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An International Rebirth Part 1
"The Secret", new proven science and new words have given a rebirth to “change your life for the better”. New people are showing how to “deliberately use the subconscious mind” claiming that only now we have the tools to do it.
I have been teaching precisely this since 1989.
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An International Rebirth Part 2
You definitely can rewire your brain and reprogram your thinking. It is your brain that causes you to think and feel and take action (or not take action) based on the beliefs and habits in your brain. It makes sure that you are 100% of what is inside your brain and that this matches what is outside you, ie. your results in the world. Here is a summary of some of the recent brain science that is being used and spoken about in personal development seminars. If you haven’t read last month's MMN An International Rebirth Part 1 then you might like to do that before you read this MMN.
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Change - The Only Constant
"The Earth has fallen out of orbit and is being sucked into the sun at such a rate that all life will cease to exist in just seven days."
Imagine that's the message that appears in all media today and is supported by top scientists around the world.
The President of the United States goes on CNN worldwide to confirm this is fact, and that there is nothing that can be done about it.
Well apart from the initial shock and panic of the vast majority, what do you think would be the dominating characteristic in the behaviour of people towards each other, in those final hours?
That is how my last hard copy "Switch On" Newsletter started. Well in a sense life as we knew it ceased to exist on 11th September 2001.
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Completing The Old and In With The New
I recently received an email from a mentor of mine, Terry Tillman, all about this topic. In 1988 I spent 6 weeks at an Insight IV course in Los Angeles which, amongst other things, taught how to be a Facilitator. Terry was great - and I had the opportunity to work with him in Australia. Terry has given his permission to use his material even though I am to use it "piecemeal" and slightly modified. Thank you Terry! His website is
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Encouraging Positivity
I am so excited about this that I want firstly to let you know that my book "No Need for Heroes" is now available as an e-book ' and my thanks to Doug Floyd for doing this (the link is below in the PS).
In addition please know that this E-Report contains a list of seminars planned so far for 2004 and a page about marketing of my product (it's at the end of the E-Report). All thoughts from anyone wishing to contribute to marketing ideas are appreciated.
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Many Paths to a Destination
Once we are on the journey of development or self development - learning about things that we probably should learn at school, such as dealing with change, which is a real constant in life - we can sometimes feel as though we are bombarded with different approaches to dealing with "situations". These "situations" are mostly life challenges and ultimately are "opportunities" to learn more.
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Mental Toughness
I was recently invited to give a talk to an army engineer unit who are doing their training to go to Afghanistan. This unit was training at Tully Jungle Warfare Training Centre where they had just completed a 4 day exercise. The exercise included being sleep deprived and hungry – they averaged just one meal a day for those 4 days. On return to camp the soldiers had a shower and a good hot lunch. Then it was my turn to talk to them for 2 hours and address mental toughness. I can honestly tell you that even with all the talks I have done, I was apprehensive. Apprehensive about whether I could keep these young soldiers awake and interested in the topic of Mental Toughness.
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Mind and Matter - Mind Matters
I am heartened (actually I am thrilled) that all the newest science about the brain (and mind) is supporting and confirming the scientific approach that I already use when I teach about this. This E-Report introduces some thrilling and exciting aspects of using the mind - the subconscious mind - deliberately.
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More On The Remarkable Brain - Part 1
I don't know WHY I should be astounded and yes, I am. Astounded at all the continuing remarkable new proof available which tells me that I am right ON COURSE with what I am passionate about ... "teaching about the power that each one of us have and how to access that power". This E-Report is actually PART 1 of a book review about "The Brain That Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge.
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More On The Remarkable Brain - Part 2
Thank you for all the wonderful emails I received after my E-Report about Dr Norman Doidge's work and his book "The Brain that Changes Itself". There was so much I gained from reading his book that I needed to tell you about it in two parts. As I mentioned before, I was told about this book by somebody who receives my E-Report and now, following my E-Report, I have been told (by several people) about Dr Doidge's impending (or current) tour of Australia and I am sure many of you, as I have, have now seen and heard him interviewed on several TV and radio programs, including the ABC. You may be lucky enough to be able to see him when he is here and could check out this website for details of his tour. It seems that almost every week now much of what I believe in, have written about and teach about, is spoken about so much more than it was 30, 20 or even 10 years ago, and aired through the media, which I find extremely exciting. Only yesterday I caught a glimpse on TV of an interview with a doctor explaining how day-dreaming was so important to happiness and brain development.
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My Work and Supporting Research
This Mind Matters News brings you a great metaphor for the importance of “letting go” along with some personal gain for “Observing Your Inner Speech” and some brain research which has proved that brains are more adaptable (than we originally thought) and that researchers have proven that “Memories Can Be Re-written”. Exciting!
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Neuroplasticity Enters Main Stream Through Dr Norman Doidge
Dr Norman Doidge with his ground-breaking 2007 bestseller, The Brain That Changes Itself, brought neuroscience and the concept of the 'plastic' brain into the mainstream. Neuroplasticity was on the map. The German physiologist Manfred Zimmermann talked about a ‘neuroplastic’ event in 1978 but neuroplasticity would remain generally unaccepted for another 25 years. It might be an idea to reread my article involving Dr Norman Doidge An International Rebirth Part 1.
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Q and A on Sabotage
I have written a number of times that the subconscious mind's job is to keep you where you are now (and now there is scientific proof of it) ... in other words keep you in your Comfort Zone. The subconscious mind wants what it's got and it does not want what it has not got! In other words it keeps doing all the things that are habits (whether you consciously want the habit or not) and it doesn't want any new habit.
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Subconscious Mind
Learn about importance of Subconscious Mind and how to use it deliberately by applying Mind/Body excercises.
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The Power of Pretence
Have you ever had the experience of being supplied with the information that you need ' just at the right time? It could be that someone sends you an e-mail, telephones you, you hear the information on the radio or see it on TV (normally at a time when it seems like just pure coincidence). You know my definition of coincidence don't you? ' 'God's way of remaining anonymous'. My thoughts on why this happens is either because our thoughts are tapping into similar minded thoughts that are in the ether ' in the great 'Universal Mind' or that we are really focusing on this thought.
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The Power Of Self Talk
It now is a well known fact that science has shown that we talk to ourselves at least 50,000 times a day - Deepak Chopra says 65,000 times a day. who listens when we talk to ourselves" Yes of course - we do, so whatever we say to ourselves can have an effect.
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The Thinking Heart And How To Use It
I have some beliefs which are a little away from "the standard" - I call them Na-Na-Nu-Nu. I find it amazing that science now explains more and more of these "non standard beliefs". I have recently read a book called "The Heart's Code" by Paul Pearsall, Ph.D. ISBN 0-7679-0077-4 which describes new findings about cellular memories and their role in the Mind/Body/Spirit connection. It has been scientifically shown that the heart has a memory, by examining the recipients of heart transplants and the history (from relatives) of donors. And amazingly the story of a heart that identifies its killer !!
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Thoughts are Things!!!
In my previous EReport I said there was much that could be written on "The Power of Self Talk" - so here is some more. Most of this EReport will be direct quotations from the work of John-Roger. I would not attempt to re-word what he has to say for he is the "master".
I receive an e-mail quotation each day called "Loving Each Day". (You too can register for this - the information is below in the P.S.). One of the recent Loving Each Day messages was titled "Energy Follows Thought" - the quote is below in its entirety because of its powerful message - particularly the very last line.
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Using Your Subconscious Mind Deliberately
Now to the MMN Heading! You may have read some of this information before - and that's OK. It is my favourite subject and I thought ..... it is time to look at it again!
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You Don't Have to Believe!
How does the trauma of claustrophobia take hold? One common way is the old example of a child being locked in a cupboard! Later on the child, now an adult, can not walk into a lift, or a cave, without sweating and thinking that everything is going to collapse on top of them. Does the adult, now a victim of claustrophobia, believe that? Of course not! They know logically that lifts operate daily without collapsing and that the cave has been standing for many years and is structurally sound. Aha! But does their body know these facts? No it does not - the body reacts with perspiration and other traumatic symptoms because claustrophobia is now a habit.