- Getting Started
- Here you will be able to navigate to the most important areas of the CALM site all within a couple of mouse clicks. Familiarise, Discover and Achieve!
- Articles
- A complete listing of all the articles within the CALM site. Topics relating to Handling Life Issues, Meditation, Health and Self Improvement
- FAQs
- Learn from others who have asked questions relating to Handling of Life Issues, Meditation, Health and Self Improvement
- How-To Guides
- How-to guides based on various CALM topics, containing clear steps (including audio and video) outlining how to achieve success in the topic area using the CALM techniques
- Success Stories
- Learn from others who have achieved their goals by using the CALM meditation techniques combined with the power of their subconscious mind
- Videos
- A wealth of information about the subconscious mind in these videos of Sandy MacGregor and the CALM seminars
- Mind Matters News
- Signup to receive a monthly newsletter, Mind Matters News, from Sandy and the CALM Research Centre
- Seminars
- CALM offer CHI Seminars, Meditation & Life Skills Courses, Corporate & Student Seminars teaching practical and effective skills in meditation, overcoming anxiety & depression, stress management, goal setting, weight release and much more
- Stress Test
- Check your stress levels by completing this short stress test, receive results and advice instantly
- Free Stuff
- Free material relating to meditation, overcoming anxiety & depression, stress management, goal setting, weight release and more
- Sandy's Short Talks
- Talks Presented By Sandy MacGregor. The duration is generally from 20 minutes to an hour. For Charities and Service Organisations, there is no charge
- Become a Partner
- Partner with us to help us reach the world using the easy CALM techniques