Story from N.K
I'm using PP to assist with memory recall and have had success with names, places and events of years gone by. I also use it for a very stressful 10 hour working day - it makes work life easier & quicker & I feel less tired by the end of the day.
Story from R.A, NT
Thank you for the wonderful experience of your seminar I recently attended. Learning - How do I remember to remember. The task was so daunting - it took me 6-7 weeks to learn the poem (enclosed). I wrote it out, I read it out loud while walking. I am now convinced step one to Alpha is to write in colour the steps, then put them on tape or use your tape (your voice is more convincing than mine), listening to it while walking till I get the message into my subconscious so that I can practise it. I know this may seem a little strange, or far-fetched, but for me, the simplest task takes a while before I get the hang of it. I’ve come into the office to do some photocopying - a simple task for some, but for me I’m still struggling with photocopying on both sides so that they are both up the right way! I don’t give myself such a hard time any more about it. I’m learning to laugh at my mix-ups. I had an experience while in Sydney with my Eftpos Card.
I needed to get some money out of my account. As I walked around town to find a machine, I was trying to think of my pin number. I couldn’t for the life of me remember it. All sorts of thoughts came rushing through my mind. I didn’t panic. What was I going to do? Number one, stay calm. Well maybe if I put the card in the machine I will remember. I still wasn’t sure as my finger pushed on the numbers, but out came the money, so what a relief! Phone numbers, names of people I know well, sometimes I’ll be able to recall them, other times not. This was the problem when I was working - having total memory blanks. I had little notes everywhere to remind me. It was hard working with people who made jokes about my notes. STRESSED TO THE MAX!
Thanks to you and your methods, I have found a way to move forward and remember at school, learning spelling words - I still make the same mistakes on the simple words.
I have analysed and come to realise why I felt so stuck, bogged down. Just like a bogged car. A bogged car that is stuck needs packing under the wheels or a push or pull to assist it out of the bog - it is unable to do it on its own when it’s really stuck. As you said, it’s Okay to ask for help when I need it. I now know my way to freedom is to ask or seek assistance. It will take a while, but that’s okay.
Mind Mapping
Story from T.V, NSW
I now “Chart” my letters to my family, and by the time I have finished, what with pictures and hearts and so on, it really looks great. I use coloured pens and make it very happy looking. Our two grandchildren aged 9 and 11 are going to “chart” me a letter this week, and I am looking forward to it. For me, it was my way to practise charting, and I enjoy it so much I don’t think they will get many boring letters any more! It will be a fun way for the children to keep in touch — they used to send us lovely letters printed on the computer and that was nice. This will be a different way and they will easily learn to “chart” a letter to us and learn a new skill for life. Both my husband and I go to PP and have found this really lets us put purpose into our life.
Story from K.M
I am a music teacher and one of my students was becoming frustrated with trying to play the organ. I suggested to her that she stop! put her hands in her lap, close her eyes and see herself playing skilfully. She said she could imagine that and after a few moments when she opened her eyes she went on to play beautifully.
Story from L.K, NSW
I am writing to tell you what a turning point in my life the CALM seminar has been. I have learned skills I never even though imaginable. I feel I have discovered my own magic powers. I am using the skills learned in CALM in all facets of my life with huge success and the area I have encountered most success is with the creative mediation.
I am a singer/songwriter and a pianist. I always knew this was an area my life was directed, however I had a very hard time writing songs. That is, of course, until I learned how to use the power of my creative mind through meditation. It was an instant success. I simply asked myself whilst deep in meditation what the next lines to the song were. Line by line the perfect words would just come to me and writing them down as I went I was shocked to see how a song was forming in front of my eyes and it was just perfect.
I always seemed to know what I wanted to write about but found it very difficult to find the right words. Since using this method I have been able to very quickly and easily assemble songs and poetry that I am pleased to call my own.
I am still flabbergasted today at how the answers to my questions just come and I often wonder about the amount of information, ideas and visions I can source from within my mind.
Sandy, I cannot express the appreciation I have for what you have taught me. You have given me so much more than was promised. It has opened a door way into a life I didn't know I had. I now so look forward to the future.
To anyone reading this letter who has not yet discovered the CALM weekend, my only advice is JUST DO IT!
Study Effective
Story from W.V
I hadn’t studied for quite a while and was really apprehensive about the approaching exams. I used alpha for studying (great for concentration), then gain just before the exams, and several times during the exams. After the exams I was confident of having passed two out of three, but, magic! – I got three credits.
Study Effective
Story from S.A
I used Mind Charts to help my mother study for a ceramic teacher's course. My mother said "Oh no, this is too difficult, too involved" and only looked at them once. Nevertheless in the exam she found that the Mind Charts came back into her conscious mind and she was able to draw on them to top the class in the exam!
Study Effective
Story from P.M
I used Alpha to pass exams and had no trouble at all. Work commitments prevented me from studying as much as I would have liked and once thought necessary. Now I can relax in class and absorb far more information that goes into long term memory so I don't have very much revision out of class hours to be able to do well in exams. I am much more confident now and through positive reinforcement of successful exam situations am finding taking exams a lot less stressful.
Study Effective
Story from P.Y, NSW
I used Sandy's tape Achieving in Exams and Effective Study for studying Business Statistics. During the last month before my exams I would listen to the tape and then study with Accelerated Learning Music. I knew I had done my best and I got copies of past papers which I studied during my relaxation. During the 10 minutes reading time I was able to recall my mind maps and the answers just came flooding into my mind and the exam was so easy that I knew I had been successful. I got the A I visualised.
Study Effective
Story from H.J
Before commencing my Business Degree at UTS in 1995 I attended the CALM Seminar. I used the ability to go to my PP and set goals for my study and also listened to the Accelerated Learning tapes whenever I studied. Since then I attended the Study Skills seminar, where I learnt specific skills to assist with my study. I perfected my mind mapping skills and improved my memory, through this course. Before attending these seminars my study had been haphazard and undirected. The most valuable thing I learned from these seminars was the ability to focus and concentrate on my study, ingredients which are imperative for success. Using these methods I have maintained a distinction average throughout my degree.
Study Effective
Story from T.H, NSW
Just a few lines to say thank you for all the information and skills you equipped me with at the CALM Seminar this past weekend - it was fantastic! I feel so excited knowing the difference that using the skills will continue to have in my life.
I just wanted to take a few lines to summarise what I have already gained, simply by using the suggestions and skills you give in Students Steps to Success. Just 10 days before my second year Psychology exams, a friend lent me a copy of this book; it appealed to me greatly as I was fast running out of time to study for these exams. My study required the reading of two 1000 word Psychology text books - it seemed impossible to achieve this and learn the material. I skimmed your book and was immediately drawn to the chapter on ‘speed reading’. However, with such little time left till exams and my scepticism about whether I could actually learn speed reading in time for my rapidly approaching exams, I wasn’t sure it was worth the risk of trying your methods. Well, all I can say is that it was the most profitable risk I have ever taken. I spent no more than one hour actually practising the techniques before I ‘tested’ myself by reading a Psychology Journal article. It took me less than a minute to read the article. However, still sceptical of whether I had actually taken in what I had read, I decided to write out all the points I remembered, and to my delight and surprise I had missed only one important point!
The following night my husband gave me a four page article about a caving trip he was planning to take. After reading the article in less than 90 seconds, I handed it back to him. He thought I hadn’t bothered to read it and must not be interested. Can you imagine his surprise when I proceeded to tell him every detail in the article!
Well, by now I was convinced that the techniques in your book work, and work well. In just three days I completed reading and studying the required text books. I practised going to my Peaceful Place and while I was there decided to imagine myself in the exam. I visualised myself sitting in the exam room feeling peaceful and confident and knowing the answers. Well it worked!!!! I actually enjoyed the exams and felt totally confident throughout the exams (with a little help from the odd visit to my PP). However, when I met with my friends following the exams I was a bit shocked to find that most of them had found the exams difficult and very stressful. My confidence started to take a dip. Five long weeks later I finally received my exam results, and to my delight I achieved Distinctions for both exams. While I had put in a really hard three days studying, I had previously taken at least three weeks to cover the same amount of material - I was totally delighted!!!
Again, thank you so much for passing on all the information you did at the seminar. I just can’t wait to see the results as I continue to practise what I have learned.
Study Effective
Story from S.M, NSW
This year I commenced an external university course undertaking a full time workload of eight subjects a year – twice the normal external workload. Well meaning friends suggested this may be difficult, giving the usual reasons. I participated in your weekend workshop, and the other participants were interested in what subjects I was going to start with. Everyone reeled in horror when I mentioned Statistics. Well, Maths had never been my best subject during High School in the ‘70’s. I was beginning to worry. If people who work with numbers all the time have difficulty with Stats, what hope do I have? Later that day we had a session on setting and achieving goals. My goal was to achieve a Distinction in Stats and Sociology, secretly regretting ever considering doing Stats.
During the following week I received the course outline — it looked very complicated and intimidating. I used your study techniques as well as PP (and some help from my husband). Although the work was rather difficult, I averaged 85% each assignment. The next hurdle was the exam.
In my PP I visualised feeling calm during, and easily completing, the exam. I also visualised opening the letter stating my results — a Distinction of course. When the results did arrive, I was rewarded with a High Distinction. I felt (and still feel) very pleased with myself. Thanks Sandy.
Study Effective
Story from B.W, NSW
As a high school teacher I constantly use the activities in Sandy’s book “Students’ Steps to Success”. Something wonderful happens for students in this process. They learn how to learn. The students can apply the learning to all types of situations, not just academic. They take charge of their lives! I also use the book at home with my family. My son is 6 and he uses the techniques. I consider the issues dealt with as the most fundamental to successful learning. I implore every student and every teacher to make the central focus in any learning situation, this user friendly learning package.
Students Success Stories
from J.B
Since your seminar I have excelled both academically and in sport. I just had my first semester's report in which I got near straight A's in Maths and English and all straight A's in Italian. In Italian I used your technique of studying in Alpha. I did this and I got 97% for the test. My handwriting has also improved drastically.
And with the mental alarm clock thing, to time yourself to wake up before the alarm clock, I use the same technique to use as a mental notebook. So in Alpha I will say to myself "At 6.30 I will remember to mow the lawn." And I think of me mowing the lawn. It stops me from forgetting things. And it
WORKS!! At 6.30 my mind just fills with mowing the lawn.
Students Success Stories
Story from J.T
If you think you are beaten you are
If you think you dare not
you don't
If you like to win but think
you can't
It's almost sure you won't
If you think that you'll lose you've lost
For out in the world you'll find Success begins with a fellow's will
It's all in the state of mind.
J.T started the speech that she gave recently with the above piece. She went on to tell how in Year 12 she had been told to drop every "superfluous" activity and focus completely on study. She gave up public speaking, trips to the gym, singing - all the things she really enjoyed doing. Her life took a nose dive - she started neglecting her body by overeating, not exercising, not meditating, the time she sat in her room to study she was not studying at all .... It got to the stage where I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had done Sandy's CALM Seminar so I did have some information for self-help in my head and I also had a great deal of pressure surrounding me that I gave in to because I did not have complete control over where I was going. What I needed to know was how to maximise the use of meditation. It was at this low point that I contacted Sandy, asking him if he could throw some light on the situation ... I desperately needed help if I was to survive the HSC. Sandy helped me to regain some balance in my life and I resumed some of the things I loved to do. The important factors in allowing me to survive the exams and assessment periods during my HSC were the methods I have been taught at Sandy's seminars. Also reading "Student's Steps to Success" pointed out a few elements of study and taking care of yourself in simple enough language I believe nearly
any HSC student could benefit from it. Knowing what most students go through during year 12, I believe that reading this book is a big plus. I also used the methods set out in Sandy's tape "Achieving in Exams" to prepare myself before, after and during the exam.
Students Success Stories
Story from H.A
I practise my PP 15-20 times a day, on my bed, in the car, and sometimes at school. Now I can get to my PP in about 3-4 seconds (I practise a lot). I used it to set goals for swimming competitions - my Alpha obviously helped me get the best results ever! The Alpha has also helped me with school work, as I am more organised and find myself listening better to the teacher. I also get more ideas for creative work such as title pages and posters. I also got into Dance group and Band, which I was unable to get into last year.
Students Success Stories
Story from H.A, NSW
I use PP for academic purposes, sport and any other ordinary things such as getting to sleep or hiccups. My first goals were for swimming. I used PP in school competitions and reached the finals at Regional - my first time. I then continued to set other goals - this time to gain a scholarship to high school in 1996. Using PP and my ability gained me four scholarships! I was (and am) overjoyed! Still I set goals, this time in Cross Country and Athletics. I achieved 7th place at District for 3km and 1st place in 800 metres athletics and gained 3rd place in long jump.
Students Success Stories
Story from E.D
I'd like to thank you for introducing me to my PP where I've learnt a lot about myself. I still have a long way to go but I'm determined to achieve my goals which you have helped me set. The study course with Lorna was fantastic and it helped me to ease into the PP Seminar. I recently had exams and used mind maps to study for biology and received 91%. I can honestly say that is all I used - as proof to myself I refused to use any other method. This is evidence to me that the knowledge I have gained in both seminars will allow me to achieve whatever I set my mind to. The most outstanding for me is my English and the change mind maps have made. I moved up 20 ranks after discovering how to mind map my information and to plan my essay. Thank you - I will continue to use everything you have taught me.
Students Success Stories
Story from M.L, Vic
A couple of days ago I got my Semester 1 Results (including exam results) back. I thought I’d send you a copy to just prove that your book really works. My Mum started crying when she read my results sheets and my Dad was very pleased and happy that all my hard work, had finally paid off. Dad even took the sheet to work and photocopied it 10 times!
I must admit that in the last weeks of the Semester I lost my Peaceful Place and I also forgot that there was a whole section in your book that was on achieving good exam results. When I have my next exams, I will remember to read it.
I remember that last year when I was sitting a test, I sat at the front of the classroom all nervous and shaking. Then I remembered my Peaceful Place and I went to it. I will never forget that feeling of calmness and happiness all through my body — it certainly was a great feeling to know that you’re all relaxed and ready to go. Unfortunately, I can never get back to that state again.
On these holidays, I tried to do your book again. I played the PP tape (about creating it) and I said to myself. ‘I’ll go there every day twenty times.’ I did it the first two days, but then I forgot all about it. When I really need to go to my Peaceful Place, like when I’m trying to sleep it’s not there.
I also re-read your whole book again and learnt some new things like ‘tomorrow never comes’ and to trick your sub-conscious mind. To be honest with you, I think I did half the book and then I just read the other half. I’m very slack these holidays.
I really like the ideas in your book. It really helps me. I recently read another book on ‘things to do and things not to do in life.” One of the tips was ‘one day, try and be nice to everyone for 24 hours and bite your tongue if you’re going to say something not nice.’ I’m trying it today and I think it’s only ‘half working.’
Thanks again for your phone call. I’m going to try and go to my Peaceful Place twenty times a day, starting now!
Students Success Stories
The following two success stories are from young Sisters:
This is my story of my great success which I achieved with the help of your book and courses. At the start of Year 6 I continuously received test results ranging from 70-80% in both Maths and English. It was than that I started to read your book "Students Steps to Success" and I set my goal for myself - to get over 80%. Daddy promised me that every mark over 80% was worth a dollar. Then in the next test that I sat for I went to my Peaceful Place and completed the test calmly, more relaxed than ever before. When I received my results I was so pleased that I had got the top marks in my class and received $9 and a special dinner dedicated to my success. I am now in my final term of Year 6 and have received the result of 100% in my Maths test and 92% in my English My PP and Emotional Anchor have helped me a lot. My goal is now set to be a zoologist and with all my positive reinforcements I believe that I will achieve it. Thank you for all your help and great ideas that you have shared with me. M.B. Sydney.
I would like to share my recent success story with everyone. Two years ago I was average at Maths and English. I always struggled with both. I had a concrete goal to improve my ability and my grades in all my subjects. I began thinking of my Peaceful Place, to remain calm in exams and while studying. I reinforced my Emotional Anchor and used personal, positive and present thinking. Immediately I saw an astounding result. When my yearly exams came I reached the top advanced class. This year I am in year 9, I am studying Advanced Maths, and Advanced English. In a recent English test I scored a whopping 91% (before I would be lucky to receive 60-70%. I did a maths test set by the University of NSW and I came in the top 13% of Australia. I was the only person in my school who got a "Distinction". The moral of my story is: "If you think you can't, you won't. If you believe you can, you always will." Thank you Sandy for your wonderful techniques that have kept me motivated and reaching for the stars. I hope this encourages other children, because nothing is impossible! Never let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. J.B. Sydney
Students Success Stories
Story from W.D, Canberra
Although I completed Sandy’s Student’s Seminar in Year 9, it was really at my Mum’s insistence. However the seminar became an awareness of what could be done. I took no action in Years 9 and 10. At the beginning of Year 11 I worked through SSS book, colouring in each summary page of the book. I then used my Peaceful Place (PP) and played the Accelerated Learning music during my study time. I did not do any mind charts at this time.
Following the Trial Exam in Year 12 I was disappointed with my Business Studies Trial Mark of 60%. It was essential that I do well in this subject so I turned again to Sandy’s book “Students Steps to Success”. I committed myself to mind mapping the complete Year 11 and Year 12 course in Business Studies prior to the HSC (primarily this meant summarising the text book). I always played Accelerated Learning music and worked in my PP while I prepared my mind maps.
I had a bit of an extra disadvantage because in primary school I wore coloured glasses because of being diagnosed with Scoptic Sensitivity. At the end of Year 7 the school was worried about my reading ability and sent me to a special course with my Mum and when I was tested again in Year 9 my reading was still at primary school level.
All the preparation was worth it with my joy of achieving a mark in the top 10% of the state in the HSC and the best thing was I only had to read the textbooks once.
Of course I did a lot of preparation and I have made a detailed account of the steps I took between the text books and final mind map (Sandy has a copy of all this). These steps to mind mapping could be reduced with practice.
The hardest part of the exercise was the first 3 weeks (that is the note taking time for the whole course) when self-sabotaging thoughts included “What’s the point”, “All this time and for what benefit”, “It won’t work”, “Others aren’t doing it, why should I”, “This is NOT fun – just a waste of time”. My dedication to my goal was tested many times and I felt like giving up. However once I progressed to drawing and learning the mind maps it all changed. Seeing 100 plus pages of textbooks on one A4 sheet was the first benefit I realised. From there it was full steam ahead – learning and recalling the mind maps was the easy part. You can imagine how great I felt about myself and felt that all the time and work was worth every minute when I got my result.
Students Success Stories
Story from B.R, Sydney
The school that I teach at has a values based approach to education, which has contributed largely to the academic success of the students in our school. I first introduced the ideas put forward in your book "Piece of Mind" when I began teaching here in 1999. Like myself, the school principal felt that your ideas on Accelerated Learning were excellent and so we decided to incorporate some of your beliefs into our values based program. The results have been outstanding! Every child in our school uses the Peaceful Place method of going into their Peaceful Place to achieve the Alpha mind state. The children are being taught more and more about how their brain operates and therefore how to achieve better results. The feedback from our parents has been remarkable, some have even purchased copies of your book to use in their homes.
Students Success Stories
Story from H.S, Vic
I attended your seminar at Shepparton. I would like to tell you that it was a great day, and I know it will help me out a lot with exams, speeches, job interviews and many more things along the way in my life. It has already helped me out. If I have fights, I got to my peaceful place which makes me feel better, and it also helps me out to see the other person's point of view too, so that person doesn't get sad because I don't say something that makes them upset. I work it out with them. It really has helped me.
I have bought both your Students Steps to Success book and tape. I listen to your tape when I am finding it hard to sleep, when I am bored, or whenever I am trying to get things done and I can't. I am starting to read your book today, and I know that I will enjoy it.
Meditation for Study
Story from C.N. Vic
Hi Sandy I am still using your active meditation tapes after 12 years and am very happy to see that they are now available on CD so I can load them to my ipod. I am currently teaching my teenage sons how to meditate especially for their study, so the study CD will be very useful. Thank you.
Study and change
Story from P.S. ACT
I’d love to provide you with a bit of a summary of my experiences with the Peaceful Place CDs and the
Piece of Mind book. My sister actually has had the
Students Steps to Success book for quite some time and lent me the
accompanying CDs, which is how I came to explore your works further. Below is a bit of an outline and if you need any further details just let me know and I would be happy to oblige.
I’ve been using the PP10 and PP11 over the past 5 years and have found them to be extremely beneficial, both in terms of improving my self-confidence and ability to handle new situations, as well as achieving my goals in my studies.
In terms of PP10, I would have to say its impact on how I’ve coped with the transition from high school to university, and the new challenges one faces with university work; being able to juggle classes and assessment and excel in stressful exam periods is immeasurable. Also with many changes occurring for me at home, with my parents divorcing and some times of grief, I’ve found it’s been very useful as a time to just release and let go of the day’s tensions, and often revisiting my Peaceful Place throughout the day (porpoising) has been a real help to maintain relaxation and a sense of calm. I love being able to turn around any situation in which I may feel unsure/apprehensive about, and with repetition of the meditation, those circumstances can become positive times, and enjoyable moments in my life, instead of potentially negative memories. This period of life has also been a really important time for personal growth, so PP10 has also helped to re-affirm positive thoughts and emotions of self-love and worth into my subconscious, and has helped to create a real appreciation for myself as a unique individual. I also feel that this has then begun to shine through in my communication with other people, and how I approach life more generally.
A lot of things that I would have felt anxious about in the past, no longer seem so scary. An example of this would be when one day, after I’d been doing the PP10 meditation for a while, I finally felt courageous/confident enough to start going to dance lessons by myself. This had been something that I’d had a desire to do for quite some time, but it wasn’t until I started picturing myself actually being confident walking into the classroom and able to take that time for myself, that I actually achieved it. More generally, I’ve used the Self Confidence and Worth meditation in developing confidence in group situations where communication often seemed a little difficult and I had felt out of my depth.
The combination of using PP10 and PP11 has had a great impact on my college and university studies thus far too. With the pressures of leaving school and achieving in Year 11/12 exams to make it into uni, having a time to focus on achieving specific, subject-related goals has been very helpful. As with anything, often when you start it is all a bit daunting and you feel a little apprehensive about how it will work out. But, after using PP11 on some subjects and not others at school and seeing the results, I am convinced that PP11 helped me to make it into uni and get to where I am now today in my studies. With every new semester at uni comes four new subjects and the prospect of four major final exams in 15 weeks time. I’ve successfully placed my goals for these exams inside my mind’s eye – usually at the start of each semester – and over many repetitions throughout the semester, have found that I
achieve my goals (or thereabouts) infallibly every time. This has worked for me over so many subjects in the past that I’m already practising
PP11 for my next four!
The techniques of using mind charts and creating a positive feeling about a particular learning activity has really helped me in achieving far beyond what I could initially believe possible. Going into each lecture open and wanting to learn the subject matter, and going to my Peaceful Place and bringing my lecturers/teachers in there to teach me, has had an indescribable impact on how much I remember and retain from those classes. Then, from imprinting those lessons into my subconscious I can readily recall the knowledge in exams and for assignments, and even just in conversations with other students or family. It makes discussing questions with teachers after class about something I didn’t completely understand at the time a lot easier as well. It’s awesome! And it makes learning so much more fun!
I will be going into my 4th and final year of a combined Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce degree this year, and with the technique of setting goals for each of my subjects, I’m sure I will achieve exactly what I want to in order to complete my undergraduate degrees successfully.
Study - returning to
Story from P.E. NSW
I was a single parent working mother of two sons when I returned to University to gain degrees in psychology; it had been over 30 years since I had studied. I had bought Sandy's Students Steps to Success CDs, and would listen to them every night before I went to bed with headphones. Thanks to discovering Sandy's CDs my self confidence levels increased and my ability to relax and actually enjoy studying increased. Yes, that is right! I ENJOYED studying. How is that possible? Learning to build and "get into" my peaceful place within seconds played a major role in overcoming test anxiety and developing effective study techniques. Without question Sandy's study and exam techniques are profoundly invaluable and empowering!
I would visualise the grades I was aiming for and see hear and see feel how the outcome would be after I had achieved the exam results. I was actually EXCITED when I entered the exam room for the first time -confident that I had retained all the information I had learned by using the techniques on the CDs. Prior to using Sandy's CDs my confidence was at an all time low and I suffered exam anxiety. Not this time! ... I walked into that exam room smiling and felt somewhat apart from others who were looking nervous, walking to my desk. When it was time to turn over the exam paper in preparation to begin the exam I actually SMILED! Previously taking this approach prior to an exam was not something that would fit for me. Smiling turning over an exam paper! But yes, smile I did and didn't I feel good – I even found myself saying "The exam is easy -- it is as though I wrote it myself"... as Sandy suggests on his CD.
Student's Steps to Success enabled me to relax in 30 seconds flat and to understand the power of the subconscious mind in retaining information and accessing it at the right time ..... The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse! I would set myself goals and achieve them without stress knowing that my confidence was growing and stress was going and most of all to love myself. Unconditional love is a major factor without a doubt. Self confident, thanks to discovering your CDs Sandy back then I breezed through my study and exams. Getting into my peaceful place in the exam room helped me beyond measure. With deep gratitude.
Peaceful Place - to achieve
Story from M.G. SA
Hello Sandy. It's been a long time since I started using the Peaceful Place technique (1996). I credit it with contributing in large part, to the persistence I have been able to exercise in getting to the stage of being in the last few months of my first ever degree. Not only am I about to complete a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major, in Psychology and Philosophy, but I hope (and expect) to obtain an honours year in 2008, with the eventual aim of completing a PhD.
So it's not just the short term benefit of PP that is important - and in 1996, that was substantial, but the possibility of achieving major changes in life-skills and long-term well-being that is available
Mind Charting
Story from E.D. NSW
I'd like to thank you for introducing me to my Peaceful Place where I've learnt so much about myself. I still have a long way to go but I'm determined to achieve my goals which you have helped me set. As a chronic migraine sufferer the seminar was valuable in helping me to control them. I'm proud to say I have taken only 1/3 of the painkillers I used to and I hope to stop altogether.
Just recently I had my exams and particularly Biology in which I received 91%. In regards to the Mind Charting and picturing myself with a high result in Biology, I can honestly say that this is all I used to get 91%. As proof to myself I refused to use any other method. This is evidence to me that the knowledge I have gained will allow me to achieve whatever I set my mind to. The most outstanding for me is my English - I moved up 20 ranks!
The mind is a powerful thing and I thank you Sandy for teaching me this. I realise now it is up to me to achieve my goals, like finishing the HSC with the best possible TER I can receive. Thank you once again for bringing a change, a positive change into my life which I will never forget.
Achieving in Exams
Story from M.B. NSW
This is my story of my great success which I achieved with the help of your book and courses. At the start of Year 6 I continuously received test results ranging from 70-80% in both Maths and English. It was than that I started to read your book "Students Steps to Success" and I set my goal for myself - to get over 80%. Daddy promised me that every mark over 80% was worth a dollar. Then in the next test that I sat for I went to my Peaceful Place and completed the test calmly, more relaxed than ever before. When I received my results I was so pleased that I had got the top marks in my class and received $9 and a special dinner dedicated to my success. I am now in my final term of Year 6 and have received the result of 100% in my Maths test and 92% in my English. My PP and Emotional Anchor have helped me a lot. My goal is now set to be a zoologist and with all my positive reinforcements I believe that I will achieve it. Thank you for all your help and great ideas that you have shared with me.
Study and Success
Story from J.B. NSW
I would like to share my recent success story with everyone. Two years ago I was average at Maths and English. I always struggled with both. I had a concrete goal to improve my ability and my grades in all my subjects. I began thinking of my Peaceful Place, to remain calm in exams and while studying. I reinforced my Emotional Anchor and used personal, positive and present thinking. Immediately I saw an astounding result. When my yearly exams came I reached the top advanced class. This year I am in year 9, I am studying Advanced Maths, and Advanced English. In a recent English test I scored a whopping 91% (before I would be lucky to receive 60-70%. I did a maths test set by the University of NSW and I came in the top 13% of Australia. I was the only person in my school who got a "Distinction". The moral of my story is: "If you think you can't, you won't. If you believe you can, you always will." Thank you Sandy for your wonderful techniques that have kept me motivated and reaching for the stars. I hope this encourages other children, because nothing is impossible! Never let anyone stand in the way of your dreams.
Recalling a name
I gained so much from your Meditation Seminar and put the theories to the test after our very first coffee break with amazing results. I was chatting with a lady and when we returned to our seats I tried to remember her name - total amnesia! So, even prior to you telling us that our memory lies in the sub-conscious mind, I went to my Peaceful Place to see if that might help - I thought of a lot of names - no, it had gone. Then suddenly her name just popped into my head. I couldn't believe it. As you say, it's not until you prove it to yourself that you are hooked SM, NSW
Study and life changes
Hello Sandy. It's been a long time since I started using the Peaceful Place technique (1996). I credit it with contributing in large part, to the persistence I have been able to exercise in getting to the stage of being in the last few months of my first ever degree. Not only am I about to complete a Bachelor of Arts, with a double major, in Psychology and Philosophy, but I hope (and expect) to obtain an honours year in 2008, with the eventual aim of completing a PhD.
So it's not just the short term benefit of PP that is important - and in 1996, that was substantial, but the possibility of achieving major changes in life-skills and long-term well-being that is available. MG SA
Students Study
Dear Sandy, Here is my testimonial. It took me a couple of days to write and to get it to roll smoothly and to cover the study tapes, seminar and the CD Seminar ... Hope you are doing well ... We are so grateful ..We, my mother who is 74 and I, LOVED the seminar! Many blessings to you ! Love, Elita
It was 1996 and I was a single parent working mother of two sons when I returned to University to gain degrees in psychology. It had been over 30 years since I had studied. I had bought Sandy's tapes, "The Students Steps To Success." I would listen to the tapes every night before I went to bed with headphones. Thanks to discovering Sandy's tapes my self confidence levels increased and my ability to relax and actually enjoy studying increased. Yes, that is right! I ENJOYED studying. How is that possible? Learning to build and "get into" my peaceful place within seconds played a major role in overcoming test anxiety and developing effective study techniques. Without question Sandy's study and exam techniques are profoundly invaluable and empowering!
I would visualise the grades I was aiming for and see hear and feel how the outcome would be after I had achieved the exam results. I was actually EXCITED when I entered the exam room for the first time - confident that I had retained all the information I had learned by using the techniques on the tape. Prior to using Sandy's tapes my confidence was at an all time low and I suffered exam anxiety. Not this time! ... I walked into that exam room and to my desk, smiling and felt somewhat apart from others, who were looking nervous. When it was time to turn over the exam paper in preparation to begin the exam I actually SMILED! Previously taking this approach prior to an exam was not something that would fit for me. Smiling turning over an exam paper! But yes, smile I did and didn't I feel good. I even found myself saying "The exam is easy -- it is as though I wrote it myself".. as Sandy suggests on his tape.
In one exam paper I remember there were 100 multiple choice questions -- all containing lengthy possible answers. If I encountered a question to which I was not aware that I knew the answer to I would say to myself "the answer is coming" and then move along to the next question OR drop into my peaceful place for 30 seconds or less and guess what? The answer would come just as Sandy had said on the tape - typically within 2 or 3 questions further along. This tape was invaluable to me and gave me the confidence, clarity and focus I needed to succeed in exams and study. I used it over and over and was able to visualise the grade I wanted and how I would feel when I was handed back the graded exam paper. I have to say it was one of most effective techniques that assisted me during these University years. Very Powerful!
Student's Steps to Success enabled me to relax in 30 seconds flat and to understand the power of the subconscious mind in retaining information and accessing it at the right time ..... The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse! I would set myself goals and achieve them without stress knowing that my confidence was growing and stress was going and most of all to love myself. Unconditional love is a major factor without a doubt. Self confident. Thanks to discovering your tape back then I breezed through my study and exams. Getting into my peaceful place in the exam room helped me beyond measure
Then in September 2007 I had the pleasure of meeting Sandy when I attended the 3 Hour Active Meditation Seminar/Workshop. I had recently moved to Northern NSW. I was undergoing a major adjustment/ adaptive process in a new geographical area. I had recently relocated after 20 years and missed my previously established social network. In addition to this major change my husband and best friend died from cancer 18 months ago. It was a loss of immense magnitude, exacerbated by the geographical relocation - many changes in a short space of time which significantly effected me at all levels.
I can't begin to explain the shift in consciousness that I experienced after attending the Active Meditation. I was totally transformed by it and had the opportunity to practise the Peaceful Place and apply experience and apply Sandy's techniques first hand. Sandy is amazing ... I can't sing his praises enough. During a seminar one feels as though one knows him personally.
The key to understanding how creative visualisation works is to first understand that your subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is fiction. It simply creates your reality, based on the image that you visualise. You will learn about the freedom of Forgiveness and to expand your comfort zones -- this is freeing in itself.
I also purchased the Life Skills Seminar DVD and CD Program. This incredible system teaches and shows you how to use all your powers so that your conscious mind and subconscious mind are working for you -- for the rest of your life! Developing these powerful forces is much like raising a child. You need to work with them gently, constantly nurturing them. Sandy's seminars and Audio and DVD programs show you how to do this. Here you will begin to learn and understand the power of the mind and how it can be accessed through Sandy's incredibly awesome and effective system. You can learn the ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere. Meditation and creative visualisation can improve our communication with the subconscious mind.
I now use these techniques with my clients who have also achieved awesome and life changing results. Thank you Sandy you are an inspiration to us all and a walking example of how love heals and how powerful the mind is. Thank you again Sandy and I hope to meet up with you again soon. With deep gratitude. Elita Purcill, Holistic Psychotherapist and Life Coach. NSW.
Students self confidence
Dear Sandy, Here is my testimonial. It took me a couple of days to write and to get it to roll smoothly and to cover the study tapes, seminar and the CD Seminar ... Hope you are doing well ... We are so grateful ..We, my mother who is 74 and I, LOVED the seminar! Many blessings to you ! Love, Elita
It was 1996 and I was a single parent working mother of two sons when I returned to University to gain degrees in psychology. It had been over 30 years since I had studied. I had bought Sandy's tapes, "The Students Steps To Success." I would listen to the tapes every night before I went to bed with headphones. Thanks to discovering Sandy's tapes my self confidence levels increased and my ability to relax and actually enjoy studying increased. Yes, that is right! I ENJOYED studying. How is that possible? Learning to build and "get into" my peaceful place within seconds played a major role in overcoming test anxiety and developing effective study techniques. Without question Sandy's study and exam techniques are profoundly invaluable and empowering!
I would visualise the grades I was aiming for and see hear and feel how the outcome would be after I had achieved the exam results. I was actually EXCITED when I entered the exam room for the first time - confident that I had retained all the information I had learned by using the techniques on the tape. Prior to using Sandy's tapes my confidence was at an all time low and I suffered exam anxiety. Not this time! ... I walked into that exam room and to my desk, smiling and felt somewhat apart from others, who were looking nervous. When it was time to turn over the exam paper in preparation to begin the exam I actually SMILED! Previously taking this approach prior to an exam was not something that would fit for me. Smiling turning over an exam paper! But yes, smile I did and didn't I feel good. I even found myself saying "The exam is easy -- it is as though I wrote it myself".. as Sandy suggests on his tape.
In one exam paper I remember there were 100 multiple choice questions -- all containing lengthy possible answers. If I encountered a question to which I was not aware that I knew the answer to I would say to myself "the answer is coming" and then move along to the next question OR drop into my peaceful place for 30 seconds or less and guess what? The answer would come just as Sandy had said on the tape - typically within 2 or 3 questions further along. This tape was invaluable to me and gave me the confidence, clarity and focus I needed to succeed in exams and study. I used it over and over and was able to visualise the grade I wanted and how I would feel when I was handed back the graded exam paper. I have to say it was one of most effective techniques that assisted me during these University years. Very Powerful!
Student's Steps to Success enabled me to relax in 30 seconds flat and to understand the power of the subconscious mind in retaining information and accessing it at the right time ..... The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse! I would set myself goals and achieve them without stress knowing that my confidence was growing and stress was going and most of all to love myself. Unconditional love is a major factor without a doubt. Self confident. Thanks to discovering your tape back then I breezed through my study and exams. Getting into my peaceful place in the exam room helped me beyond measure
Then in September 2007 I had the pleasure of meeting Sandy when I attended the 3 Hour Active Meditation Seminar/Workshop. I had recently moved to Northern NSW. I was undergoing a major adjustment/ adaptive process in a new geographical area. I had recently relocated after 20 years and missed my previously established social network. In addition to this major change my husband and best friend died from cancer 18 months ago. It was a loss of immense magnitude, exacerbated by the geographical relocation - many changes in a short space of time which significantly effected me at all levels.
I can't begin to explain the shift in consciousness that I experienced after attending the Active Meditation. I was totally transformed by it and had the opportunity to practise the Peaceful Place and apply experience and apply Sandy's techniques first hand. Sandy is amazing ... I can't sing his praises enough. During a seminar one feels as though one knows him personally.
The key to understanding how creative visualisation works is to first understand that your subconscious mind does not know what is real and what is fiction. It simply creates your reality, based on the image that you visualise. You will learn about the freedom of Forgiveness and to expand your comfort zones -- this is freeing in itself.
I also purchased the Life Skills Seminar DVD and CD Program. This incredible system teaches and shows you how to use all your powers so that your conscious mind and subconscious mind are working for you -- for the rest of your life! Developing these powerful forces is much like raising a child. You need to work with them gently, constantly nurturing them. Sandy's seminars and Audio and DVD programs show you how to do this. Here you will begin to learn and understand the power of the mind and how it can be accessed through Sandy's incredibly awesome and effective system. You can learn the ability to relax and release stress any time, anywhere. Meditation and creative visualisation can improve our communication with the subconscious mind.
I now use these techniques with my clients who have also achieved awesome and life changing results. Thank you Sandy you are an inspiration to us all and a walking example of how love heals and how powerful the mind is. Thank you again Sandy and I hope to meet up with you again soon. With deep gratitude. Elita Purcill, Holistic Psychotherapist and Life Coach. NSW.
Self Confidence and exams
I’d love to provide you with a bit of a summary of my experiences with the Peaceful Place CD’s and the Piece of Mind book. My sister actually has had the Students Steps to Success book for quite some time and lent me the accompanying CDs, which is how I came to explore your works further. Below is a bit of an outline and if you need any further details just let me know and I would be happy to oblige.
I’ve been using the PP10 and PP11 over the past 5 years and have found them to be extremely beneficial, both in terms of improving my self-confidence and ability to handle new situations, as well as achieving my goals in my studies.
In terms of PP10, I would have to say its impact on how I’ve coped with the transition from high school to university, and the new challenges one faces with university work; being able to juggle classes and assessment and excel in stressful exam periods is immeasurable. Also with many changes occurring for me at home, with my parents divorcing and some times of grief, I’ve found it’s been very useful as a time to just release and let go of the day’s tensions, and often revisiting my Peaceful Place throughout the day (porpoising) has been a real help to maintain relaxation and a sense of calm. I love being able to turn around any situation in which I may feel unsure/apprehensive about, and with repetition of the meditation, those circumstances can become positive times, and enjoyable moments in my life, instead of potentially negative memories. This period of life has also been a really important time for personal growth , so PP10 has also helped to re-affirm positive thoughts and emotions of self-love and worth into my sub-conscious, and has helped to create a real appreciation for myself as a unique individual. I also feel that this has then begun to shine through in my communication with other people, and how I approach life more generally.
A lot of things that I would have felt anxious about in the past, no longer seem so scary. An example of this would be when one day, after I’d been doing the PP10 meditation for a while, I finally felt courageous/confident enough to start going to dance lessons by myself. This had been something that I’d had a desire to do for quite some time, but it wasn’t until I started picturing myself actually being confident walking into the classroom and able to take that time for myself, that I actually achieved it. More generally, I’ve used the Self Confidence and Worth meditation in developing confidence in group situations where communication often seemed a little difficult and I had felt out of my depth.
The combination of using PP10 and PP11 has had a great impact on my college and university studies thus far too. With the pressures of leaving school and achieving in Year 11/12 exams to make it into uni, having a time to focus on achieving specific, subject-related goals has been very helpful. As with anything, often when you start it is all a bit daunting and you feel a little apprehensive about how it will work out. But, after using PP11 on some subjects and not others at school and seeing the results, I am convinced that PP11 helped me to make it into uni and get to where I am now today in my studies. With every new semester at uni comes four new subjects and the prospect of four major final exams in 15 weeks time. I’ve successfully placed my goals for these exams inside my mind’s eye – usually at the start of each semester – and over many repetitions throughout the semester, have found that I achieve my goals (or thereabouts) infallibly every time. This has worked for me over so many subjects in the past that I’m already practising PP11 for my next four!
The techniques of using mind charts and creating a positive feeling about a particular learning activity has really helped me in achieving far beyond what I could initially believe possible. Going into each lecture open and wanting to learn the subject matter, and going to my Peaceful Place and bringing my lecturers/teachers in there to teach me, has had an indescribable impact on how much I remember and retain from those classes. Then, from imprinting those lessons into my subconscious I can readily recall the knowledge in exams and for assignments, and even just in conversations with other students or family. It makes discussing questions with teachers after class about something I didn’t completely understand at the time a lot easier as well. It’s awesome! And it makes learning so much more fun!
I will be going into my 4th and final year of a combined Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/ Commerce degree this year, and with the technique of setting goals for each of my subjects, I’m sure I will achieve exactly what I want to in order to complete my undergraduate degrees successfully. P.S. ACT
SubC - vast storehouse
Student's Steps to Success enabled me to relax in 30 seconds flat and to understand the power of the subconscious mind in retaining information and accessing it at the right time ..... The subconscious mind is a vast storehouse! I would set myself goals and achieve them without stress knowing that my confidence was growing and stress was going and most of all to love myself. Unconditional love is a major factor without a doubt. Self confident, thanks to discovering your CDs Sandy back then I breezed through my study and exams. Getting into my peaceful place in the exam room helped me beyond measure. With deep gratitude. PE, NSW
proud of this accomplishment
I got more from the 2 day Life Skills Seminar than I expected, as those two days were the only time I had alone with Les. It was a very special weekend and one that I will never forget. Apart from being able to spend quality time with my father-in-law, I also picked up study skills that have helped me complete a course of study which I had been putting off, and I graduated with a B+ average. I am very proud of this accomplishment as I almost quit twice. Once when my husband was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And again when Les was diagnosed with the brain tumor.
nursing degree
I'm going really well! i'm half way through my nursing degree at uni and i'm going well with my grades! I still use the relaxation and study techniques you taught me and i find them very useful! And dad makes sure i never forget either! LOL! He is always asking me if I'm using my study and relaxation techniques! R.A. NSW.
My Most Profitable Risk
Just a few lines to say thank you for all the information and skills you equipped me with at the CALM Life Skills Seminar [some time ago]- it was fantastic! I feel so excited knowing the difference that using the skills will continue to have in my life.
I just wanted to take a few lines to summarise what I have already gained, simply by using the suggestions and skills you give in your book Students Steps to Success also (Instant download now available). Just 10 days before my second year Psychology exams, a friend lent me a copy of this book; it appealed to me greatly as I was fast running out of time to study for these exams. My study required the reading of two 100,000 word Psychology text books - it seemed impossible to achieve this and learn the material. I skimmed your book and was immediately drawn to the chapter on ‘speed reading’. However, with such little time left till exams and my scepticism about whether I could actually learn speed reading in time for my rapidly approaching exams, I wasn’t sure it was worth the risk of trying your methods. Well, all I can say is that it was the most profitable risk I have ever taken. I spent no more than one hour actually practising the techniques before I ‘tested’ myself by reading a Psychology Journal article. It took me less than a minute to read the article. However, still sceptical of whether I had actually taken in what I had read, I decided to write out all the points I remembered, and to my delight and surprise I had missed only one important point!
The following night my husband gave me a four page article about a caving trip he was planning to take. After reading the article in less than 90 seconds, I handed it back to him. He thought I hadn’t bothered to read it and must not be interested. Can you imagine his surprise when I proceeded to tell him every detail in the article!
Well, by now I was convinced that the techniques in your book work, and work well. In just three days I completed reading and studying the required text books. I practised going to my Peaceful Place and while I was there decided to imagine myself in the exam. I visualised myself sitting in the exam room feeling peaceful and confident and knowing the answers. Well it worked!!!! I actually enjoyed the exams and felt totally confident throughout the exams (with a little help from the odd visit to my PP). However, when I met with my friends following the exams I was a bit shocked to find that most of them had found the exams difficult and very stressful. My confidence started to take a dip. Five long weeks later I finally received my exam results, and to my delight I achieved Distinctions for both exams. While I had put in a really hard three days studying, I had previously taken at least three weeks to cover the same amount of material - I was totally delighted!!!
Again, thank you so much for passing on all the information you did at the seminar. I just can’t wait to see the results as I continue to practise what I have learned. T.H. NSW
My goal is now set
This is my story of my great success which I achieved with the help of your book and courses. At the start of Year 6 I continuously received test results ranging from 70-80% in both Maths and English. It was than that I started to read your book "Students Steps to Success" and I set my goal for myself - to get over 80%. Daddy promised me that every mark over 80% was worth a dollar. Then in the next test that I sat for I went to my Peaceful Place and completed the test calmly, more relaxed than ever before. When I received my results I was so pleased that I had got the top marks in my class and received $9 and a special dinner dedicated to my success. I am now in my final term of Year 6 and have received the result of 100% in my Maths test and 92% in my English. My PP and Emotional Anchor have helped me a lot. My goal is now set to be a zoologist and with all my positive reinforcements I believe that I will achieve it. Thank you for all your help and great ideas that you have shared with me. M.B. NSW
peaceful place and using mind maps
From kindergarten my daughter had a learning difficulty. No-one had any answers as to why and it was only her determination and parental support that 'kept her head above water' until Year 11. Then her art teacher (bless her) suggested we read Sandy MacGregor's “Piece of Mind”. By building her peaceful place and using mind maps ("opening the filter" in her brain) my daughter now had new learning tools. At the end of year 12 she had a TER of 82.55 and a scholarship to uni. Continuing with Sandy's techniques she gained 2 degrees, one in Commerce/Marketing at Western Sydney and then one in Law at Sydney Uni. She now is an animal welfare lawyer and has a confidence in her abilities that is a joy to behold. Thank you Sandy F.K. NSW
I was aiming a bit high
I have read your books “Student Steps To Success” and “Switch On to Your Inner Strength”. I am at uni studying psychology, and every day while I write essays, prac reports, or do my readings I have the PP1 Instrumental audio playing. It gets me to the space I need to be to focus and concentrate.
I used the achieving in exams CD, and thought perhaps I was aiming a bit high when I decided to write that down my goal of: I will get 87% in my business stats exam, on such-and-such a date… (never believing that I would get it) and then was completely blown away when I got 91%!!!!!
I love them, use them every day and wanted to let you know I "walk the talk"!! TC W.A.
I can readily recall
The techniques of using mind charts and creating a positive feeling about a particular learning activity has really helped me in achieving far beyond what I could initially believe possible. Going into each lecture open and wanting to learn the subject matter, and going to my Peaceful Place and bringing my lecturers/teachers in there to teach me, has had an indescribable impact on how much I remember and retain from those classes. [Everything - and more - is a the site]Then, from imprinting those lessons into my subconscious I can readily recall the knowledge in exams and for assignments, and even just in conversations with other students or family. It makes discussing questions with teachers after class about something I didn’t completely understand at the time a lot easier as well. It’s awesome! And it makes learning so much more fun! PC NSW
rather challenging family issues.
I would like to share the following with you as I credit so much of what I am about to tell you to the wonderful insights I gained from your workshops.
Just over four years ago I attended one of your sessions in Sydney and not long after this I was accepted into the Queensland College of Art...... a dream I had aimed for for a very very long time. I set my goals extraordinarily high ...and am now about to graduate ..... I have completed my degree with an academic record of 14 high distinctions, an HD for every subject I sat. As a consequence I have been awarded a Griffith University Medal for academic excellence and the Trevor Lyons Award for Print Making. Whilst I was doing my degree I worked 30 hours a week as an Artist in Residence at two local schools and as a tutor to 50 private art students. Both my parents died during the last two years of my study and I also experienced some other rather challenging family and personal health issues.
I know this sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet...the point I want to make however is that I could not have achieved this if I had not participated in your workshops, developed my meditation practice, learnt to set goals, built a peaceful place, developed my resilience and so on. I followed your student guide to educational success to a tee.
I really could not have achieved this without the benefits of your wisdom, life experience, workshops and so on. I am a very strong believer in your approach to life matters.
Sandy I cannot thank you enough! M.M. QLD
14 High Distinctions For Mature Age Student
In the last MMN I foreshadowed that a full description of M M’s study techniques would be available, whereby as a mature age student M M achieved 14 High Distinctions over 3 years. M M had family challenges including the death of her parents during this time, which makes her achievement even more remarkable. What follows is the emailed sequence of events including a complete description from M M – thank you M M.
M M’s First Email To Sandy
Just over four years ago I attended one of your sessions in Sydney and not long after this I was accepted into the Queensland College of Art...... a dream I had aimed at for a very, very long time. I set my goals extraordinarily high ...and am now about to graduate ..... I have completed my degree with an academic record of 14 high distinctions, an HD for every subject I sat. As a consequence I have been awarded a Griffith University Medal for academic excellence and the Trevor Lyons Award for Print Making. Whilst I was doing my degree I worked 30 hours a week as an Artist in Residence at two local schools and as a tutor to 50 private art students. Both my parents died during the last two years of my study and I also experienced some other rather challenging family and personal health issues.
I know this sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet ... the point I want to make however is that I could not have achieved this if I had not participated in your workshops, developed my meditation practice, learnt to set goals, built a peaceful place, developed my resilience and so on. I followed your student guide to educational success to a tee. At present I am taking a tiny break from your wonderful music audios ... I'm surprised I have not worn them out .... I don't think this will last for long as they are so important to calming my mind. I might add I commenced a sound and supportive yoga practice two years ago which has provided a wonderful balance to all that I have learnt from you. It hasn't all been plain sailing as my family will tell you, however I did it and we all survived!
Plans for next year .... a year off to work on my arts practice which, thanks to uni, is now very sound. Will then decide if I want to do Post Grad, it’s a big debate between being an artist and having a more academic slant. A year off will be great, I can spend more time with family, grand-children and a wedding as well ..... and of course there are a million art projects, exhibitions etc – all good. Will need to sit down soon though and prioritise those goals again.
Sandy I mentor a number of children and teenagers with their art practice and the skills I have learnt from you are so valuable for them as well.
Email from Sandy to M M
What I would like you to do is to spell out how you used the Student Steps To Success – including the book
You perhaps used the Kit and Book more in the first year and then went on and used ,say, only components of it later. Did you use Mind Charting all the time? Did you use the process of 7 Steps to Accelerated Learning? Which meditation did you use most – No 10 and no 11? Did you use Infinite Joy or the AL Music or both. Did you use daily goals? Did you use Accelerated Reading? And many more questions!!
You received great results and I have a couple of other people who are just starting to work with the Learn Faster Kit. The more information I can give them the better.
M M’s Description Of Her Study Regimen
I hope I can answer this successfully... the most important thing I did was to read and listen to the Student Steps to Success several times. (From Sandy – The Learn Faster Kit incudes the book and 3 audio tapes which is what MM read and listened to) I probably am a bit obsessive..... and whilst doing this I made sure that my peaceful place, emotional anchor and meditation skills were all strongly implanted into my daily way of being. (From Sandy – the Kit also has two meditations – “Self Worth and Confidence” and “Achieving in Exams and Study.”)
The other most important thing I did was to set my goals ... big ones, middle sized ones and small ones. I made sure I had lots of small goals so that I felt a sense of achievement on a regular basis. I recorded these and then made ticks and stars and used children's stickers as a reward system ... amazing how well it worked. By recording even the smallest successes, then when something didn't go my way I was able to balance disappointment or frustration against the ticks ... and it didn't seem to matter how small an achievement, it just balanced out. Flexibilty and being able to shift the goal posts when relevant was also very important – I constantly changed and realigned my goals throughout the course. I had to work very hard to develop this skill. (From Sandy – to be fair – this is not taught in the Learn Fast Kit but in the live-in Seminar Creating Happiness Intentionally.)
In the beginning I tried to do everything in the book and realised that that wasn't possible all at once. As the study progressed I drifted in and out of phases eg Mind Charting or focussing on a different one of the 7 steps. Somehow different things took on a different relevance at different times and these often changed according to the subject I was studying. Through meditation I maintained an open mind and made many wise decisions in this state.
Stopping negative mind chatter has always been an enormous problem for me and I used mediation and goal achievement to assist this. Infinite Joy especially useful here. I had some big challenges for as well as working 30+ hours a week and dealing with my son who has some major issues, both my parents died during this time. Again meditation was the key here plus lots of bright colour...... clothing, writing with felt pens, flowers etc. I worked very hard at keeping a positive spin on everything and focussed on remembering good things and accepting things as life's journey. I focussed through meditation on the fact that I wasn't a victim. Forgiveness of myself and others was also very important here. (From Sandy – the meditation “Forgiveness” is not in the Learn Faster Kit.)
I am an extremely intuitive person and I listened closely to my intuition. I found that different procedures or skills were better for different subjects. Sometimes I would focus on mind mapping or a particular meditation but then would become overfamiliar with it and then had to discipline myself to not be lazy and then to switch to something else that rekindled my interest. I re-read the books and re-listened to all the tapes each holiday to refresh...very valuable.
Music was very very important and as well as using Sandy's CDs (From Sandy – 2 Baroque Accelerated Music CDs are in the Learn Faster Kit) excessively (it’s a wonder they still work) I sourced other music as well. I had to work at not becoming complacent. About half way through I started to get bored with all the techniques etc and eventually I took up yoga and found a couple of good instructors. I found yoga a brilliant companion to Sandy's teachings and that really gave everything a big boost and my yoga practice combined with Sandy's philosophies are fantastic. It helps my mental discipline as well as physical wellbeing it helps me to relax...therefore better meditation....
I undertook some accelerated reading instruction and also worked hard at learning when to disassociate myself from negative people and situations. You can not study if your head is full of other people's negative rubbish. Using my peaceful place image was great for blocking out negative people.
When I re-read this is sounds wasn't.... it took a great deal of discipline.....I am using the word discipline in its original meaning of to learn (which is a positive connotation)... learning about myself and my potential through the power of meditation. My family will tell you that at times I was just plain horrid and revolting to live with so maintaing an honest communication with everyone was very important. Again through the skills I learnt I kept reassessing and shifting my goal posts in a way I have never done before.
Tomorrow is my graduation day and my entire immediate family, my husband two daughters and my son are attending my ceremony and as a family we are going out to dinner. Despite my sometimes difficult moods (assessment times) I have become much more aware of how I interact with others and peaceful place and meditation maintain the honesty. I have become very good at switching to a relaxed state in seconds. When I do I'm often told that I all of a sudden look taller.
Achieving my Fine Arts degree with a major in Print Making and Drawing has been a life long goal and I never once lost sight of that goal. I had always dreamed of achieving high grades. I had to convince myself that I could and I did this by starting with small goals that got bigger as I progressed. I did however keep them realistic...... and somehow it all worked. It amazes me how often a solution will just appear if I follow what I call Sandy's ground rules, starting with a peaceful place, sound meditation and goal setting practice. Then all the steps to following the accelerated learning pathway fall into place.
I found that with my new approach to my life skills other opportunities arose and I was able to go overseas twice on two study tours. I have never been in a position to do this before. I believe that amazing things happen if we set goals that are true to us.
Sandy I hope this helps I have just sat down and written this as it has come into my head...I think the spontaneity captures best the real essence of what has happened. Let me know if there is anything else you want me to add. (From Sandy – you will notice that M M said in her original letter to me “Both my parents died during the last two years of my study and I also experienced some other rather challenging family and personal health issues”. This is a huge challenge to go through at any time let alone whilst studying and should never be underestimated.)
So, if you are interested in achieving in study then M M's letter will be useful. I have another site dedicated to study which will also be useful -
A Teacher's Story
All is very good here, I have been very busy and enjoying my new Alpha Wave business focus, you will see below I have created a new business name/logo and thought I would tell you about my first pilot workshop I had this weekend!!
I had a couple of teachers attending as well as 7 teenagers and some friends and family and I was very excited. Since I finished your CHI course I have been studying madly and expanding my knowledge about the RAS, PP etc., and working on getting a fun 3 hour seminar together directed at teenagers to teach them PP and about the Alpha Wave.
I am proud to say my seminar went really well and I received lots of encouragement to continue in this Education area.
I am aiming to offer workshops to secondary schools so am keen to see how my pilot workshop goes this weekend. Thanks for all of your help, training, blessings and emails, you have not been far from my mind or my heart. D.J. TAS