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How CALM Research Centre Uses Biofeedback
Feedback is information telling you how you have responded to a situation.
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Paper 1. New and Old Science Behind My Work at CALM
I have written 3 Papers which include excerpts from other MMN and many Links and Videos which summarise the new and old science involved with the subconscious mind. For instance changing Neural Pathways is now called Neuro Plasticity.
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Paper 2. About the Subconscious Mind Taken From Various Mind Matters News
Here is Paper 2 of 3 in the series The New and Old Science Behind My Work and it is worth repeating what I teach about.
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Paper 3. What Some of Todays Trainers Say About the Same Subject
Here is Paper 3 of 3 in the series The New and Old Science Behind My Work. Once again it is worth repeating what I teach about.
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Summary of Science of the Mind
A Little bit of History.
I first referred to our ability to work with the subconscious mind as Inner Strength. (It is as well to remember that Sigmund Freud only discovered the subconscious mind in 1915 and it was many more generations before it was proven that one could deliberately influence the subconscious mind.) Then, through the Military, I referred to it as Mental Toughness. This has developed to be the 'in-word' today into developing 'resilience'.
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The Science Behind Guided Imagery
Laurence found two more papers which are extremely interesting and contribute to all the work I have been doing at CALM in the last 27 years. I intend to bring these papers to you, one at a time, with comments from me at the end of the paper.