healing CD also (Instant download now available). On the day after the operation the surgeon said to me “You should have the biggest smile on your face. The tumour was 0.85cm, not 1.2cm as the ultra-sound showed. The lymph nodes are clear.”
Of course I have some down moments, but I am fairly at peace with myself. The CDs have been so helpful. Sandy, I am so grateful that I could be at the seminar. If my journey so far would encourage anyone else, please use it, just as I used the story of the woman and the needle biopsy. Again, my sincere thanks and appreciation. A.C. SA
Blood Pressure
Thankyou so much for the wonderful seminar- my husband went to the doctor for his blood pressure check up the next week and the reading was 130 over 80 down from 160 over 95.
That's proof positive although he tells me he told his body it was 120 over 80 - just a bit of fine tuning on his behalf. But once again THANKYOU. We look forward to seeing you at another seminar. S.B. Tas.
perforated my spine
There seem to be so many people popping up in the wellness/self help industry these days and all they want is your money.
I am happy to pay for you as I know you are the "real" deal
I have have been diagnosed with Lupus now on the back of Sjogrens (pronounced Showgrins). It took long enough. I ended up in hospital flat on my back in very dim lighting for a month, then they perforated my spine during what was supposed to be another routine lumbar puncture and injured a nerve which has affected my walking in my left foot. I lent my "Bible" - 'Piece of Mind' to another patient. I think she is keeping it so I will be in the market for a new one.
Much love and Happiness to you and yours. Keep up the Great work Sandy. B V NSW
faltering health and money issues
I remember when I last saw you at the CHI Seminar I was muddling along with faltering health and money issues in a poxy rented house and really wasn't too happy... Things have improved and yes I do use my emotional anchor and Peaceful Place.
We're back in our own home now, work's improved too. We have all we need, have a trip to US planned in a months time and are pretty happy all round, health is ok (under control) too. So thanks to your techniques I'm doing ok. And I do say thanks to you and having been involved with a lot of different treatments, courses and things, both good and bad I still rate calm as the most helpful, down to earth system which works very well for me.
I really do say a big thank you and recommend your services when the situation warrants.With all my very best wishes PM NSW
she lay there totally immobilised
A couple of months ago I received a copy of your Healing Meditation as an urgent priority as I was heading to England to visit a young relation who was immobilised in hospital with a broken neck and no clear path for the future. I am not someone who readily pushes my inner beliefs on others and I did not know this girl's parents very well, however during my first visit to her I managed to get time alone with her Mum and gave her the copy of the Healing Meditation and told her how it had helped me. I also spoke briefly to the young girl about it as she lay there totally immobilised with her "halo" holding her broken neck still. At that stage she had feeling in her feet and could move one toe and could move her left hand a little.
I then headed off to do my tourist thing and returned just under a week later. She had been meditating regularly after trying it the first time. That very first occasion she had concentrated on her right, totally immobile, hand and her Mum was stunned that the hand became very hot to the touch. I think this physical indication that something was happening gave them the encouragement to go on with the meditation. After a week she was able to do most things with her left hand and her right hand and arm were moving.
I talked to her about events in life happening if not for a reason, then certainly they are able to be turned to advantage in some way. She is a bright, bubbly girl in her late 20s who after finishing a degree in History has wandered the world looking for "something", who knows what? It appears she has now found it, as she is now walking unaided, has taught herself to write and paint with her left hand while her right one continues to slowly improve and has decided to go back to uni and become an Occupational Therapist working with the physically disabled. She will be great at it as, even when she was totally immobilised it was her keeping everyone else's spirits high rather than the reverse.
Thank you for your prompt response to my request for the meditation and know that your work continues right across the world. K.G. WA
life threatening illness
I have been blessed for many years to have the benefit of attending seminars with you many years ago, have my original Peaceful Place books etc and for a long time have used with great success Peaceful Place Series No 4 Healing Yourself .
I have had for quite a number of years chronic and life threatening illness. With Sandy's help I have made my way through many a crisis with positive results, often amazing doctors, friends and family. Over the years I have purchased new CDs when I've worn others out. W.K. SA
I had high blood pressure
I went for my usual medical for the drivers licence and I had high blood pressure – 150 /90.
So I had to go back the next morning for another check. I was wishing I had emailed earlier and got the low down from you on lowering blood pressure mentally.
But while I was waiting I thought well I’ll just try something – it might be better than nothing.
So I went to my PP and after settling into my armchair, in my mind, I reached over and turned a tap on the wall that regulated my blood pressure at the same time setting the gauge to 130/80 and then I turned it further to 120/80.
Now the thing is I have no idea whether this actually affected anything or not … but because I was in a rush to get to the doctor’s I thought I might have had elevated levels to start with.
When she took the pressure it was 129/79, which put an end to talk of medication for high pressure. BC, W.A.
Congratulations Bill! He had two strokes
Congratulations Bill! I've told nearly everyone that during my "endeavour to prove" that the subconscious mind does work I visited a consultant. His name was Bill Robertson. Bill said to me "You're doing it" (going to Alpha).
Sandy:"I have to prove it to me."
Bill: "OK, There are two challenging things to do - one is to stop smoking and the other is to release weight."
Sandy: "I don't smoke, so I'll work on weight."
Well, Bill said hello to me at a recent seminar. He shared with everyone that he had had a stroke - down the right hand side of his body and the doctor told him he wouldn't walk again. Bill's attitude was - you just watch me! Within 10 days he was up and about. Very soon after, another stroke - really bad. Bill couldn't talk and the right side of his face was twisted, besides not being able to walk. Once again you can imagine what the doctors said. Bill's attitude was "well this time it's really serious - it'll be a good test of my Alpha powers." You can imagine the rest. That's right! Up and about, and speaking normally in two weeks! You're an inspiration Bill. Thanks for all your help and advice.