This is a long delayed, but no less sincere 'thank you' for the wonderful CALM Seminar I attended. I have been a housewife for 24 years after marrying and having 4 children. Prior to that I was a Management Consultant. Needless to say in the family-raising years that followed, my business skills, especially in communication and self-confidence, diminished somewhat. I found it difficult to set meaningful goals, although I often made lists of what to do for the day – or even the week. That's as far as it got. I noticed my self talk was not always as positive as I would have liked, nor was my memory what I'd wish it to be. Goals were never set – I just drifted along, not daring to believe that my goals were really achievable. Since completing the CALM Seminar I've been more positive, more calm. My memory has improved. I'm making a conscious effort to set goals and can see they are achievable. For the very first time in my life I feel I'm getting to be in control. 'If it is to be, it's up to me' was just a platitude.
Being able to feel that sense of control has given me more self confidence. I feel very optimistic about the future. I know I have a purpose. I feel capable. My PP is so special to me I go there many, many times a day to let go of all negativity. To just BE. It's my special place where I feel only GOOD.
The whole seminar was extremely well presented, kept lively and very informative, invaluable in its scope and variety and accessible to folk of different backgrounds and belief. It's been of great help to me Sandy and I'm very indebted and grateful to you for such a fine program. Sandy, congratulations and thank you HEAPS for all you've done and are doing.
Story from M.M. Tas
Story from M.S. NZ
Story from A.N. Tas
Thank you for your latest email. I am currently on leave from my teaching job due to a condition called spasmodic torticollis. I have had this condition for nearly two years now but I only discovered what it was last year. I have tried many alternative therapies without any success. Last year I attended one of your seminars in Tasmania. I am not very good at switching off in public as I tend to feel quite anxious and distracted. However I joined in with the group meditation at the end and I was amazed to discover when it was over that I could hold my head straight for the first time in eighteen months. I bought your book and set of meditation CDs. I have listened to the healing CD a couple of times but I let an ill friend borrow it a few months ago and haven't listened to it since. After reading your email I will ask for it back and possibly we could share it between us. After the success at your seminar my head began to involuntarily turn to the right again a couple of hours later. I know that I should be listening to the CD at least once a day and I have now made up my mind to do so. You are so right when you write about letting go of things such as status etc. for change to happen. My husband and I have decided to get rid of our mortgage by selling our house and moving into a smaller one. I will be able to cut back my hours of work until I feel I want to go back for more hours. I may decide to pursue a different line of work. I also agree with the fact that you have to let go of guilt and anger as it can replay over and over in your mind making you a bitter and unwell person. Since I have been ill I have slowed down and spent more time listening to my husband and two teenage daughters. Now I really listen not just nod my head whilst letting my thoughts be elsewhere.
I am going to meditate twice daily in an attempt to heal myself and avoid another session of botox to the muscles in my neck. This didn't work the first time and I am due for another lot soon. I will let you know how the meditation goes.
So thank you once again for your valuable advice and for keeping in touch.
Story from S.M. NSW
Story from C.D. NSW
Story from K.J. NSW
Story from M.T. NSW
I would like to share my feedback with you and all your readers. I completed the seminar approx 5 years ago and have been using PP during that time. I suffer from Myocarditis which is defined as inflammation of the heart muscle and in my case causes an accelerated heart rate and chest pains - I have found that PP has help me greatly because I can control the heart rate and the pain by going to my Peaceful Place. I would like to thank you
Story from J.N. USA
The CDs are wonderful. I'm now using them on a daily basis and things are indeed changing. On January 1st, I suffered a heart attack and had to be rushed to the hospital where I had three stents implanted. I spent two days in the cardiac care unit and then released. I had no idea I was so ill! And still can't believe I actually had a heart attack. There was no damage to the heart muscle because I got help so quickly. Two more stents will be inserted on the 3rd February and I'm looking forward to getting that done. My husband was amazed at my calm throughout the whole affair, but I have to credit that to you and the peaceful place exercise. I was able to remain calm fully knowing what was happening.
On the way to the ER, I kept telling him to slow down and that I would be alright. I can't believe how much better I feel since I had the stents done but am still having to take it easy. I'm so glad that I did not have to have open heart surgery. If this had happened just a few years ago, this would have been a quintuple bypass operation. But I am doing fine. By the way the first time I tried the Healing Yourself CD - I did it at night just before bedtime. I was so energized after I did it, that I wanted to get up and do housework or work on my gourds. Of course, I didn't. But find it best to do it in the morning and in the afternoon.
Story from R.H. Vic.
How are you? I did your course when you came to Melbourne. Sorry it has been six months to write and let you know how I'm going. Firstly I have to tell you that doing your seminar was one of the best things I have ever learnt and really appreciate what you did for me. Peaceful Place is a part of my life every day even if it's for 1 to 3 minutes and I do your Relaxation and Meditation CDs most days. It is and always will be a part of my life as it helps me so much in how I feel and daily stress. I have moved to Perth 3 weeks ago to be with my father and my sister and brother. So nice to be home with family. I am feeling well and look after my health just starting to get back into a routine. I am still doing alternative things and still choose not to do chemo and full surgery for breast cancer. I feel a lot better having my family here to support me. I hope all is going well for you Sandy and your family and I always think of you when I listen to your calming and caring voice on the CD. I hope in the future we can meet again. Take care and all the best.
Story from T.T. Tas
I had my first heart attack at about 8.30pm one hot Tuesday evening (would you believe that it was still 30 degrees in Hobart) just after completing my regular evening workout. I was sitting down putting on my socks when the symptoms first struck. I was alone, everybody else having left the gym, and the staff were at the other end of the complex. They were too far away to hear, and I could not raise my voice loud enough to be heard outside of the change room. I knew that the next person due in there was the cleaner, and that was not till 9.00pm. It was what happened next that makes me truly indebted to you Sandy. I went to my Peaceful Place and was able to bring down my pulse rate, control the sweating and feeling of nausea and "distanced" the pain sufficiently to allow me to get dressed and go for help. There should be no need to tell you what I did first when I was struck again some two weeks later. I'm here to tell you it works! I look forward to catching up with you again in the not too distant future, but in the meantime I know that your support is only a CD away.
Story from W.G. ACT
Following the seminar I realised Sandy's techniques have become automatic for me. I don't think about them.
I was approximately 6 months down my healing journey when I discovered Sandy's book "Piece of Mind". Sandy's system demonstrated how I could take control and make a huge impact on my recovery.
Attending the CALM Life Skills Seminar was a turning point for me as the techniques learned gave me the tools to help myself in all facets of my life. When faced with survival or not, there was a strong resolve to invest the time practicing my Peaceful Place (PP). It is only now that I have realised I don't think about going to my PP, I just automatically do it.
I go to my PP while waiting for appointments, prior to encountering new situations, making important telephone calls, to remain centred and be able to see situations as they are and not become caught up in the emotion of the event, prior to meditation, prayer and any activity requiring total concentration, every chance I have to just sit, and every night before going to sleep. As I now do it automatically it doesn't seem much. It has maximized my body's natural healing energies, has had an enormous impact on my coping skills, energy levels and my health and well-being. It is a major factor in me being as well as I am today.
The Forgiveness tape is so powerful. When next I met the person I forgave it was unbelievable. The atmosphere was so different. I was received as a long lost friend and our relationship has not looked back. What a relief, yet so easy thanks to Sandy's tapes.
All the very best for practicing your PP. Invest the time and effort and it will become automatic and life changing. Thank you Sandy for sharing your wonderful techniques.
Story from G.C. Vic
Thank you very much for changing my life around with the seminar we went to in Melbourne. Your seminar changed my life around as far as my business, which has doubled and I have a better outlook on life. I am very calm nowadays and don't let things get me stressed. I still remember most of your little tips and yes, they do work and I am still going to my PP several times a day. Another thing has happened since your seminar - I no longer have the shakes and I can't remember when I didn't shake! Thank you for everything. Fond Regards.
Story from F.D. NSW
The following is paraphrased from a letter received from someone who is 77 years old and does not want to be identified:
I bought your book - "Piece of Mind" and the 2 tapes when I was on medication for high blood pressure. I then attended your seminar. I have never taken the original drugs prescribed, however by applying your methods, my blood pressure is now normal. I "treated" swollen lymph glands in my right arm pit with meditation to the extent that the swelling was no longer detectable. I have now had one full year without pain and am presently travelling around Australia enjoying life to the full.
Story from M.P. NSW
It's been a couple of years since I did the 'CALM Life Skills Seminar'. I just wanted to thank you for all the help that your program has given me. The course really changed me. When I went to Sydney to do the seminar I was thinking of leaving home and wasn't sure of my future. I didn't feel I had control over my life. My real problem was that I didn't have 'Piece of Mind'. Since the seminar I went through a lot of stepping stones. Firstly I had to really find out who I was. There were several terrible tragedies in my life - so now welcome to anxiety. It took me a while to snap out of it, but I did eventually, with the help of meditation. Then a close cousin passed away after day surgery - so welcome again to anxiety. But this time I meditated - don't worry, I still get angry at her loss. Now for something positive! Now I'm Manager of my parents' Grazing Property, married and a proud stepfather. Anyway Sandy, again thank you.
Story from M.M. ACT
My wife has being wanting to email you about what she experienced when giving birth to our youngest son, about 4 weeks ago. She had been playing your birth CD at night for weeks prior to the birth and during labour she visualised the colours as per instructions. She was amazed at how easily she was able to relax and deal with the pain. She told me (I was there) that between contractions she was actually relaxing deeply!
Dear Sandy - You did a seminar many years ago in Wellington for the Australian Scholarship Group and I bought the tapes and a book for my daughter. She taught herself to find her peaceful place and she's used it ever since and so have I.A couple of years ago you came again and we were both extremely pleased to meet you at a seminar and we both bought tapes and ooks.
We've been dealing with abusive patterns of behaviour which go back many generations.
The forebears of my daughter's father's family on her father's side were so extremely cruel. It is also part of her father's makeup.
In my family destructive behaviour is on my father's matriarchal line and we haven't been able to do the genealogical research yet to determine the reasons.
We often remember your situation with your daughters years ago and how difficult that was.
I am so overwhelmed at times that I forget my PP and when I consciously remember to do it things improve. And sometimes when I look back over the day and sort out what got me through it, I realise it's the PP kicking in of its own accord somehow. I learn't it well but I need to apply it more often.
I do want to thank you for your dedication to sharing your experiences and learning with all of us and I hope to do more seminars with you either in Australia or in New Zealand in the future. E E, NZ
Your seminar was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I do appreciate your continuing e-reports. The last 2 years have been challenging. Peaceful Place, and the meditations acquired, has made all the difference, in finding the good, and having the resilience and stamina, to support our family - my potential, gifted to God. All the best to you and your Team. Thank you so much, B.B. S.A.
Can I use your techniques to become motivated
I really think that motivation is a matter of being able to motivate yourself. Nobody can motivate you for more than a few days - it needs to last. Of course sometimes something inspirational to an individual can spark that motivation, and perhaps my techniques may be helpful for that. Principally, having a goal is what brings about motivation. Actually what is happening when you're working towards your goal, is expanding your subconscious mind with the positive success of achieving the goal. In turn this is increasing your Comfort Zone. You can imagine that when you have your goal in your subconscious mind, you in fact will be feeling much, much better and motivation will flow.
How can I become motivated in my job
There are two ways of looking at a job. One is that it's a means to an end so that in this way you gain satisfaction in your social life and what you do after work, knowing that during work you are using this as a stepping stone towards something else in your life.
Another way to look at it is that you love your work so that you barely even regard it as a job - it's life.
Attitude is what it's really about. You can do the most boring work in the world with a great attitude and feel good about it. You do this with goals and knowing where it's going to lead you. Approach every day knowing that you're going to learn something that day, perhaps meet somebody interesting or have a positive influence on someone.
Also, work with goals - that's important, and ALWAYS keep your self talk positive.