I have just returned from a trip to QLD with my husband and two teenagers. While we were there we visited Wet & Wild, Dream World, Sea World and Movie World. All these attractions offering us rides that would have, once upon a time, freaked me out at the thought of going on them.
At your seminar… you said “the only difference between fear and excitement was a deep breath”. So I practiced going to my P.P and deep breathing and had the time of my life. At one stage I was dangling upside down 20m in the air over a pool of water – what a sensation. I even went back for a second go on this ride. So thank you very much. For me it was a very significant achievement.Since doing the CALM Seminar I have been practising my PP and I really got the opportunity to test it out when I discovered I had to get some extensive dental treatment. Since childhood I've always been terrified of dental visits, the worst moment being seeing and feeling the needle - I used to often faint. This time, however, before the injection I went to my PP and felt totally relaxed and happy, even during the injection and right through the treatment. I've attended several personal development seminars over the past few years and with-out doubt your seminar was the most valuable and life changing one for me.
My challenge was claustrophobia. I couldn't stand being in a crowd, let alone locked up. Lifts were a no! no! I practised with Peaceful Place, goals and the Letting go Fear tape. I rehearsed the accomplishment of my challenge inside my mind and then I tested it. I got into a lift and pressed 10th floor. More people got in. By the 3rd floor it was full and overflowing. Peaceful Place - Breathe - Peaceful Place - Breathe - Peaceful Place - Breathe. I made it and I feel great.
I am very excited about it and practice going to my P.P heaps of times, listen to Infinite Joy and do the left/right brain and lazy 8 exercises, etc. These have helped me cope in a particularly stressful time. Recently, the opportunity came for a 10 day holiday in Perth with my husband.
It helped me greatly to program myself for 10 days before the flight, using my Anchor, telling myself that “I’d love to fly and see the world and that I have a great sense of adventure”. On my Perth trip, I felt a great sense of adventure everywhere we went, and it was a really happy and fun time for me.
One particular challenge I faces was a 1.5 hour walk through Warren Caves, a long way underground. I felt very much not like tackling this one – but knowing I had such a powerful tool with me – my ANCHOR – my great sense of adventure, I spent a couple of hours before going through the caves telling myself continuously “I love going through caves and have a great sense of adventure”. I was extremely edgy when I first started in the caves – I kept using my Anchor and taking deep breaths. Eventually I felt reasonably relaxed and was so pleased that I had faced the challenge and won .I had never been in an aeroplane because I got sick at just the thought of booking a flying holiday. In the last 8 months using PP and the Letting go Fear tape I have now been in an aeroplane 6 times!
I would fly when necessary but that was only a few times. I have no desire to go on holidays, just the thought of going into a travel agent would frighten me. My husband was taking holidays with friends and me gladly dropping him off at the airport. As long as I didn’t have to get on that ‘thing.’
I enrolled in a fear of flying course which enabled me to find out more about the mechanics of the plane and some relaxation methods. I even took a flight after that (flying high on scotch and coke) resulting in the flight attendant asking me to keep my voice down as people were trying to sleep, plus a few days of ‘jetlag’ or was it ‘hangover’. And then the agony of knowing I had to get back on that ‘thing’ again to come home. Another time I took sleeping pills.... they had the reverse effect.... I was wide awake glued to my seat, knuckles white clutching the arm rests for four and a half hours, watching every move the flight attendants made. I lost two days either side of my trip because I had to get some sleep.
Last year my sister told me about the book Piece of Mind, so I read it, then she informed me that Sandy was coming to Perth. I attended his seminar and decided that I had nothing to lose. I practised my Peaceful Place every chance I got and listened to the ‘Overcoming Fear’ tape at least once a day. I have taken 3 trips since, which means I’ve been on a plane six times in a period of 6 months. I now have many more goals to achieve.
Thank you Sandy for passing on a positive and encouraging way of life.Heres an example to you of how fast your techniques work.......I am typically a nervous flyer and I usually have a lot of self talk going on about......... the plane crashing or........ we're up too high or ........ what if that engine drops off........ Is the pilot OK......... how can he see through this cloud....... Are we about to fly into a mountain, etc etc....... makes me feel agitated and tense.
But on the trip back I was able to use my peaceful place, combined with the goal of...."I enjoy flying..... flying is fun"........ Not one negative thought was able to break through this.... no self talk describing mid air plunges etc........ I felt totally relaxed and even enjoyed the bumpy sensations as we dropped thru the cloud cover into the airport.
Story from C.J. NSW
Story from D.S. Vic.
Story from D.S. NSW
Story from W.A. Qld
I wanted to write to thank you, I had a tooth operation with the extracted tooth not wanting to come out and with two dentists starting to get a little concerned and 2 ½ hrs later, I ended up really starting to think that it had a lot to do with my mind and that I was holding on because of the fear factor.
I took some really deep breaths and started to think back to what you delivered at your conference and for the first time really put into action that thought process of letting go, relaxing, finding that calm place. I focused on saying to myself, the tooth is going to release and within 2 minutes of this process – it came out and was done. What a relief! So thank you.
You are on my mind often and I forward all your emails to clients and friends.
Story from D.S. NSW
Story from W.A. Qld
Story from I.S. NSW
My husband and I attended your Port Macquarie seminar some months ago and I would like to thank you for helping me in overcoming some anxieties I had about travelling overseas. On one hand I have been excited about travelling through many different countries and spending much quality time with my husband and three children, and on the other hand I felt I was being held back by my fear about plane travelling and our safety while we are away. I listened very closely to your calming, inspiring words and purchased one of your meditation CDs to take home (Overcoming Fear). Each and every day since then, I have scheduled time into my day to meditate, guided by your CD, and within a very short time I noticed a calmness with in myself and a decrease in my anxiety about travelling. I look forward to my mediation time each day and have noticed a considerable difference in how I feel in general. Being anxious and fearful is so debilitating and consuming, I now feel so much lighter and freer to think about other more positive things. Thank you so much, I am so thrilled with you program that whenever the opportunity presents itself, I spread the word. Our world needs more people like you. I look forward to catching up with you again at another one of your wonderful seminars in the future.
Story from R.F. WA
I would fly when necessary but that was only a few times. I have no desire to go on holidays, just the thought of going into a travel agent would frighten me. My husband was taking holidays with friends - I was glad to drop him off at the airport - as long as I didn't have to get on that 'thing'!
I enrolled in a Fear of Flying course which enabled me to find out more about the mechanics of the plane and learned some relaxation methods. I even took a flight after that (flying high on scotch and coke) resulting in the flight attendant asking me to keep my voice down as people were trying to sleep, plus a few days of 'jetlag' or was it 'hangover'. Then there was the agony of knowing I had to get back on that 'thing' again to come home. Another time I took sleeping pills …. They had the reverse effect …. I was wide awake glued to my seat, knuckles white clutching the arm rests for four and a half hours, watching every move the flight attendants made. I lost two days either side of my trip because I had to get some sleep.
Last year my sister told me about the book "Piece of Mind", so I read it, then she informed me that Sandy was coming to Perth. I attended his seminar and decided that I had nothing to lose. I practised my Peaceful Place every chance I got and listened to the 'Overcoming Fear' tape at least once a day. I have taken 3 trips since then, which means I've been on a plane six times in a period of 6 months. I now have many more goals to achieve.
Thank you Sandy for passing on a positive and encouraging way of life.
Story from P.S. NSW
I am very excited about it and practice going to my Peaceful Place heaps of times, listen to Infinite Joy and do the left/right brain and lazy 8 exercises, etc. These have helped me cope in a particularly stressful time. Recently, the opportunity came for a 10 day holiday in Perth with my husband.
It helped me greatly to program myself for 10 days before the flight with the Overcoming Fear Meditation and using my Anchor, telling myself that “I’d love to fly and see the world and that I have a great sense of adventure”. On my Perth trip, I felt a great sense of adventure everywhere we went, and it was a really happy and fun time for me.
One particular challenge I faced was a 1.5 hour walk through Warren Caves, a long way underground. I felt very much like not tackling this one – but knowing I had such a powerful tool with me – my ANCHOR – my great sense of adventure, I spent a couple of hours before going through the caves telling myself continuously “I love going through caves and have a great sense of adventure”. I was extremely edgy when I first started in the caves – I kept using my Anchor and taking deep breaths. Eventually I felt reasonably relaxed and was so pleased that I had faced the challenge and won.
Story from R.T. Vic
Just a quick note to let you know that my daughter and I had a fantastic time with you and the workshop group in Sydney on the weekend seminar. So many positives came out of it for both of us. Here's an example to show how fast your techniques work. I am typically a nervous flyer and I usually have a lot of self talk going on about things like - the plane crashing, or we're up too high - or what if that engine drops off - is the pilot OK - how can he see through this cloud - are we about to fly into a mountain, etc... - makes me feel agitated and tense. But on the flight home I was able to use my PP, combined with the goal of "I enjoy flying, flying is fun". Not one negative thought was able to break through - no self talk describing mid air plunges, etc... I felt totally relaxed and even enjoyed the bumpy sensations as we dropped through the cloud to make a landing. I was very pleased to be able to use the techniques almost immediately - thanks for that.
Yes I have a success story that I am happy to share. I came to one of your seminars in Port Macquarie a couple of years ago with my husband, which we both thoroughly enjoyed and for us it reinforced the messages in your book, (which we had purchased many years ago) and has become a bible for us. I was interested in working on my peaceful place meditation as a way of overcoming my anxiety and fear of flying, as our family had an 8 week overseas holiday planned in 6 months time, and I was already feeling the fear of getting on the plane. I had worked out that we would be boarding 9 flights during our overseas trip. I purchased your CD for meditation practice on fear/anxiety. Each and everyday I listened to this CD and practised the meditation. After approximately 2-3 weeks I could feel a shift in my anxiety about flying. I noticed that whenever I thought of the trip I was becoming less and less fearful of it and actually started to look forward to it. I really got into the meditation, gaining a sense of smell, feel, emotion and calm. When the day came that we were to board our first flight, I was not at all concerned with the flight and got caught up in the shared excitement of our future journey. Each and every flight I boarded during my trip was the same, I felt relaxed and excited about the next leg of our journey. The exercise of imagining that I was on the plane, smelling it , feeling it, seeing all of the other people and so on, somehow gave me a sense of familiarity the more I practised the meditation. I realised that my fears were quite irrational as they were not founded on anything. I have applied this meditation to other little anxieties that may creep into my thoughts and find the meditation extremely effective. The 'peaceful place' component of the meditation is a strategy/tool/skill I use almost daily. I love it. It provides me with the silence to escape the internal chatter that tries to persist in controlling my thoughts. That too has reduced considerably with ongoing meditation, and an inner state of just being and accepting is most prominent for me now. Thank You Sandy .................. DS NSW
I just wanted to let you know that in the 10 days since you called me things are much better.
I have watched the Active Meditation DVDs and found them very useful. I also have been using the Overcoming Fear CD and also took your advice and saw a Kinesiologist on Friday . It is amazing I actually feel like a different person. I am studying without fear and I know the information is actually being retained. My exam is next Monday evening and I am hoping that the day of the exam will be a lot less stressful than the last one.
Thank you again Sandy for your help, I really do appreciate it. It was very kind of you to call me that day, I can’t believe the difference in ten days. I will continue to use the CD each day and will book into next CALM Life Skills sem inar. C.L. NSW
Yes, I use my Peaceful Place every time I am put into a stressful situation and it really helps me a lot - particularly with my fear of flying. Thanks for teaching me this skill. Kind regards. Q.R. NZ.
I get VERY nervous when speaking to a group of people. I am attending Toastmasters which I love - however I realise that my problem is nerves in front of people I know - I could address a
large crowd of strangers with no trouble at all - but even a small group of people I know makes me physically shake so much I cannot hold a pen - and my heart beat so hard I can hardly breathe. I am WORSE after several months at Toastmasters - at first I loved it but now I have got to know them all and am more anxious to perform well my nerves are worse!! I am naturally very outgoing - have no trouble talking to anyone and happy to go up to strangers at parties and chat etc - so what's wrong with me? I guess I am just so concerned about performing well in front of people who matter to me that it causes the problem. I tell myself to "get a grip" and I know they will think better of me and enjoy my talks more if I am NOT nervous - but It seems to be an automatic physical reaction that I cannot control mentally. I would love to buy one or several of your tapes that might help me - could you please recommend which one/ones you think most appropriate? Many many thanks.
Thank you for sharing with me your feelings about "public speaking" to small well-known groups - believe me, this is very common - you are certainly not alone.
I would certainly encourage you to continue with Toastmasters - they are a fine organisation and with more and more exposure, practice and facing this issue - you will eventually come through. Do you practise going to your "Peaceful Place" and doing visualisation? If so, then in your visualisation just picture yourself having really delivered a great talk and being congratulated for it. Creating a Mind Chart about what you will talk about is a good idea too - the pictures will stick in your mind and you'll easily be able to recall them when giving your speech.
My tape / CD PP15 - Overcoming Fear may be helpful to you (you can check it out on my website) and I have a paper on my site about handling fear which you may like to read.