Sandra and I received considerable assistance for our trip to Myanmar and would like to assist others. A complete detailed review - a diary with with lots of photos - is available at this link 14 Days in Myanmar (formerly Burma)
These are our recommendations if you wish to travel to this remarkable, interesting and very Buddhist country which has only recently become more popular as a tourist destination as a result of the election of Aung San Soo Kyi.
Visas: Arrange your e-Visa, 4 weeks ahead through www.oway.com.mm pay by c/c US$125 for both including c/c charges.
Bangkok to Mandalay and Yangon to Bangkok %u2013 via AirAsia
Flights within Myanmar: book and pay through www.oway.com.mm %u2013 We flew by Air KBZ
Hotel Bookings %u2013 we booked through Agoda:
Mandalay: Hotel Yadanarbon
Bagan: Royal Bagan Hotel at Nyaung Oo (phoenetically sounds like %u201CYahoo%u201D)
Yangon: Hotel East
Inle Lake: %u2013 Shwe Inn Tha Floating Resort %u2013 3½ %u2013 4 Star, excellent staff %u2013 evening meals quite good. We did not visit due to time issues but look forward to going in the future. We were told of Inle Lake by our friends and have since seen a documentary.
For 13 Nights in Myanmar:
Inle Lake %u2013 3 nights %u2013 fly to Mandalay and then fly immediately (Return Flight) to Inle Lake
Mandalay %u2013 4 nights %u2013 make sure of doing a Road Trip to Pyin Oo Lwin (Maymeo) %u2013 need a whole day. Mandalay to Bagan %u2013 catch a bus opposite Hotel Yadanarbon (book it through the hotel)
Bagan (Nyaung Oo) %u2013 3 nights %u2013 make sure of a day trip to Mt Popa and then fly direct to Yangon. I believe Bagan is better (it is mostly older) than Angkor Wat in Cambodia
Yangon (formerly Rangoon) %u2013 3 nights and make sure that you are there all day Sunday as this is the only day that traffic is %u201Chalf OK%u201D. Make sure you have an early morning departure time from Yangon (traffic).
For 7 Nights in Myanmar:
Inle Lake %u2013 2 nights %u2013 fly to Mandalay and then fly immediately (Return Flight) to Inle Lake
Mandalay %u2013 2 nights
Bagan %u2013 3 nights %u2013 Return flights %u2013 you may need to return to Mandalay or fly via Yangon to go to Bangkok
We recommend taking US$100 notes which are clean and unfolded. You don't need smaller denominations of US$s. We think it is best to change US$ for local money and/or use ATMs to draw out local currency. The only places we found that accepted credit cards was at hotels.
Drivers we used:
Mandalay %u2013 Maung Aye: Ph: 09-797 186 885 or 08-452 549 448, email: maungaye012@gmail.com
Bagan %u2013 Tun-Tun Ph: 09-258 888 936 email: silvergirl.girl1@gmail.com.
Yangon %u2013 Dar-Boar: Ph: 09 503 8828, email: aungkyawoo207@gmail.com
Enjoy yourself.
All the Best
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Check out the 17 July issue of Mind Matters News.
Check out the Feb 24 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check out the January 27 Issue of Mind Matters News
Check out the Dec 14 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check out the Nov 14 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check Out the Oct 14 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check Out the Sep 14 issue of Mind Matters News about
How To Work With Assisting Healing
Colonel (retired) Sandy MacGregor was invited to attend as a DV (Distinguished Visitor) to address and take part in the US Army's 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) Training Program on the topic of Resilience. The Brigade is based mainly in Vicenza Italy and is the premier unit to react in Europe as and when called upon by the US Army. The timings were from 28 July to 3 August 2014 which was in the Brigade's Bayonet Week of celebrations. In Vietnam in 1965/66 this unit was known as 173rd Airborne Brigade and had, under command, 1 Royal Australian Regiment Group (1 RAR Gp). Sandy, as a Captain, commanded 3 Field Troop, Royal Australian Engineers and was in support of 1 RAR Gp. Thus at different times throughout the tour Sandy was under direct command of 173rd Airborne Brigade. (There are links to Sandy's Diary and his presentations below.)
In March 2009 Lt Col (now Colonel) Rupert Hoskin, Commander of 3 Combat Engineer Regiment (3 CER), was conducting a mental toughness and leadership exercise called %u201CPlan Shackleton%u201D in the Tully Training Area North of Townsville for his soldiers about to embark for Afghanistan. Lt Col Hoskin invited Colonel (retired) Sandy MacGregor to address his soldiers on Mental Toughness at the immediate conclusion of the exercise.
The soldiers had endured hardships of lack of food, little sleep, strenuous exercise and were wet and uncomfortable over the 5 day exercise. Lt Col Hoskin was aware of Sandy MacGregor%u2019s personal experiences of using his mental powers to assist him in overcoming tragedy, and his current public work with the subconscious mind. The immediate challenge for Sandy was to keep the soldiers awake for 2 hours.
Maj Aaron Cox was a US Exchange Officer attached to 3 CER and was the Executive Officer (XO) of 3 CER. He attended the presentation titled %u201CMental Toughness%u201D delivered by Sandy. Subsequently Maj Cox was posted as XO of the Special Troops Battalion of 173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne) based in Italy.
As part of its current directive to US Army units, emphasis is to be placed on the %u201CReady and Resilient Campaign%u201D. The www.army.mil website states %u201CIndividual resilience can be built, maintained, and strengthened when viewed as an enduring concept and acquired through regular training%u201D and it says that resilience is %u201CThe mental, physical, emotional, and behavioural ability to face and cope with adversity, adapt to change, recover, learn and grow from setbacks.%u201D
Part of the Commander of 173rd Brigade Training Policy includes %u2013
Total Soldier Fitness:
%u2013 Physical
%u2013 Mental
%u2013 Emotional
%u2013 Spiritual
And this contributes to the Army %u201CReady and Resilient Campaign%u201D.
Major Cox took the action of raising the topic of Sandy MacGregor giving several 2 hour presentations to the 173rd Brigade, similar to the one he heard delivered to 3 CER at Tully in 2009, as part of the Ready and Resilient Campaign and in particular the Mental aspect of Total Soldier Fitness. The Commander, Colonel Foster gave his permission and requested that Sandy also give the Brigade Ball Address for 30 minutes, focussing on:
1. Sandy%u2019s link to 173rd Brigade
2. Some of his experiences in Vietnam.
3. What it means to be resilient, and thoughts on moving forward to cope with tough times.
The timing was set down as the 173rd Brigade's Bayonet week being a week of celebration and competition, culminating in the Brigade Ball on Friday 1 August 2014. (About 350 participants).
The program of Presentation:
Monday 28 July: 11am %u2013 12.30 pm
Tuesday 29 July: 10am %u2013 12 midday
Wednesday 30 July: 10am %u2013 12 midday
Friday 1 August: 5pm to Midnight. Brigade Ball %u2013 Address for 30 min
Saturday 2 August: Drive to Poland %u2013 Drawsko Military Base%u2013 through Austria and Germany
Sunday 3 August: 9.30 %u2013 11.30 am %u2013 Presentation to Sappers and Infantry Company.
All presentations went according to plan, gifts were exchanged and Sandy MacGregor states that the whole experience is one to be remembered as an honoured highlight of his life.
1. Diary of Sandy%u2019s trip which includes photos Read it Here %u2013 includes a link to many more photos at the end of the diary.
2. Presentation See it Here %u2013 this includes further links to Pictures from Vietnam and the Tunnel Rats Documentary.
3. Ball Speech Read it Here.
All the best
Sandy MacGregor
Check out the August 13 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check Out the Jul 12 issue of Mind Matters News about
Tour To Vietnam - It's on 11 - 19 May 2015
Have a look at the Archives of the previous tour by clicking the dates within the link
Organised by Military History Tours.
Hosted by Vietnam Tunnel Rat Sandy MacGregor and if available Author Jimmy Thomson
Call Sandy 1 300 731 900
Yes I am planning another CHI!
The Next Creating Happiness Intentionally Seminar -
The CHI Seminar which is all about determining and moving towards your Life Purpose 29 April - 3 May 2015
Read about the seminar - details are here.
For more or to hold a spot call 1 300 731 900
Check Out the Jun 16 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check out the May 18 issue of Mind Matters News about
Check out the April 11 issue of the Mind Matters News about
Three Quick Things
1. I have started a section on my new website called How To Guides which are here http://calm.com.au/how-to-guides. The first one is How To Manage Stress - you'll get a surprise - one that you will want to share with others.
2. Sandra, my gorgeous wife, has read the book Piece Of Mind and it is available on the CALM Shop as an audio book here http://www.calm.com.au/shop/audio-books/piece-of-mind-audio-book-read-by-sandra
3. The CHI Seminar from 30th April to 4th May is definitely on - see below - you can join us. For Bookings: Go to the CALM Shop at this link
All the best
Sandy MacGregor
Check out the March 14 issue of the Mind Matters News about
Can You Assist Someone Who Is Angry, Hateful, Bitter Or Resentful
Check out the February 14 issue of the Mind Matters News about
14 High Distinctions For Mature Age Student
Check out the January issue of Mind Matters News about What's More Important - Habits or Goals?
Creating Happiness Intentionally (CHI)
Yes! - There is Another One
I announced last year that I would not be conducting further Creating Happiness Intentionally (CHI) Seminars. Although throughout the years many people have registered their interest in attending CHI, I do not enjoy "hassling" people by calling, emailing, etc... As I have always said, conducting the CHI Seminar is the "jewel in the crown" for me - I know that attending CHI is like giving yourself the gift of time to take stock and re-assess your direction in life, your goals and indeed your very Life's Purpose.
Having conducted what I announced to be my "last" CHI in August 2013, it reinforced once again for me how rewarding the entire experience is for all concerned. Of course I really would LOVE to conduct CHI again if possible, and, with the encouragement from many, I have conceived a new plan.
I will conduct the CHI Seminar when I have the required numbers.
I have now set aside dates for a Sydney CHI from Wednesday 30th April to Sunday 4th May 2014, to be conducted at the Chevalier Centre, in Sydney which is a wonderfully convenient venue (a beautiful hidden retreat at an old monastery - not far from Sydney Airport and the City Centre) and economically priced.
Ten people have expressed their commitment to attending the next CHI so now I need the $100 Deposit as confirmation of intention to attend - this can be done at the CALM Shop
Feel free to share the CHI information with others.
You can check out more about the CHI Seminar at www.lifepurpose.com.au.
All the best
Sandy MacGregor
"Your gift from God is your potential - Your gift to God is to use it."
CHI Seminar is a 5-Day/4-Night Live-in Seminar
In Sydney from Wednesday 30th April to Sunday May 4th 2014
Note for people who have not attended my 2 Day Life Skills Calm Seminar which was formerly a pre-requisite to attend CHI.
Instead, you can now attend what we call the Pre CHI Seminar which starts at 11am on Wednesday. This is a condensed CALM Seminar - being mostly the first day. You can book for the Pre CHI ($100) here.
Some Timings and Administration Details:
Timings: Pre CHI 11am to 5pm Wednesday
CHI Seminar 6:00pm Wednesday evening to 3 pm Sunday afternoon
Accommodation Component: A$125 per day (4 days - $500) - includes all meals, plus morning and afternoon teas.
Venue and Location: Chevalier Resource Centre, 1 Roma Avenue, Kensington (Sydney) - a beautiful, peaceful retreat (an old monastery) not far from Sydney Airport and the City Centre http://www.chevaliercentre.org/
Costs: Pre CHI A$100 Includes morning & afternoon teas, lunch and a Workbook
CHI Seminar A$1,497 includes Full Accommodation
Repeating the CHI Seminar A$997 includes Full Accommodation
Bookings: Go to the CALM Shop at this link
Time Payment: If required, by instalments as agreed with Sandy in a payment plan. Please send email to calm@calm.com.au or call 1300 731 900.
Military History Tour to Vietnam
Time to Plan Now For a May 2014 Tour
On behalf of Military History Tours I am hosting, together with my friend Jimmy Thomson, a tour to Vietnam.
The tour is 9 days from 12 May to 20 May 2014 (9 days - 8 nights). I am really looking forward to it.
To find out about it I suggest you go to http://militaryhistorytours.com.au/site/Vietnam.asp.
You can book at this link and then go to "Find Out More" and then "Send Me a Pack". If you have any queries call me on 1 300 731 900 or email.
All the best and have a satisfying and fulfilling 2014
Sandy MacGregor
Check out the December issue of Mind Matters News about Taking Responsibility
Our new website design is live, we would love to hear what you think of it
Check out Sandy's Wikipedia page - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_MacGregor
I am Patron of the Charity Mine Victims and Clearance (MiVAC) started by the Tunnel Rats from the Vietnam War. We primarily assist the Survivors of mines in South East Asia and yes we need people to spread awareness, to assist, to join and to donate - please have a look at the site www.mivactrust.org.
Donations to MiVAC Trust Have Assisted Clearing Landmines in Lao PDR This report is about the First Lao Woman to Detect a Dangerous M14 landmine
MiVACs Help is Heartwarming - a newsletter about our help at Kohai School in Lao PDR.
Newest Documentary from MiVAC - Mine Victims and Clearance in Lao PDR
Here is the link to MiVAC on You Tube MiVAC (Mine Victims and Clearance).
The Latest News From The Humanitarian Project in Lao PDR
You will find videos of support from John Laws and Dick Smith plus a talk with Macca from Australia All Over and a presentation (3 parts) to a Rotary Club by yours truly.
Sandy's Other Web Sites
Videos on You Tube
Here is the Link to Sandy's Current Videos if you go there please leave a comment
I have 2 blogs and would love you to leave comments at them! One is a blog about your fantastic mind and the other is more about the Science of the Mind.
Are you Interested ........
In assisting me achieve my life's purpose by making others aware of OUR POWER WITHIN and how to TAP THAT POWER? If you are I have a great affiliate system where you can earn 27% of and of my books, CDs, DVDs or Packs that anyone buys through you. Go to this link and learn about Sandy's Affiliate System and the SignUp Form is here and then I will be in contact with you.
Sandy MacGregor as your CALM Mentor Coach
Have a look at the link - you can be personally trained Use Sandy as your CALM Mentor Coach. There are two products one being an email and the other is telephone or skype time with Sandy.
Check Out the Oct 14 issue of Mind Matters News about
Yes I am planning another CHI!
The Next Creating Happiness Intentionally Seminar -
The CHI Seminar which is all about determining and moving towards your Life Purpose 29 April - 3 May 2015
Read about the seminar - details are here.
For more or to hold a spot call 1 300 731 900
Tour To Vietnam - It's on 11 - 19 May 2015
Have a look at the Archives of the previous tour by clicking the dates within the link
Organised by Military History Tours.
Hosted by Vietnam Tunnel Rat Sandy MacGregor and if available Author Jimmy Thomson
Call Sandy 1 300 731 900