Story from Y.M.
While waiting to present my talk at Toastmasters I easily went to my PP then presented in a relaxed way and was happy with my presentation - I'm now using PP more often after that experience.
Story from H.A. WA
I am writing this letter to you to thank you for the joy and success your "Peaceful Place" (PP) CD series has brought me. Since I started using the CD series in Year 12 at high school, I have transformed myself somewhat and I still have a way to go.
My self confidence is much greater now than ever and I am striving for constant improvement in all areas of my life. I have completed a degree in Environmental Science and I intend to go on to complete a Doctorate in Environmental Science, something I would never have considered possible only a few years ago.
Story from H.F. VIC
I know it is true and a scientific fact that we can program our subconsciousness and unleash the other 88% of our amazing mind. I have practised it by myself with great success in the past. Whatever I dreamed of I realised at that time. Then my life changed. I found a wonderful partner, moved to a beautiful country on the other side of the world and became a father. Suddenly I thought: 'What will happen to my family when I fail?' Well, shortly after getting this idea into my subconscious my life crashed badly and my worst nightmares became true. Three weeks later I attended your seminar and found it great! It already has had a positive impact in my business and I will continue to recommend it to everyone. Keep doing your great work!
Story from M.K. QLD
I'm writing to let you know that I have come a long way since we last saw each other. I feel like I am a different person. Everyday I get a little stronger and my mind becomes clearer and more trusting – happier with who I am and where I am at.
I also picked up my act with my dancing and started studying hard for my full teachers diploma. Previous to this I was neglecting my study. I went to more dance classes and I started a gym program. With my casual hours at work I found time to really commit myself to the gym and it wasn't long before I was hooked on exercise. I started feeling well again — lots of fresh fruit and vegies, and I got my parents eating well with me. It was easier with them. So things slowly started to get better. I lost weight. I got fit again, started feeling better about myself and looking towards a positive future. I passed my full teachers diploma, so I'm now fully qualified! The greatest thing that has happened is this... I'm Working at Seaworld on the Gold Coast.
Negativity - Overcoming
Story from J.R
Thank you for sharing your life experience with us in your seminar and for leading us on what was a new journey in mind evolution for me. Your commitment to your subject, and your patience in exploring the groups' understanding of the issues involved made a great impression. For the first time in a long while I have tackled the negative attitudes I have been harbouring for far too long, it's nice to feel relaxed again.
Story from G.P. NZ
Hello Sandy - my husband and I were at your seminar in Whangarei. He spoke with you about Vietnam at the conclusion of the seminar as he is also a returned Vietnam Vet. I need to tell you that we bought the 17 CDs and they have had the single most benefit on my husband ever. This is after years of seeking helping through many counsellors and medication. He is smiling and more relaxed and much more positive than previously. So you need to know this because stories like this must make all that travel for you and your wife, worthwhile. A longer course may well be in our future!
Positive thoughts - the power of
Story from W.L. NSW
I achieved a substantial amount from the CHI Seminar. Finally I have an anchor to hold onto in a world of emotions that were drowning me. Finally I have been down a path towards self-healing, where instant results have proved to me that I can and I will achieve things I never thought possible.
No-one ever told me about the power of self-talk, no expert ever suggested that I could overcome my anxiety through meditation, goal setting and spiritual alignment.
I still have a long way to go in regard to letting go of the past, but now that I have goals, and hope, the world is that much less scary, and the future that much brighter.
I now look forward to achieving my life's purpose now - nothing is going to stop me. Thank you Sandy
Helping others
Story from T.M. Qld
I did your course about 3 years ago now. I had one of my staff come too, a young lass. She benefited enormously from the course at the time, but then "things" ie. boyfriend on drugs, intervened. She was a recovering addict when she came to work for me, and she came sooooo far, but relapsed quickly under the wrong influence. She has since been to gaol and is now in a drug rehabilitation program. I am hoping that I can get her back on track with your free E-book which I have downloaded and printed off. So, they are much appreciated by me, and I thank you for your generosity in supplying them. I also had one of my tenants (I am a real estate agent) killed in a horrific car smash a few days ago. A beautiful (in every sense of the word) young lass of 25. I know her Mum, siblings, cousins and grandparents. They are all very shaken by the event - as are my staff. So I thought it very timely that your email came through with the
E-book on "Addressing Trauma and Grief and Loss" on Friday. So, once again a very heartfelt "thank you" to you. I bless the day you became part of my life. Through you, I have been able to help so many people, or maybe it is a case of through me, you can help even more.
Inner Peace and Harmony
Each day, in every way, my life gets better and better. Often it is only marginal, but that is better than going back into that awful abyss of before. Thanks to you I now have a smile in my heart. Even at the end of a tough day (and there are many) I still have a smile in my heart, as well as on my face. I am working slowly, but surely, towards MY goals and that feels so good. Each day I do the "Inner Peace and Harmony" meditation. I also do the "Making Sleep Easy and Useful" each night, that is also helping me BIG TIME. BN, NSW.
Meditation helps
Dear Sandy,
Some little time has passed since I was last in touch and I’m pleased to say so much has happened since attending the 3 hour Meditation Seminar in Hobart and receiving the Peaceful Place set of CDs and the Switch On book. I’m just amazed at the difference it’s making to every area of my life, i.e. mental, emotional, spiritual, even physical. I would never have believed it possible unless I experienced it personally. Please allow me to share with you some more of the ways CALM has helped me.
When returning to aerobics after the 8 week summer break, I found I was much better co-ordinated and couldn’t figure out why… usually it takes a couple of weeks to “get back into it”. Then I remembered what had been said and written in CALM in relation to improved sporting ability and came to the realisation it was, in fact, the meditation techniques which had helped my co-ordination.
Recently someone spoke to me who hasn’t s poken to me for years. He is the husband of one of my best friends. He is also a Vietnam Veteran. He’s always appears to have a “chip on his shoulder” and, at best, he’d acknowledge you with a grunt, at worst, he’d simply ignore you. At the shopping centre last week I was acknowledged with a “how are ya” and after the initial shock I responded that I was very well thank you! I couldn’t help but wonder whether I was conveying more positive vibes toward him. In hindsight I’m certain that was the case.
I’m glad to say that whilst I’m still very involved in a fight against a local development proposal, it’s not causing me as much angst as it was before I started with CALM. I’m finding I’m more in control of my emotions (especially anger), I prioritise actions I want to be involved with and say “no” to some, and have been much more positive in my approach to the dispute.
Whilst these are just everyday challenges they are significant to me because CALM has made a difference not only in areas I’d hoped, but also in areas I didn’t expect. What has actually happened is that it’s increased my confidence enough to just begin contemplating facing a huge challenge which is still way off, but nevertheless no longer ruled out as a possibility. MM Tas
my inner strengths
Thank you so much for responding personally, I really appreciate all the relevant information for my friend. She is very low and losing the will to live as sick of being in pain and unwell. I spoke at length to her at the weekend and spoke about your books and what I have achieved from reading them and also other information that I had downloaded. I spoke about the seminar that I attended (it is great you have this Active Meditation Seminar available on DVD now) and how it has really helped me to focus on my inner strengths and have improved my confidence and have actually won a scholarship to complete my Customer Service Management Course!! She seemed to take it all in and became very interested, so I then told her that I had actually already sent you an email for some help as ! to which information was best to start with. From there she thanked me profusely and promised she will read what I get for her. I have now downloaded a lot of information and will lend her my copy of the book 'Switch On to Your Inner Strength' to start with. Again...thank you so much. I will let you know how she progresses. KA, NSW
made progress with my spiritual journey
Thank you for your Mind matters newsletters Sandy. I find they usually fit in with what is happening with me at the time. Since doing your course I have slowly made progress with my spiritual journey and life changing attitudes. This year I have been concentrating on caring for my own well being with more dedication and I know this will make me more competent to encourage others on self improvement. I am using a simple form of collage to go within and by journalling, bring that into an aware consciousness. So often we are so profoundly deaf even to ourselves, so by taking time to listen as you say we can "create happiness intentionally".
Thank you for being a significant part of my changed direction on my spiritual journey. May you continue to enjoy life and share with all you come in contact with. S.G. Qld.
understanding of how my mind works
I still use my Peaceful Place and find it really helpful especially when the worries or stress of life becomes too much. I especially enjoy your monthly Mind Matters News Reports - so lovely and calming and these give me something up-to-date to send any friend who may be interested in learning your Life Skills, this happens occasionally.
I always use your CDs when I meditate, they are GREAT!! just so valuable to me. I know I must not become stressed as every time this happens the words I want to say flash away from my mind and if I then when go to my PP and calm myself down everything I need to say returns. I can honestly say you have the best Seminar and teachings I have ever learnt they have given me an understanding of how my mind works and an understanding of its behaviour wanting to get me back where I was before, stressed and worried. I can now see what it is up to! If my mind wins again for a while I will soon correct it by meditating and telling myself how my mind is sabotaging me.
All the best for the wonderful work you do. And THANK YOU!! C.W. NSW
my mother's unhappiness
I would like to send my sincere thanks to you – after the seminar I was calm and happy. Shortly after though I was aware I had some agitation and upset coming up, so immediately listened to a couple of the meditation CDs and eventually some answers came to me. My mother was ashamed of her pregnancy with me, she resented being pregnant late in life, she resented my father and her life hugely. I felt responsible for my mother's unhappiness and left home as soon as I could at 16 to give her a freedom so she could leave my Dad.
I am a very positive person and genuinely happy and grateful for my life - I am resilient too. However, I have noticed how sometimes things seem really hard to do, and how I sabotage myself quite regularly! I have constantly been reading self help books and going to seminars, workshops for the past 5 years to peel away the layers and I always learn something.
I have just discovered that the sluggish, push up hill and hopelessness I sometimes feel is actually resentment! Subconsciously I have resented so much in my life I cannot believe how much, no wonder I have been tripping myself up!
They say when the subject is ready the teacher arrives! Certainly did for me. Thanks. MM QLD
career path in an area
When I did your seminar, I was going through a difficult time, but, by attending the seminar I was able to see that there was no reason why I could not move on and achieve. I have since been able to gain 2 new jobs with absolute confidence and am now enjoying a wonderful career path in an area I would have never dreamed of. M.P. Vic.
positive self talk
Increasingly the power of positive self talk and thinking is unfolding in my life. So many people have commented that I look positively different than before I did your seminar. The most influential factor in the year was definitely CHI and the genuine self love and acceptance I discovered there. A belief in myself and confidence that my goals will be reached. J.L. Tas
Letting Go
I am working on your meditations, peaceful place and letting go.
I started my journey a few years ago from a theraputic community, however PTS is now coming up.
Your meditations have made improvements and I hope to be able to use them on another residential that I need to go to for more intensive work/relaxation/modules etc away from the mainstream during my stage of healing. J K Australia