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An Attitude of Gratitude
During the last two weeks there have been 4 occasions in my life where the word Gratitude has surfaced. I say that the law of attraction works in different ways, so I am taking action to write about it in this E-Report.
I believe that if you live a positive, grateful life, then you will attract like-minded people into your life. You can develop the attitude of gratitude, for life is full of opportunities of giving thanks.
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Extremely Fortunate
In life I have been extremely fortunate to meet people who are willing to help others. In this E-Report I offer an example of just what I mean.
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Heart Warming Stories
'Tis the season of goodwill so give a hand ' or lend an ear ' to somebody who needs it ' and carry on the habit throughout the year. You may make more of a difference to somebody's life with a kind word or gesture than you could ever imagine. For many of us Christmas is a stressful time so I wondered what I could do to help, either to cheer you up or provide a way that you can "cheer up" others - so I've put together some Heart Warming Stories.
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Holidays, Goals and Positive Stories
Holidays are a recharge time. I have been blessed with having 20 days in Bali with my family - my wife Sandra, my son Andrew, his wife Su and their three children Emma, Sean and Arissa (they all came over from Thailand); my daughter Lara and her husband Stefan and my son Ian (who came over from Malaysia).
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Honour and Privilege
Since sending out the Announcement about my plans for conducting the "Train the Presenter Seminar", for those interested in becoming an Independent Credentialed CALM Coach (ICCC), I have had a flood of people asking me why I am doing this and am I going to retire? Some were worried that perhaps I might have health problems which I am covering up. Let me set the record straight: there is nothing going on behind the scenes, I can't go on forever by myself and it is time for me to share my years of knowledge and pass on the skills which I have taught to like minded people and keep this work alive for many more years.
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Love, Gratitude, Appreciation and the Quantum world
Quite a while ago I was introduced to the world of quantum physics. Being a Civil Engineer the quantum world was beyond me - I like things that I can see, touch and understand! So what is this other world of physics? I have recently unearthed an email I received in 2004 which is about some research done by the Heart Math Center in USA which I am going to include in this E-Report (see below). First I am going to describe to you (as best as I can remember) an experiment that was done by Physics Students at the University of NSW which demonstrated an example of Quantum Physics. My son-in-law Stefan told me about this experiment when I asked him to describe or give me an example of this "unseen quantum energy".
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Some Things Fantastic and Some Informative
This Mind Matters News is unusual as it contains 24 of the most informative, or attention-grabbing, emails I have received over the last 5 years or so.
The subjects are varied – from funny to clever, from nature to war, from real ability to something simulated, from medicine to repartee, from illusion to unbelievable technical advancement, from Charlie Hebdo to mystical experience and the most unbelievable famous artists’ songs collection that you can listen to at a click of the mouse.
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The Elixir of Youth and Slowing Ageing
I was fascinated by Dr Elizabeth Blackburn’s work (and the work of her colleagues) and spent nearly 14 hours researching it. I am currently doing the 5/2 fast to potentially feel better. Fasting (which is not done for the purpose of weight release although that may occur), may induce a state of stress on the body causing the brain to release proteins that help stimulate the growth of neurons. It may reduce the rate of destruction of telomeres – read this Mind Matters News to find out more.
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World Peace
It does seem to be a long way off, doesn't it? In my books and seminars I have mentioned that I have been taught by John-Roger that Community Peace leads to World Peace and that Individual Peace leads to Community Peace.
"Peace is not a state of rest. It is an energy that, in order to be kept alive, must be constantly expressed. Peace is not expressed aggressively, but in a gentle, sharing way that gives the other person room for individual expression."
From "Loving Each Day for Peacemakers, Choosing Peace Every Day" sent in an e-mail from John-Roger.
I really do believe that we, the whole world, can get there and at the same time I believe that it is necessary to defend our freedom.