Energy Follows Thought
That means if you are thinking about a hot fudge sundae, all the levels of your consciousness come in line to bring that to you. The same is true for envisioning and moving toward higher awareness and Soul transcendence. All of your levels will start making that happen. You will receive co-operation from your mind, emotions, basic selves; even your subconscious will be guiding you though you will not be consciously aware of that level. That's why it becomes so important to watch your thoughts because you will create in a physical way those things you have focused on in your thinking.
Also, be careful what you say. Listen to what you say and be sure it represents what you really want in your life.
by John-Roger (From: Q&A from the Heart Journal)
So whatever thought you have, whatever you say to yourself or others, is important. Become aware of it - listen to what you say. Make sure it is positive and, if it's not, change it (as soon as you are aware).
Invariably in my seminars I mention a book titled "You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought" by John-Roger and Peter McWilliams. I think it's timely to mention this excellent book again (I have learned much from John-Roger over the years. He is the leader of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness [MSIA]). Here are some quotes from that book.
The Power Of Thoughts (Part One)
A simple thought. A few micromilliwatts of energy flowing through our brain. A seemingly innocuous, almost ephemeral thing. And yet, a thought – or, more accurately, a carefully orchestrated series of thoughts – has a significant impact on our mind, our body and our emotions.
Thoughts have responses in the body. Think of a lemon. Imagine cutting it in half. Imagine removing the seeds from one half with the point of a knife. Smell the lemon. Now imagine squeezing the juice from the lemon into your mouth. Then imagine digging your teeth into the center of the lemon. Chew the pulp. Feel those little things (whatever those little things are called) breaking and popping inside your mouth. Most people's salivary glands respond to the very thought of a lemon.
For some people, the mere thought of the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard is physically uncomfortable. Try this – imagine an emery board or a fingernail file or a double-sided piece of sandpaper. Imagine putting it in your mouth. Bite down on it. Now move your teeth from side to side. Goosebumps
Thoughts influence our emotions. Think of something you love. What do you feel? Now think of something you hate. What do you feel? Now something you love again. We don't have to change our emotions consciously – just change our thoughts, and our emotions quickly follow.
Now imagine your favorite place in nature. Where is it? A beach? A meadow? A mountain top? Take your time. Imagine lying on your back, your eyes closed. Feel the sun on your face. Smell the air. Hear the sounds of creation. Become a part of it. Feel more relaxed
Most people who take the time to try these little experiments know what we're talking about.
Those who thought, "This stuff is silly. I'm not going to try anything as stupid as this!" are left with the emotional and physiological consequences of their thoughts – perhaps a sense of tightness, irritability, impatience or maybe outright hostility. These people (bless their independent hearts!) proved the point with the "suggested" thoughts. The point being: thoughts have power over our mind, our body and our emotions.
Positive thoughts (joy, happiness, fulfillment, achievement, worthiness) have positive results (enthusiasm, calm, well-being, ease, energy, love). Negative thoughts (judgment, unworthiness, mistrust, resentment, fear) produce negative results (tension, anxiety, alienation, anger, fatigue).
To understand why something as miniscule as a thought can have such a dramatic effect on our mind, body and emotions, it helps to understand the automatic reaction human beings have whenever they perceive danger: the Fight or Flight Response.
Every good thought you think is contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life. Grenville Kleiser
...... and, unfortunately, so is every negative thought contributing its share to the ultimate result of your life.
That's all for now - enjoy the recent success stories below and keep the self talk positive.
All the Best
Sandy MacGregor
Success Stories
My husband attended your seminar in Perth this year and we have both benefited so much from your tapes and books. My weight release goal is on its way to being achieved. It seems almost too easy. Thank you for all the help you have given our family. S.M. Perth.
Thank you very much for changing my life around with the seminar we went to in Melbourne. Your seminar changed my life around as far as my business has doubled and I have a better outlook on life. I am very calm nowadays and don't let things get me stressed. I still remember most of your little tips and yes, they do work and I am still going to my PP several times a day. Another thing has happened since your seminar - I no longer have the shakes and I can't remember when I didn't shake! Thank you for everything. Fond Regards, G.C. Melbourne.
The following two success stories are from young Sisters:
This is my story of my great success which I achieved with the help of your book and courses. At the start of Year 6 I continuously received test results ranging from 70-80% in both Maths and English. It was than that I started to read your book "Students Steps to Success" and I set my goal for myself - to get over 80%. Daddy promised me that every mark over 80% was worth a dollar. Then in the next test that I sat for I went to my Peaceful Place? and completed the test calmly, more relaxed than ever before. When I received my results I was so pleased that I had got the top marks in my class and received $9 and a special dinner dedicated to my success. I am now in my final term of Year 6 and have received the result of 100% in my Maths test and 92% in my English My PP and Emotional Anchor have helped me a lot. My goal is now set to be a zoologist and with all my positive reinforcements I believe that I will achieve it. Thank you for all your help and great ideas that you have shared with me. M.B. Sydney.
I would like to share my recent success story with everyone. Two years ago I was average at Maths and English. I always struggled with both. I had a concrete goal to improve my ability and my grades in all my subjects. I began thinking of my Peaceful Place, to remain calm in exams and while studying. I reinforced my Emotional Anchor and used personal, positive and present thinking. Immediately I saw an astounding result. When my yearly exams came I reached the top advanced class. This year I am in year 9, I am studying Advanced Maths, and Advanced English. In a recent English test I scored a whopping 91% (before I would be lucky to receive 60-70%. I did a maths test set by the University of NSW and I came in the top 13% of Australia. I was the only person in my school who got a "Distinction". The moral of my story is: "If you think you can't, you won't. If you believe you can, you always will."? Thank you Sandy for your wonderful techniques that have kept me motivated and reaching for the stars. I hope this encourages other children, because nothing is impossible! Never let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. J.B. Sydney.
If you would like the opportunity to possibly help others by sharing your own Success Story, please e-mail me at