Cross Over Exercises
Story from A.K. QLD
Thank you for introducing both myself and my partner to a new and exciting way of using our minds. I have been experiencing some wonderful things in my PP. I use your techniques at work and daily do cross-over exercises. Actually I find at work when I feel tired that standing up and doing cross overs, followed by 5-10 minutes of meditation picks me up and makes me feel refreshed. Thank you for introducing us both to an exciting new tool which is already enriching our lives. Kind Regards.
Peaceful Place
Story from C.R
I use the Peaceful Place technique to revitalise in the middle of the day. I take about 20 minutes so that I can really feel the effects - it's like a couple of hours sleep. I actually tell myself to come out of my P.P. and open my eyes after 20 minutes. It works every time. Is it any wonder I now successfully wake myself up - without my alarm clock.
Peaceful Place
Story from S.H
Coincidence or not? I am often called on to extract blood from a "difficult" donor (ie. one whom others, and often the donor, says the vein is hard to find). I go to my PP and visualise myself easily finding the vein with the needle and see the sample bottle readily filling. I keep doing it because it work.
Peaceful Place
Story from M.S
What's in it for me? At the end of the day I feel great. I use my PP for focusing and dealing with difficult personalities. Instead of ranting and raving for 15 minutes over a difficult issue I lose my cool only for a short time. I quickly remember my PP (it's so available because I often think about "oh for the day it's automatic!") and then I easily let go what's bothering me.
Peaceful Place
Story from S.M
In emotional situations I go to my PP to switch off then come back to deal with the problem.
Peaceful Place
Story from W.C
Before my mum died she told me 2 things about her PP (incidentally, she had to learn PP from your book as she was never well enough to attend a seminar, so the book must be very good. I don't think she even used a tape!). When she was still at home, in the last few weeks, she used to wake up overwhelmed with terror. She said the only thing that helped was to go straight to her PP and the fear would vanish. In the last days before she died, she suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. After that she couldn't read her Bible any more (and it had been a great comfort to her for weeks) or even remember the words to The Lord's Prayer (due to the damage caused by the haemorrhage). But without effort she could instantly find her PP and this is where she spent her last days. She told me this the day she died. I know Mum was helped enormously, not just at the end but through the whole last year of her cancer, by PP. The chemo staff and her doctors could not explain her survival for so long, nor could they explain how she recovered from the brain haemorrhage enough to regain consciousness, let alone to recognise us and talk to us. Who can say what role PP played in this. Thank you from her and me for sharing PP with other people. Imagine how strong PP must be if it survives such massive brain damage. It is obviously not stored in the same place as other memories, or reading. I wonder where it is?
Peaceful Place
Story from C.K, NSW
It has been almost a month since I took your seminar — it was so interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I practise Alpha every day and am quite good at it now. I can go to my PP in seconds.
Well I would like to tell you about my experience during the after-Xmas sale. I went to my nearest major shopping centre only for a pair of shoes for my son as he couldn’t find what he wanted at the nearby shopping centre. He needed them for a camp starting the next day. Everybody seemed to be going to Westfield and we got caught in a horrific traffic jam on the way. It took us more than one hour to get there (it normally only takes 15 minutes). I practised Alpha in the traffic jam and asked my son to tell me when I had to move. I practised twice on the way. Once we got there it was so crowded that I would have been stressed out if I hadn’t practised PP. People were rude to each other, but I was so calm imagining all those lights were protecting me from the chaos. Thank you for teaching me those precious skills.
Peaceful Place
Story from M.G, SA
This year has proven to be both as exciting and as exasperating as may have been expected when one returned to study after an absence of 25 years. My Peaceful Place meditation continues to be a part of my daily life, and has, I am sure, been integral to the growth and healing I am experiencing.
Peaceful Place
Story from C.I, NSW
I have now convinced myself that I have the power to control my level of nervousness with PP relaxation and subconscious input. I am approaching my task of caring for my wife in a calmer more orderly manner. The big gain is for my wife to hear your tapes, as she can read very little, she is now enthusiastic to put on the headphones and listen to your guided tapes. Many aspects of control of my life are more apparent. My religious and spiritual values do not conflict with your therapy. Even when we know a correct path to follow we are lazy and dodge it, expecting things to right themselves without conscious effort. Effort is needed, perseverance to complete the task, linked with a self confidence, to improve our quality of life. Thanks again for your guidance — it is working well for both of us.
Peaceful Place
Story from P.C, Tas
Thank you for the recent seminar. I’m so glad I attended and look forward to meeting some of the group at the Follow Up. I find myself going to my PP frequently. I have never previously practised meditation to any degree but am finding it helpful, but still find my mind sometimes jumping to where it shouldn’t be, but I’m trying and hoping one day to completely “Let go and let God”.
Peaceful Place
Story from E.M, QLD
I attended your recent seminar really to keep a friend company, but have left feeling revived and motivated! Thank you for putting so much of yourself into your seminar. I appreciated your personal touch! I visit my PP regularly; I can now get there in the middle of a busy classroom, which makes me a much nicer teacher! Thanks again.
Peaceful Place
Story from E.O, Vic
Thanks for the CALM Seminar last weekend and for the chat. I have just got through a very heavy week; frequent sidesteps into my PP have made a surprising difference. Next week we are so heavily booked; but I think I can handle it more easily through the principles you have taught me. For the first time I can see myself achieving my goals. Thank you Sandy.
Peaceful Place
Story from M.G, SA
I am now enrolled in a B.A. course aiming to major in both Psychology and Philosophy. This is significant when you consider that earlier in my life I suffered from anxiety so badly, I could not recall my own name at the end of an exam.
My PP and the associated meditation has changed markedly since my initial introduction to it in 1995. Although I still retain a sense of association with the original PP, I notice that my consciousness now goes directly to what was the ‘inner sanctum’ without any visualisation of conscious association with the original PP. This involved a state in which my ‘visual sense’ seem to be repeatedly swept by a sort of sensation of a light, that I register as the ‘radiance of the universe’.
In any event, it is characterised by a continual disengagement with conscious thoughts and images. Interestingly the effect has begun to transfer to waking or conscious activities, when it is characterised by an acutely focused clarity of perception and flow of ideas. I look forward to the day when I may be able to return to you something of what I have gained from CALM.
Peaceful Place
Story from L.J, SA
Firstly I would like to thank you for providing a place for growth and understanding to develop. I really enjoyed those two days. When I went into the releasing hurt meditation during the seminar I did not have very strong impressions when I asked the hurt what it was trying to tell me, other than that I would receive answers and everything was going to be alright. After the seminar my husband and I discussed what we were going to do to be able to benefit in an ongoing way from the things that we had learned. We had decided that we would get up half an hour earlier every morning and share a time of meditation together. We also decided that we would study your book “Switch on to Your Inner Strength” every evening together. On the Monday morning, true to our promise, we arose the half hour earlier and put on a meditation tape. I decided to do a releasing hurt meditation – I had wonderful results. Firstly I was taught about forgiveness. I was told that there was no hurt, pain or loss left when forgiveness is complete. That the pain that I was feeling and the hurt of that pain was the result of the grief that I felt in the loss of an important relationship. I was told that we all have sinned in some way and that it was only in the degree of pain that we cause that our sins differed. Forgiveness is the ability to take the hurt of the sin and cast it “into the light” – this was the way that it was expressed to me. I was told that I need do no other thing than forgive. When I am home I have two tiny bowls in the kitchen in which I have placed 20 tiny white buttons. After I have gone to my PP I take a button from one bowl and put it into the other, then I set the timer on my oven so that I will be reminded when I will next go there. Thank you again Sandy for the work that you do. The world is a much better place because of the people like you. You have been through so much but your hurt was not in vain, nor did your daughters leave this world for no reason.
Peaceful Place
Story from M.C
Firstly, even in my demanding profession as a teacher I find that my Alpha is reachable as often as I need to. This is working as a type of "security blanket" for me with invaluable benefits. I am calmer - there is no doubt about that. As a result of your seminar and in conjunction with the E.K. course I am currently undertaking my possibilities are boundless!
Peaceful Place
Story from C.I
It seems such a long time ago that I, along with one of my daughters attended one of your very early seminars. My daughter went on to obtain a great HSC and has done 2 years at Uni and obtained very good passes. I must say that since your seminar and your book Piece of Mind I have had some great success in my work. So much has come easily since using my PP regularly and getting the most from Alpha. Keep up all your great work.
Peaceful Place
Story from G.J
I had great success with weight release and also "released" the fear of getting Alzheimers, like my mother. I felt so much better. I went to my PP when all the grandchildren were fighting and screaming around the pool and then I put on some Accelerated Learning Baroque Music - amazingly they all settled down!
Peaceful Place
Story from L.W
My PP has become somewhat of an obsession for me. Every time I look at my left arm where my watch used to be, I immediately disappear to my PP, regardless of where I am. I sacked the alarm clock and have been waking up naturally 2 hours earlier than before. Thank you so much for helping me to realise there is no such thing as "I am not a morning person". It has changed my life - you are an inspiration.
Peaceful Place
Story from S.G, Vic
Well, it’s a week since the seminar and I thought I would let you know how it is all going for me. I have applied PP at least 20 times or more a day, sometimes for more than 30 seconds and I complete two meditations minimum a day using the three tapes I bought. I meditate once in the morning and at night before bed. I have in the last week felt more relaxed, happy, and peaceful than I have in a long time. My interactions with people have been relaxed and even inspirational at times! I constantly come up with new ideas for things without trying. A good side effect for me is I noticed I have stopped biting my nails, a habit I have had for years, and I did this without even thinking about it. My dreams have increased — they are more vivid and often deal with some of the things I have been meditating about. I completed two modules of work from my Traineeship that I have been putting off for months, and actually enjoyed it! I have a couple of times been able to wake up before the alarm, but getting out of bed is the hard part! I hope to go alarm-less soon.
My goal I set myself was “I love and accept myself unconditionally.” I use my WIIFMs which I visualise with and I have done this five times a day. I imagine that I am feeling good about myself and people around me. I visualise love in me, and feeling great — I pat myself on the back and say to myself “Good one!” I feel that my goal has been reached because there have been a number of times the scenes I visualised have come true. I realise it is all up to me, and I discipline myself to regularly do it. I’ll keep in touch — I know the next months will be an exciting time for me. Have a happy 1998.
Peaceful Place
Story from W.G, ACT
Following the seminar I realized Sandy’s techniques have become automatic for me. I don’t think about them.
I was approximately 6 months down my healing journey when I discovered Sandy’s book “Piece of Mind”. Yes, I had used tapes loaned to me following my diagnosis, some were more successful than others but Sandy’s book demonstrated how I could take control and make a huge impact on my recovery.
Attending the CALM Life Skills Seminar was a turning point for me as the techniques learned gave me the tools to help myself in all facets of my life. When faced with survival or not, there was a strong resolve to invest the time practicing my PP. It is only now that I have realized I don’t think about going to my PP, I just automatically do it.
So when do I use my PP? Several times every day. My PP is real and has a name. I say the name as I slowly breathe deeply in and out three times and I am there. I just do it automatically.
I go to my PP while waiting for appointments, prior to encountering new situations, making important telephone calls, to remain centred and be able to see situations as they are and not become caught up in the emotion of the event, prior to meditation, prayer and any activity requiring total concentration, every chance I have to just sit, and every night before going to sleep. As I now do it automatically it doesn’t seem much. It has maximized my body’s natural healing energies, has had an enormous impact on my coping skills, energy levels and my health and well-being. It is a major factor in me being as well as I am today.
Regarding Sandy’s other tapes, over the years I have read many success stories. His healing tape also allows the white blood cells to increase as I experienced. Actually it is a versatile tape as it is suitable for any healing situation.
The Forgiveness tape is so powerful. When next I met the person I forgave it was unbelievable. The atmosphere was so different. I was received as a long lost friend and our relationship has not looked back. What a relief, yet so easy thanks to Sandy’s tapes.
All the very best for practicing your PP. Invest the time and effort and it will become automatic and life changing. Thank you Sandy for sharing your wonderful techniques.
Peaceful Place
Story from M.C, SA
I had a car accident 2 days ago, and although there was a great deal of damage to mine as well as two other cars involved, myself and 2 of my children were not seriously hurt. However, I have whiplash and dizziness etc. and still a bit shaky occasionally. We were hit very hard from the rear at an intersection, by a drunk driver, who pushed me into oncoming traffic, where I was also hit on my (drivers) side. At that instant I made a conscious effort to remain calm. Within minutes of it happening, I kept thinking about what you taught at your seminar when you told us about your son blocking out pain from an injury he received. I tried to go to my peaceful place to avoid going into shock. Although I don't practice these techniques any where near as much as I should, I was thankful to know how to, when I need to. Because there was a bit of commotion, and police and ambulance etc. on the scene, I found it a bit difficult to go to my PP, but I think that, although I felt very shaky, I still managed to minimise the shock by focussing on what I had learnt - I kept visualising sitting in that room listening to you, and was working hard on keeping myself calm. In the 48 hours since the accident, I seem to get the shakes again every time I talk about it or think about it, and a couple of times have gone to my PP - sometimes only for a few seconds.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.M, QLD
I want you to know how much I enjoyed your seminar. I have been following your work for 5 years now and there have been moments when I’ve been tempted to pick up the phone. Because I have always learned best from reading, I doubted the value of attending a seminar although I developed a great respect for your work. I arrived tired and reluctant. I was half wishing that I’d booked a massage instead. By the end of the day I was relaxed and energised. By the end of the weekend I had worked out persistent problems with my PP and for the first time in my life I had really taken on board the concept of negative self-talk. I particularly enjoyed the discussion on unconditional loving; it has given me the strength to believe in myself when significant others mock my concepts of loving. I am now looking forward to attending a CHI Seminar.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from C.M, Vic
I absolutely agree with you in how you conduct your seminars. There is a lot to be learned and CALM is the solution to this. I appreciated the seminar because it showed me how to be more positive, how to live without stress and once learned, these steps are easy to follow. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience so openly in helping others and myself to lead a more fulfilling life. I hope to be able to express and share these feelings with other people around me.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Anonymous Stories
"Thank you for an incredibly wonderful two days. I have benefited immensely and learned how important it is to love myself and the rest of life’s challenges I can handle day by day."
"Sandy, you are a wonderful presenter and your obvious enthusiasm and sincerity ‘beam out’. Your emphasis on simply taking the step to explore new ideas helped me to realise that ‘I won’t (with a cross through the words won’t) know if I don’t (with a cross through the word don’t) TRY”: “I am open to change!! Thanks for a great two days."
“I found many useful aids to help build into my business to provide more interesting contact with people. On my creative side, I am focused on beginning a new series of work for my next exhibition. By beginning now I will lose my panic station towards climax time when it will be all finished and on display.”
“This seminar was delightfully presented with knowledge and heart talk skilfully intertwined. I felt inspired without being on a ‘high’ and feel that I can go home with achievable goals. Thank you for your sharing of yourself and your life Sandy.”
“I have totally enjoyed this experience and I have now learned a new skill to make my life more relaxed, calmer and this will be reducing my stress and tension. For my day-to-day life this will result in my happiness and better health. Thank you Sandy.”
“After two days I have a sense of setting out on an exciting and wonderful new journey.”
“ Thanks so much for your time in teaching me about the subconscious mind and to use it to achieve my goals. They say everyone needs mentors and I can assure you, you have been added to my list. I respect you and strive to incorporate your expertise into my way of life.”
“Important to me: Forgiveness and Anchor. Instead of stressing and worrying to find a solution to a problem I think it’s great that you can relax and it can come to you. Much better — YES!”
“Thanks Sandy for teaching me such valuable life skills that I can implement immediately to improve my personal and professional life.”
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from R.J, NSW
Many thanks for inviting me to attend your seminar this year. I enjoyed the two days, absorbing much new and valuable information that will remain with me. I’m sure sometimes you may feel your efforts go unnoticed, yet I thank you for opening doors for me and influencing my life in such a positive way with support and kindness. Many thanks and blessings to you Sandy.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.B, Vic
After not being completely comfortable with the first day of your seminar I wondered if I could reach my goal at all. But yes, my mind did soak in that day and being amongst that group of people taught me so much. You spoke to me Sunday morning and touched all the right buttons – just gave me the tools I wanted and the rest of the day I went about changing my life. I was a slave to some very bad habits and now I know I will replace bad habits with good habits (PP x 20 per day, eating well, etc.) for the rest of my life. Day 63 … Free Free Free.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.D, QLD
Shortly after I did the CALM Life Skills course my father died from cancer. I am sure it was the skills I’d learned from your course that saw me through that difficult time and to the end of my Degree. I used a lot of visualisation to get me there and I have continued to use it to achieve things in my life since then. Thanks again Sandy and I look forward to meeting you again at another seminar in the future.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.M, WA
Just a quick note to say thank you most sincerely for your exciting seminar. Everyone without exception has spoken glowingly about their feelings as to what they got out of it. You have helped a lot of people and for that we thank you. Apart from all of that I want to say how much I enjoyed meeting you.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.J
Sandy, I want to thank you for the terrific seminar. It was probably the best seminar I have ever attended. The ideas are certainly revolutionary. The balance between information and how to use it really made the difference for me. Good luck with all your work.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from P.P
CALM is the only program I've done that I can initiate with ease and feel the benefits. I feel more present, more observant and more positive - my family life has all of a sudden improved.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from B.K
After having done Sandy’s CALM Seminar I have consistently practiced visiting my P.P. The techniques you taught in the seminar have enriched my life and have added to the wealth of knowledge and experience that I have collected on my path through life. I have done the cross-patterning exercises with my son which has helped him enormously with his problem solving at school. A simple little thing like that has made a world of difference to our family.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from W.M
Sandy’s course helped me to change my outlook on life from negative to positive. I now get positive results. I use it for many aspects of my life, e.g. diet, with success. Even the garage door opens more easily!
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from K.R
Thought I should pass on a quick endorsement. In my Master's Post-grad training we recently completed personal "Bilpin" Role testing - one of the most modern forms of management analysis. Four years after the CALM Training I surprisingly topped my year in creativity and resource investigation at 90% in these categories. I put most of this down to the CALM inspiration and confidence. It's been a fun four years!
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from W.S
I have started to apply the CALM principles and already I have been inspired to develop a brochure for my work and my energy has increased. I feel more inspired and determined to make a success of my business.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from L.M
I have enjoyed and gained so much from your books Piece of Mind, Switch on to Your Inner Strength, and your many inspirational tapes. Your book No Need for Heroes was great reading. It brought home to me (and also a friend who served in the armed forces) just how often you meet men, and so many others who faced death daily, and had so many hair-raising experiences under such harsh conditions. Each and every one of the original Tunnel Rats are Heroes and should be recognised by our government for your acts of bravery beyond the call of duty. Every Aussie should read this book and be grateful of the undying love you, your men, and all the other servicemen and women had for keeping ours a free country. You, Sandy, are a truly remarkable Australian. Even now your ambition is to help as many people as possible find peace, happiness, and harmony. May God bless you.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.G
I have read most books by Edward deBono and Tony Buzan, but you Sandy in your book Piece of Mind for the first time for me, bring the subject down to a practical level applied to daily life - or learning.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from R.S
Please accept my heartfelt gratitude. On the Monday after the seminar I realised that the CALM Seminar was one of the best experiences of my life. Your ideas and words of wisdom were precisely what I needed at this stage of my life. I look forward to my successful future with excitement and joy. I also simply adored interacting with so many interesting, delightful, loving people. I've bought some beautiful bird stickers to remind me to do my PP and having quite a bit of success going there frequently - though red lights are no good if there's no one behind you to toot and wake up!
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.H, Tas
An exceptionally heavy workload, being a workaholic and a perfectionist with a stress level “out of control”, resulted in not only physical and mental exhaustion, but contributed to my first major car accident in 37 years of driving. Despite protests of not having time, I finally agreed to my wife's request to go to Sandy's seminar - THE BEST SEMINAR I have attended, and I've done lots. I used the techniques and quickly learned how to relax at will, set goals and reassess values. Twelve months on, a second seminar attended by both my wife and myself and the benefits are exceptional.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from F.K, NSW
Sandy, your course has changed my life. For some years I have been a nervous and fearful person, both of which were a manifestation of a marriage break up and bankruptcy proceedings. Confidence in myself had plummeted. Through the techniques you have taught me, my life has dramatically changed around. For example, my first book is on track to being published by September 1996; my business is on track to being largely successful; and more importantly, all my relationships - family and friends - continue to strengthen. By using the PP techniques I have been able to cope with my stresses and work towards balancing the diverse demands of relationships, family and finance. It is electrifying to be associated with someone who understands the awesome power of imagination. Spiritually it is gratifying to know someone like you, who understands the power of forgiveness love.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.B
I'd like to thank you for the guidance and inspiration you have given me since I have been involved in your programs. Your work de-mystified a lot of uncertainties for me in regard to relaxation and how to practically use it in day to day life. I have found your ideas very valuable and I will continue to use them. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and I am confident that other people too will recognise your sincerity and this will mean you can only succeed in the future.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from W.P
Just a short note to express our gratitude for your CALM Seminar...
Brett returned to Monash Univesity full of enthusiasm and expectation with his newly found Peaceful Place and Accelerated Learning techniques. His pending exam results will be of interest.
I forwarded Switch-On to Your Inner Strength to my brother. He has returned to Hospital for three weeks of RIM treatment. Armed with Piece of Mind and Switch-On should help him through his impending challenges.
I am continuing to practice Peaceful Place regularly.
Obviously, we have only touched the ‘Tip of the Iceberg’.
I have found affirmation of my goal in Peaceful Place to be most encouraging.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from B.J, Vic
By participating in a seminar conducted by Sandy two years ago, I deliberately chose to use the power of my subconscious mind. This taught me many things about myself. It taught me that all the right tools for enhancing creativity, learning with confidence, and being very successful at study is at my fingertips, always at my command, anytime, any place. Not only have I rid myself of stress by using relaxation and meditation with guided imagery and music, but I discovered “Accelerated Learning Methods.” Surely the greatest tool for any student.
I will mention here that I am 51 years old, married, mother of three, and a full-time TAFE student — Diploma of Arts/Certificate 1V. Professional Writing & Editing. I write poetry and fiction, fiction being a novel. Balancing this lifestyle would have been quite a problem if I did not follow the guidelines so easily and clearly set out in Sandy’s book Student Steps to Success.
How does it work for me? Easily, I never start anything without the 30 second relaxation technique, then I review my goal for the moment, whether it is to study for exams, or to write a poem, or work on my novel, it doesn’t matter, the steps stay the same, I know that I will achieve my goal. It is very important to set realistic goals for yourself, then set them a little bit higher and anchor them, giving yourself a pat on the back when you succeed. And you will succeed. I have. Because Sandy teaches that. Teaches the importance of choice and belief.
In accelerated study as well as in creative writing I use Students Steps to Success and have a mental list that I follow. Here it is:
• I have a positive attitude
• I use my Peaceful Place for relaxation at all times
• I switch on my creative and analytical brain for the task at hand
• I set goals that I can realistically achieve in study and writing
• I use mind charting to save time
• I am a success, and I say it to myself, often
• I feel good about myself
This application of the CALM techniques worked for me. It will work for you. Give it a go. Sandy has a wonderful saying:
“If it is to be, it is up to me.” How very true.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from W.M, NSW
We greatly appreciated you coming to Picton recently to present your extremely stimulating seminar. Over the past week some of the participants have rung in with encouraging feedback on the content and application of technique covered by you in this one day seminar. This has led me to ponder the value of a follow up questionnaire to gauge response.
For instance, D.A spoke of how she had been able to help her son visualise a cross country race he was to take part in a couple of days after the seminar. She said they visualised his participation from start to finish, through various stages, culminating in visualising him coming in first. He had never won a race before, but on the day won this one convincingly. One very happy boy! She resides in the Southern Highlands and I believe her sons attend Tudor House. She expressed an interest in a special seminar for children as she thought it would be of great benefit to them - perhaps you would be interested in following up on that suggestion. Also,
Y.R commented on how helpful you had been to her and how much she appreciated the time you spent with her.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from C.L, QLD
I would really like to thank you for the enlightening seminar in April. I found it extremely interesting and I am using it quite well. Just the other day our mistress on duty in the school boarding house commented on how settled in I have become because I seem so relaxed all the time. So, it pays off! I have been practising as much as possible and now I am finding it quite easy to get to my Peaceful Place. Thank you once again.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from H.J, ACT
The Life Skills Seminar that I attended last February kick started my life in the right direction and I realised that I needed to expand my beliefs and extend myself. I have done this by changing my surname to my maiden name and assuming my own identity after being divorced for a number of years and continuing to use my married name. I realised that I was no longer the person who took on that name at the wedding ceremony and wished to sever those ties.
At the end of last year I also moved interstate to start a new career. I have moved from being employed, to having the incentive in a joint venture with my new husband. Life has taken on a whole new aspect for myself and my family.
I admire Sandy and all that he is doing and would like to attend more seminars and become involved in leading them—it is finding the time now to fit it in with all of my other activities. I am still learning how far the mind can be expanded so that more of it is used. Keep up the wonderful and inspiring work. Enthusiasm is a beneficial quality to be participated in by many people and your organisation oozes with enthusiasm.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.D, QLD
Thank you very much for the fantastic seminar here in Cairns. You truly are a living example of what you teach - I have total admiration for you. You have unlocked the door to your inner strength and now here you stand as the most fascinating teacher, helping thousands of people, showing it can be done, speaking totally from your heart. Sandy, you are the best teacher I have ever heard in my life. I have attended many seminars here and in America.
Everyone can explain how the
subconscious mind and the conscious mind work, yet being such an example of how you had to learn to tap into your inner strength is an
absolute miracle. The love, joy, strength and power you transmit from your own being is extraordinary. That is what touches people, you are a blessing to the world. I have enormous admiration for you (yet in your heart you are so childlike and humble - I love that). Thank you again and God bless you.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from P.D, NSW
Your CALM course has given me a wealth of knowledge I appreciate so very much. Such an understanding of how the mind works according to the application of the many techniques is not only fascinating, but so very, very rewarding as results of their use are achieved.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.G, SA
Thank you for your seminar in Adelaide. You may be interested to hear that through continued use of PP/Goal Setting techniques, not only do I sleep soundly every night, but I sleep approximately 2 hours less and wake at the time I want to, without the aid of an alarm (well, 80%+ of the time). Not bad for someone who, a little over 12 months ago, couldn’t get more than four hours sleep on a good night!
Further application of PP and goal setting has seen a marked improvement in my ability to run on time - I have long been a chronic mis-manager of time.
Finally, I have been accepted into Deakin University as an external student in the Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) course (1998). All-in-all I have a lot to be grateful for — not the least being the contact I had with your CALM method.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from B.C, QLD
I’d like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the CALM seminar my husband and I attended. We learned a great deal. You gave us a lot to think about, and even skills to face difficult challenges and every day life in general. It has changed my life. Through PP and Meditation, I’ve found a new me. I’m a much more confident, outgoing, happy and relaxed person. Thanks again for everything.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from R.M, NSW
Several years ago I arrived in Australia with a mission. Sensing that the potential of using the power of the mind to get things “happening” for oneself was one of the key areas I should work with, I read different books and tried different systems, all based on “the powers of the mind”, but after a while they all seemed too rigorous and soon bored me. Since reading your book “Piece of Mind” and doing your “Life Skills Seminar” I’ve adopted some of the techniques you have taught me and used some of your tapes and am now in the process of making my own tapes, tailor made for me.
I find your method you taught me of entering meditation or just releasing stress is so easy and when I do it I love it! Your tape on “Inner Peace & Harmony” is doing wonders for me. I’m really discovering the importance and fulfilment of my own spirituality in life also.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from A.K, Vic
The CALM Seminar fired up my enthusiasm in so many areas of my life. It enabled me to step out of my comfort zone and tackle what I have formerly thought impossible for me – building a business based on personal approaches. The seminar has given me the confidence to approach people and to interest them in the product. CALM has taught me to relax and overcome stress rapidly which of course means that I can project myself as relaxed and positive to prospective customers. Many thanks.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from M.L, Vic
I am halfway through your book “Switch on to Your Inner Strength” and I am so touched by it that I thought I would write to you and let you know how good it is. Too often these days we only let people know if something is wrong, so I am trying (in my own way) to change that. I believe you must be spiritually guided to have such an impact on so many people. The average person gets so caught up in the day to day things that they lose sight of the bigger picture – ourselves. Thank you for making me realize this. Your destiny is obviously to help people and you are doing this. I can’t help but think how very wonderful it must be to discover your true destiny and apply it to today’s world and achieve it. Congratulations – you seem to have achieved this.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from F.R, WA
I am a 79 year old pensioner who was diagnosed with lung cancer approximately 2 years ago. Since that time I have had an operation which removed half of my left lung. However, abnormal cells still remain resident in my system. I have always been an active individual and believed strongly in my own capacity to control my own destiny. My medication since the operation has assisted in relieving the pain somewhat, but as you are probably aware this is nothing more than a bandaid measure. I have also used a series of meditation tapes and whilst I felt that they've been of assistance I have never really found them convincing enough to have any real impact. I have worked diligently on the meditation 2 or 3 times a day. Your tape was a different story and I sensed a deep empathy with your words almost instantly. I have often felt my hand shaking strongly and tears welling up as the dialogue proceeded. I don't know as yet whether this has had a positive impact on reducing the number of abnormal cells, but I feel good about what has been occurring. Thank you for your care and for making this tape available.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.M, Perth
My husband attended your seminar in Perth this year and we have both benefited so much from your tapes and books. My weight release goal is on its way to being achieved. It seems almost too easy. Thank you for all the help you have given our family.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from Z.K, Sydney
I first came across your book "Students Steps to Success" in October last year in the library. To date, I believe it has been one of my most life-changing and enlightening discoveries. The usual "how to study" manuals on the market are awfully bland and dull, saying essentially what I knew already but didn't have the motivation to put in to practice. I found your book quite the contrary. Every page was refreshing and encouraging in its content and I felt incredibly privileged to have such knowledge shared with me.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from E.N, Perth
Thanks for the weekend seminar. I feel I got a lot out of it and feel very excited and optimistic about my future.
I was really impressed with the 8 step goal setting procedure and have been amazed by the way this "eyes up and down" seems to "lower" me down into Alpha (sometimes very quickly without having to do much exploring of my P.P.)
The other thing that really impressed me was the emotional anchor. As I "operate" my trigger, the rush I experience from this emotional high blows me away.
With the knowledge I have gained from your books and seminar I feel the best thing I can do to move my life forward (and to let go of a recent relationship break-up) is to direct all my energy (both positive and negative) into fulfilling my life-long dream of a career in music.
Thanks for the experience.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
Story from S.P, Vic
I am writing to tell you about a 30 year old mother, who was interested in a set of tapes of yours that I had. I loaned her one of them. Weeks later, the lady brought it back, and told me about her 7-8 year old son, who could not sleep and did not want to go to school. Possibly he was what doctors label hyperactive. However he wanted to listen to mummy's tape in bed, so she put it on for him, and since then he would not go to bed without it, and went off to sleep peacefully and got up and went to school with no problems, interested and calm mannered. So I thought you would like to know this - a little boy is happy.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
From T.K, NSW
I want to tell you that the seminar vastly exceeded my expectations. I have been practicing Peaceful Place and also goals in Peaceful Place and I know that this process is spot on.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
From M.P, Brisbane
Just wanted to write and thank you again for a tremendous weekend. I felt energised, inspired and recharged. The pieces really came together on Sunday; having the actual 'nuts and bolts' to push us in the pursuit of our goals and dreams is so much more beneficial than merely being "talked at" from a motivational aspect, I believe.
Seminar Book and Tape Testimonies
From H.A, Sydney
"Students Steps to Success" is a manual for living. If it were used as a basis for learning in our schools, I have no doubt that, not only would levels of attainment rise, but children would be equipped to succeed in dealing with their experiences and challenges in life. Morale and self-esteem of individuals in our society could be such that many of the stresses and tensions which currently exist could be transformed into positive energy forms of peace, harmony and love. It is wonderful that Sandy is able to succeed in turning tragedy into a positive force, and to then share the secret of his strength with others.
Peaceful Place
Story from Fitri, Indonesia
My name's Fitri from Indonesia. I'm a reader of your book 'Piece of Mind'. I know about your book from 'Quantum Ikhlas'. From the first time I read your book, I really like it, and then I decided to try your peaceful place method, I bought Peaceful Place Series CD for practice. Gladly I don't have any difficulties when doing this, I see my peaceful place easily. After several weeks practice actually I didn't really see the benefits although I love the feeling when I feel relax and happy there. And then one day, I feel so difficult to fall asleep, I use it, and it works! I can sleep just in few minutes. And then I use it again in different occasion, especially when I'm not feeling good because of some reasons (i.e disappointed, fed up) and WOW! It change my mood, my feeling instantly, I love it! As for me this is the benefit that I feel very useful in my life so far. I usually need to clear about my feeling first before go to peaceful place, and when I do both of these, the benefits become extra! I feel my problems suddenly disappear nowhere, like nothing happen, I become calm and objective seeing everything. And now I intended to use it in many others area in my life. I'm sure I'll get lots more benefit.
Anyway, I just want to say my deeply thank you for sharing this method. Many blessings to you and your family. May peace and happiness always be with you.
Life Changing
Story from M.A. Vic
I want to let you know that since attending your
seminar my husband is a different man - it's like a miracle and now he meditates every day.
Negative talk - changing to positive
Story from L.E. NSW
Thank you for last night's
seminar, I found it interesting to revisit a number of areas, affirming to remind myself how much I have progressed with active meditation from those first halting steps years ago (and far less halting steps 12 months ago at the
CHI Seminar), to celebrate the immense downturn in
negative self talk, active meditation has brought me to complement the virtual disappearance of negative talk from outside of myself, these two reductions resulting in quite a different and delectable life for me, and to revisit everything as if I were hearing it through my friend's ears. My friend was also at last night's seminar and, of course, has her unique journey although she shares with me having an abusive father (of the discipline minus overt love kind) and an abusive partner (of the just plain needs to be chained to a wall type). So to hear you, Sandy, talking about all of the issues that abuse and
grief brings up in such a short session, and in this way to condense what I have been chewing over with my friend in the past 12 months as she makes her journey of healing at her own pace, was really useful to me. I expect it will have been for my friend also, but I've not had my daily missive from her as yet (her turn in the mornings, I get to write to her in the afternoons, bless the email!).
Peaceful Place for Children
Story from C.W. Sydney
I still practise all your skills and meditate every day that I am at home. I have taught one of my hyperactive grandsons (6 years) to go to his
Peaceful Place(PP) every night in bed before he goes to sleep, it helps him stop the restless tossing and turning that he used to do for at least an hour. He now demands his mother sit with him and talk him to his PP and he informed me that when he wakes at night he just goes to his PP now!
Peaceful Place
Story from W.C. NSW
Before my Mum died she told me 2 things about her PP. Incidentally, she had to learn PP from your book as she was never well enough to attend a seminar, so the book must be very good. I don't think she even used a tape! When she was still at home, in the last few weeks, she used to wake up overwhelmed with terror. She said the only thing that helped was to go straight to her PP and the fear would vanish. In the last days before she died, she suffered a massive brain haemorrhage. After that she couldn't read her Bible any more (and it had been a great comfort to her for weeks) or even remember the words to The Lord's Prayer (due to the damage caused by the haemorrhage). But without effort she could instantly find her PP and this is where she spent her last days. She told me this the day she died. I know Mum was helped enormously, not just at the end, but through the whole last year of her cancer, by PP. The chemo staff and her doctors could not explain her survival for so long, nor could they explain how she recovered from the brain haemorrhage enough to regain consciousness, let alone to recognise us and talk to us. Who can say what role PP played in this. Thank you from her and me for sharing PP with other people. Imagine how strong PP must be if it survives such massive brain damage. It is obviously not stored in the same place as memories, or reading. I wonder where it is? (PS. People will start to think you pay me for these success stories! - This is my second!).
Story from T.A. Vic
I attended your seminar a couple of years ago, suffering from chronic fatigue, and lack of physical mobility. I have used your techniques, and read Bernie Segal, to heal my body. And last week I was told by the doctors that the chronic condition from which I had suffered for at least 7 years is now finished. I attribute this success to the new healing process I learnt from you, and the healing journey from which your seminar was a start. I still use your Peaceful Place tapes every night, and have been able to develop my mind in ways that I could have never imagined.
In short, Sandy, you have both saved and enriched my life in ways no other person could, and I am so thankful that you have helped me in such a way.
Story from C.G. Vic
Our 8-ball team played the grand final last night. We won the A grade premiership again, for the 13th year in a row! I'm very proud of that. I don't think too many other people can say that.
Peaceful Place helped me with that.
We play 2 rounds of 6 singles and 3 doubles, best of 15 games over all. At the end of the first round it was 3 all. We won the last singles in the second round to be 7 to 5 up. We lost the first doubles game. I won the toss of the coin in the second game and elected to break. I potted all 7 colours and cross doubled the black ball into the corner pocket to win.
Power of the Mind
Story from R.M. NSW
Several years ago I arrived in Australia with a mission. Sensing that the potential of using the power of the mind to get things "happening" for oneself was one of the key areas I should work with, I read different books and tried different systems, all based on "the powers of the mind". But after a while they all seemed too rigorous and soon bored me. Since reading your book "Piece of Mind" and doing your "Life Skills Seminar" I’ve adopted some of the techniques you have taught me and used some of your tapes and am now in the process of making my own tapes, tailor made for me. I find your method you taught me of entering meditation or just releasing stress is so easy and when I do it I love it! Your tape on "Inner Peace & Harmony" is doing wonders for me.
Peaceful Place
Story from S.A. NSW
I took away so much from your seminar and I wanted to thank you again for your kind words: "Be kind to yourself". I certainly am starting to now. I have a lot less expectations from myself - I don't have to be perfect, rather I do as best I can with the tools I have (sound familiar?!). I have learnt a lot and am consistently doing my PP! In fact I really look forward to doing it! Thank you muchly, you are really a terrific person to know.
PP for relaxation & pain release
Story from J.M. Vic
Several years ago my father and I attended your two-day seminar. Since that time my father's illness worsened and he passed away some months ago. It was very comforting for him to listen to your meditation tapes and I certainly believe that they helped him through a very difficult time during his illness and more especially in the last weeks of his life. I can always remember at your seminar he was very skeptical at first, but by the end of the second day a constant back ache due to his cancer seemed to have dissipated and gave him some welcome relief even though only for a short time. Since that time he passed on his knowledge of meditation and relaxation to family and friends and his famous words were "just relax". Thank you for your help.
Peaceful Place
Story from G.K. SA
I just wanted to reiterate to you how much I enjoy the information that you send to me! (It reinforces my PP I formed from the 3-Hr Seminar). I get so much useful information and I can incorporate this in to my work as a Counsellor. I am a firm believer in talking to those close to you and building strong support networks. I also refer back to your New Years email...again great information. I am also a great supporter of positive thinking and being grateful for what you do have.
I look forward to the next email!
The Journey
Peaceful Place is expressed in all my books and meditation CDs. It is the precurser to relaxing and releasing stress quickly. I received a lovely expression of Peaceful Place - really a journey of how to get to her comfortable chair (inside her mind) from Rebecca James who attended the recent CHI Seminar and has put her journey to verse. Thank you for sharing Rebecca.
The pathway is paved
The gates always closed
But as I approach
It opens….
This is just as I chose
The flowers are blooming
Their perfume so sweet
I walk on the grass
It’s soft on my feet
I look up to the sky
The sky…….yes it’s blue
I walk to the cliff edge
I create my own view
The birds they are bathing
In a birdbath quite near
And a waterfall flows slowly
Creating water sounds to my ears
As I brush past a pelican
Standing high on a hedge,
It flies off right in front of me
Towards the vista, from the edge
A view so magnificent
So wide and so clear
This is my peaceful place
I have nothing to fear
I breathe deep, the fresh air
As the sun beams down too
My door opens wide
Exactly on cue
The floors with plush carpet
The walls made of glass
As I walk through the door
The cold air rushes past
The ocean is brewing
I can hear it afar
The door closes behind me
Left a little ajar
I turn and look around me
And spot my position
I walk slowly to it
With the utmost precision
I sit slowly back
As rainbow clouds float on in
And a white tunnel of light
To protect and guide me within
That’s when I know…….
When I know I am there
That’s right!
“My Peaceful Place - From my Comfortable Chair”
By Rebecca James, May2007
The Journey
Peaceful Place is expressed in all my books and meditation CDs. It is the precurser to relaxing and releasing stress quickly. I received a lovely expression of Peaceful Place - really a journey of how to get to her comfortable chair (inside her mind) from Rebecca James who attended the recent CHI Seminar and has put her journey to verse. Thank you for sharing Rebecca.
The pathway is paved
The gates always closed
But as I approach
It opens….
This is just as I chose
The flowers are blooming
Their perfume so sweet
I walk on the grass
It’s soft on my feet
I look up to the sky
The sky…….yes it’s blue
I walk to the cliff edge
I create my own view
The birds they are bathing
In a birdbath quite near
And a waterfall flows slowly
Creating water sounds to my ears
As I brush past a pelican
Standing high on a hedge,
It flies off right in front of me
Towards the vista, from the edge
A view so magnificent
So wide and so clear
This is my peaceful place
I have nothing to fear
I breathe deep, the fresh air
As the sun beams down too
My door opens wide
Exactly on cue
The floors with plush carpet
The walls made of glass
As I walk through the door
The cold air rushes past
The ocean is brewing
I can hear it afar
The door closes behind me
Left a little ajar
I turn and look around me
And spot my position
I walk slowly to it
With the utmost precision
I sit slowly back
As rainbow clouds float on in
And a white tunnel of light
To protect and guide me within
That’s when I know…….
When I know I am there
That’s right!
“My Peaceful Place - From my Comfortable Chair”
By Rebecca James, May2007
Life's Journey and Peaceful Place
Over 16 years ago I was in a highly paid, outwardly very successful career. I was working 70 plus hours a week at times and was stressed out and actually earning an hourly rate less than my secretary. I had been in a dead end relationship with a man I loved to bits for several years. I hated my job as the people I worked with were corrupt and dangerous. Despite the outward trappings of success I see this time as a very low part of my life. I knew I was looking for some answers and the courage to walk away from it. My father was also diagnosed as terminally – but slowly – ill and I was living in Wellington and wanted to get back to Christchurch.
I walked into Lambton Quay Whitcoulls store and was just looking for something to take my mind off everything. I went into a part of the store I am not sure I ever went to before. There was this book with a blue head on it by Sandy MacGregor. Cannot remember why I was drawn to it but just bought it. Later that day I read the local newspaper where I lived and saw that this man was coming to Wellington – YIPPPEEE – saved me reading the book…….for now……SO I paid for my ticket and bought one for my secretary – who was struggling with personal issues at the time.
We arrived and found this man, pretty smiley but sort of gruff at the same time. Put this down to the military training he spoke of.
I listened with a semi open mind but the BIG thing was doing visualisation and building a peaceful place in my mind. When I did this it was in colour, and I could hear it and smell it……it was real and I used it through the period I needed.
I left my job, realising peace meant more to me than just having solitude. My soul battling with where I was working did me no good.
I moved to Christchurch and helped nurse my dad until he died over a year later. I was with him when he died and money cannot give me that time so having realised what was more important I was where I was needed.
Met my future husband and although the marriage has not lasted – have two amazing children I have now raised on my own for almost 7 years.
My mother died 20 months ago after 7 years with cancer and secondary cancer. Again I gave up work for over a year to be with her every single day. During this time I remembered the book, the course and the programme I had used. I even FOUND some cassettes – oops now on CD! But I found a copy of the book – having given mine to a friend to borrow and it not coming back. I used it during Mum dying. She was my best friend and everything to me – so it was tough. It got me through, “porpoising” when I could - in and out of my peaceful place. I know where I built it – and have promised myself a trip to the beach at the end of the South Island…. Have not made it yet for financial reasons but that is working out as am now back to working and juggling the kids and trying to have a life again…….
Big tip - do not porpoise when at the lights……people toot and it ruins it! Driving is not a good time either.
I am sure more has developed in your seminars Sandy – but it has helped me through some pretty horrendous times, decisions and life events.
Nothing compares to what you went through but sadly also had a cousin's girl murdered over in Australia – front door when she got home, a man she had been seeing lay in wait and stabbed her to death…….. Again I thought of you and remembered the training I had received…
Unlike any other form of stress relief it comes up when I need it……… I am committed to using it more and also trying to think of ways to teach my children who are 10 and 8.
Thanks again and it has been successful for me – think otherwise I would be slightly crazy~!!!!!!!!!!or medicated......
M S New Zealand
My name's Fitri from Indonesia. I'm a reader of your book 'Piece of Mind'. I know about your book from 'Quantum Ikhlas'. From the first time I read your book, I really like it, and then I decided to try your peaceful place method, I bought Peaceful Place Series CD for practice. Gladly I don't have any difficulties when doing this, I see my peaceful place easily. After several weeks practice actually I didn't really see the benefits although I love the feeling when I feel relax and happy there. And then one day, I feel so difficult to fall asleep, I use it, and it works! I can sleep just in few minutes. Although unfortunately I somehow not succeed for the second and third times. And then I use it again in different occasion, especially when I'm not feeling good because of some reasons (i.e disappointed, fed up) and WOW! It change my mood, my feeling instantly, I love it! As for me this is the benefit that I feel very useful in my life so far. I usually need to clear about my feeling first before go to peaceful place, and when I do both of these, the benefits become extra! I feel my problems suddenly disappear nowhere, like nothing happen, I become calm and objective seeing everything. And now I intended to use it in many others area in my life. I'm sure I'll get lots more benefit.
Anyway, I just want to say my deeply thank you for sharing this method. Many blessings to you and your family. May peace and happiness always be with you. Fitri Indonesia
Goals and PP
Hi Sandy - I just thought I'd let you know that I did the tandem skydive yesterday and survived unscathed! Leading up to the day I used goal settings/visualisation to successfully complete the jump in my mind and I used Peaceful Place to calm my nerves (needed to do that a few times on the ground and in the aircraft!) and called on the light to protect me! A friend attended to provide moral support. It was great to have him there. DS, Vic
Finger Nails
How nice of you to remember my birthday, thank you. It's been a few years now since I attended your weekend seminar and I will always be grateful for that experience. I often use many of the tools that I learned on that great weekend. It really was a most moving and positive experience in my life. I regularly visit my peaceful place (although not as often as I should) !!. But it is still there and I can return there in just seconds. I have had a long term history (many many years) of biting my finger nails. I am know the very proud owner of these fabulous long nails, (almost too long to type with !!) nails. I believe this came about as part of the weekend I spent at your seminar and a sense of peace I found within myself. With very best wishes to you and all the best for continued success, you truly are an amazing man. CL, Qld.
Sabotage of PP
Overcoming Sabotage of PP Example 1: Greg called me and said “I can't get to my Peaceful Place any more because when I sit on the beach and look out to the sea there is a big brick wall built right along the beach which prevents me from seeing the sailing boat with two red sails. What do I do?”
My response was ... “Recognise that what the subconscious mind is doing here is keeping you where you are now, which of course is its job. In other words, what it's attempting to do is to sabotage you from being able to get to your Peaceful Place because it doesn't want the new habit of being able to relax and release stress in less than 30 seconds. The next time you go to your Peaceful Place, go down to the brick wall and punch a hole in the wall, and put a window in it. Then come back to your spot on the beach, look through the window. When you have done that call me back and tell me what happens.”
I received a call back saying that as soon as he looked through the window, he saw the bo! at with the two red sails, and then the brick wall disappeared. Everything was fine from then on. Why did that happen?
Overcoming Sabotage of PP
Overcoming Sabotage of PP Example 2: Here's another example of sabotage, which occurred in a seminar. There was a gentleman who was about 70 years old, and loved horses. He's the original horse whisperer! He could get on the back of any horse in half an hour, and he described himself as a horse psychologist. Here's what happened.
You can guess where the focal point of his Peaceful Place was - in the saddle, on a horse! When we were doing the Peaceful Place exercise, I noticed that this man opened his eyes with a startled gesture of his arms and legs. I asked him why, and got the answer that, he was in his Peaceful Place and the horse started to gallop, and it galloped towards a 6m high barbed wire entanglement. He didn't want the horse to get into the barbed wire, so he came out of his Peaceful Place. I suggested that the horse could jump the wire, and he said that'! s not possible. I inferred that anything is possible in Peacef! ul Place - people can fly to their focal point, so why shouldn't a horse grow wings and jump over the fence? He gave it another try, and everything was fine. I think this is just a further example of how the subconscious mind can sabotage us. In other words, try to prevent us from getting to our Peaceful Place, and making the new habit of Peaceful Place.
Overcoming Sabotage of PP
Overcoming Sabotage of PP Example 3: I received a phone call from a doctor who had attended my seminar. The doctor wanted to be accompanied by her psychologist as she tested herself on the electro-encephalograph, because she couldn't get to her Peaceful Place. I anticipated that she was being sabotaged.
What was really interesting was that the electro-encephalograph showed that the lady was getting to Alpha in her Peaceful Place, but she only stayed there for about 2 seconds. I pointed this out to her and asked her to tell me about her journey to the Peaceful Place and her actual Peaceful Place. She described how she was carefully going up a! mountain side, and then peering over the top into a secret hidden valley. This was set in the United States, and the valley was occupied by Indians. It was really lovely - there were buffalo, teepees, and corn growing. She said that when she peered over the top and looked into the valley that everything had changed - the teepees weren't where they were before, the buffalos had moved, the corn had moved, and it wasn't as orderly. Her statement to herself was "It's changed - I'm not there" and she was quite annoyed. When you get annoyed, you're out of Alpha, and this explained why she was getting to Alpha just for a couple of seconds, and then she was totally back into Beta. I suggested that she allow the teepees to move, to allow the buffalos to move, to allow the crops to be rotated and be in a different area, and to make that okay, because really and truly, this is nature. She tried again, got to the top, peered over the edge, and stayed in her Peaceful Place
Overcoming Sabotage of PP
Overcoming Sabotage of PP Example 4: When I do seminars I always tell the story about! the Peaceful Place sabotage that Greg experienced sitting on the beach and not being able to see the two red sails because of the brick wall. One day I received a telephone call from a 16 year old girl saying - "My Peaceful Place is totally destroyed. It's a cave, up in a mountain, and I've done it out like my house. My focal point for my Peaceful Place is my bed. My bed collapsed, and I thought back to the story about the man and the brick wall across the beach. So I decided, not to worry, I'll build a stronger bed. The steel bed collapsed. Not to worry, I sat on a carpet on the floor. The carpet flew out the window. I thought I'd give it one more try so I sat in front of the fire, but the fire spat at me. Now what do I do?"
This was a special case. I asked the young lady, what was her journey to her Peaceful Place. She had a wonderful imagination, and described how she used to line herself up in front of a hill where she could just see the windows of the cave up in the mountai! n and then she pressed a secret stone key, and the mountain opened up. She went in to the mountain and it was like Disneyland, and she got on to one of the rides, with the music going, loving every moment of it, and this ride took her all the way to the back of her Peaceful Place. I said - "Stop there. What I want you to do is to make your new Peaceful Place chair (or focal point) the seat of your musical ride." Just to explain why this will be okay - I have measured many people on the electro-encephalograph and most of them are in the Alpha brainwave state as soon as they start their journey towards their Peaceful Place. I told her that with her imagination, I was sure she would be in the Alpha state as soon as she started her journey on the ride. Remember, the purpose of Peaceful Place is to get you to Alpha, so that you open the filter, so that you can access memory or change a habit.
Overcoming Sabotage
Overcoming Sabotage - Why does it happen? You can see from these examples the way the subconscious mind works in Alpha. The new habit of having a PP was not established so the subconscious mind used its power to stop building the neural pathway, with creative sabotage.
It's a good thing to recognise. Once you recognise that the subconscious mind is using sabotage then you can consciously take over. Speak nicely to yourself - your inner child - and be encouraging, just the same way you would encourage a 3 or 4 year old. "Come on. You can do this. It will be OK soon. Just do it again. You'll enjoy the process soon then it will be good for you " ... and much more.
Sabotage in PP
I continue to make progress. A strange thing that happened one night when I was quite concerned about my lack of air, (in my lungs) when doing my PP. I found that my relaxed place, instead of being vivid colours was all greyed out. Not worried because I still got to my PP but found it interesting. Have you ever heard of anyone experiencing this? ((Sandy's comment (look at this link and 446, 447, and 448) -
losing my son
I have had an unusual year. It’s funny; I didn’t know I was suffering depression until I started losing the negative effects of the condition and feeling ‘normal’ again. I have to say that following your CALM practices is what has helped relieve my mind of the stress of grief and loss. I do admire your strength and when I start feeling sorry for myself over losing my son, I think of the sudden multiple loss you experienced and the forgiveness you would have had to feel in order to heal yourself and assist others in the process.
As you know, I have followed your CALM practices working with students to help them set their study goals. The teachers have asked me year after year to repeat the process in the form of workshops and they say they take advantage of these workshops to reset their personal goals. Feedback from the workshops has been nothing but positive.
I always reference your work and give the students your website and your contact details
I am ever grateful for your assistance and hope that you will continue with your valuable work. F. J. QLD
My Peaceful Place is the same today
Thanks for the Mind Matters News. My Peaceful Place is the same today as it was the first time I clearly saw it whilst attending one of your seminars. To be honest, I have trifled with other methods since then, but it is the Peaceful Place that I first envisaged that is and remains the means by which I attain a merging of heart, mind and will and a oneness and stillness in time. I am grateful for the priceless gift of this wonderful tool. Thank you Sandy. E.H. NSW
use bits of your teachings
Your work has been so special to us and we use bits of your teachings all the time – Peaceful place, goal setting etc.
I for one really enjoy your Mind Matters News emails – they are a timely reminder of what CALM is about. Our Mum is still with us but of ill health and she enjoys your Emails and often mentions how wonderful the gift from CALM is to so many people. M.S. Vic.
your Peaceful Place
It is now many years since I attended your Peaceful Place Seminar, however the impact of your Peaceful Place work together with your personal story has had a continuing, beneficial, positive effect in my life and hence in those dear to me. In many situations I have spoken of your programme and found it helpful in assisting people to come to grips with life’s changes and challenges. So, simply, Thank You! C.J. NSW
back of a Chinese phoenix
I learned about peaceful place when Xian (our younger son) attended this course and the parents of those children sat through the teaching. It was a wonderful experience and to this day, I personally practise it.
To go to my PP, there is a ritual. I am delivered on the back of a Chinese phoenix who sets me down very gently on the sand leading into a lagoon. There are lots of trees and greeneries around, birds are flying but making no noise. I walk unhurriedly into the water and float on my back and stay that way.
Sometimes, when I am troubled for whatever reasons, I pin a post-it note to a coconut palm and leaving my problem(s) behind or tell it to go away before entering the lagoon. It works for me.
I also go to my PP on nights when I wake up and cannot return to my
sleep. It relaxes me and sends me on my way.
Thanks and all the best. OS H.K.