In this E-Report I want to share with you the honour and privilege it has been serving each and every person I have met in the past 19 years. I have laughed, cried, consoled and shared some amazing journeys with you all; it comes with the territory. I feel as though my life is changing, and yet the focus of my life remains the same. I want to share with you the amazing journey I have had, and some insights I have gained along the way. This E-report will explain my grand plan for those who want to become an Independent Credentialed CALM Coach (ICCC).
Honour and Trust
Just conducting the CALM Life Skills Seminars alone is an honour. The positive reception from people is overwhelming and this is one of the many things that motivates me and keeps me going. Listening to people's stories and being able to share mind techniques to help others is indescribably humbling and rewarding. Receiving letters and calls from people all over the world telling how the techniques have changed their lives is something I want my ICCCs to experience.
My life's experiences are such that I believe one of the reasons I was put on this earth is to share these experiences and what I have learned from the journey. Before doing this work I was more than happy spending my life following Army pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures. As you all know, certain events led me to do this work. Even in the toughest times some things made no sense and when there is adversity, often our greatest gifts emerge. I believe it is my responsibility and duty to teach as many people as I can the methods I have experienced and proven to myself.
Only a week ago I was at a business meeting when one of the participants said to me: "Sandy what you said to my sister when you met my family at a recent Meditation Seminar has changed her life." What a thrill went through me! And what an honour to be involved! I wasn't even precisely sure which particular thing I had said had made the difference and after chatting a little more, I discovered that this person's sister had gained direction in deciding not to be a victim and is using active meditation daily. To have people trust me enough to start doing what I recommend is a privilege beyond compare.
A Privilege to Serve
What a fantastic privilege it is to serve; to stand in front of a room and impart information which is life changing. To those who are interested in becoming an ICCC and are thinking “Can I do this? Can I make a difference?” Yes you can! I will train you and leave no stone unturned. I will teach every ICCC all that I know, to do this work. This is my pledge.
All my techniques are designed to make life easier. I'm sure you are aware that one of my favourite sayings is "Don't step out of your comfort zone" when you want to achieve anything. Every time we step out of our comfort zone we become uncomfortable and stress is created. By using our own power we can expand our comfort zone inside our own subconscious mind and then step into that expanded part - thus achieving without stress.
Most of the methods and techniques I impart are not necessarily new, however the way in which I have put them together, introducing the emotional anchor and using all the new science of the mind - proven science - is unique. I believe we all have an innate ability to use the power of our minds far beyond what we are taught. We have enormous power within us!
Personal Stuff
I have been fortunate to travel around Australia and other places around the globe. I have conducted seminars in England, United States, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia. I have only just scratched the surface, there is so much more to do and I need people like yourself to keep this work going strong.
I was born in 1940; I have reached a time in my life when I don't wish to travel as much as I am presently doing. In the future I want to focus on two main activities - one is to conduct the Creating Happiness Intentionally (CHI) seminar (which is about determining Life's Purpose and all the goals needed to achieve that purpose) and the other is to conduct Trainer the Presenter so that others may continue expanding the awareness of this work. Our life's purpose can be expressed as a statement that shows us where we want to go; knowing we haven’t yet achieved it. I want to share mine:
I am Sandy. I am a healthy, loving and caring person, living with my family in comfortable abundance and prosperity. Every day I work towards and gain spiritual alignment.
I provide leadership worldwide in the personal development field. I have a successful and profitable organisation, contributing to a world whereby people take personal responsibility for their actions, which in turn leads to Individual, Community and World Peace
This is done by a wonderful team of ICCCs and myself through talks, seminars, books, CDs, DVDs and the internet; teaching the public, corporate and educational sectors - both children and adults - about the awareness of that power within and how to tap that power.
Join me in my Dream
Imagine a world where people use these tools and techniques, take responsibility and achieve personal inner peace. This inner peace then leads to community peace and eventually to world peace. If the whole world tapped into the power within then there would be peace. I find it an awe-inspiring vision!
What a thrill it is to receive letters and messages from others who have used the techniques and changed their lives. The success stories I receive are my reward. I know that if we can help one Soul whilst on earth it is a rewarding experience. Join me, if you feel so driven, in this dream.
So, know that I intend to conduct the first "Train the Presenter" course from 8th - 12th November in Sydney and that I have received a great deal of interest. I am limiting the number of people who will be attending, and, if you who are interested in finding out more, please email me if you haven't done so already and I will send you all the details. Know this - when you become an Independent Credentialed CALM Coach (ICCC) you will always be supported to attain your own goals. I will make sure you have all the tools to change people’s lives and in the process I know your life too will change - in the direction you desire.
All the best,

Sandy MacGregor
Success Stories
Hello Sandy,
To summarise, I must say the CHI seminar that I attended was the best money I have ever invested.