Resilience is what I really teach about (since 1988) although I have called it by different names – Inner Strength and Mental Toughness being two. Today’s word is Resilience.
My Definition
My definition is this: “Resilience (Inner Strength or Mental Toughness) is that deep quality of our mind and spirit that enables us to create opportunities in life or rise above adversity. I'm saying you don't have to go through adversity to rise above it – you can just tap “Resilience”. It is an inherent part of our creation (or existence) as beings and it allows us to rise above adversity if and when it strikes.”
The Process For Internal Change or to Rewire Your Brain
The Process to Rewire your Brain Assaraf in describing the process for internal change says "Once a new idea, belief or habit is impressed and emotionalised into the subconscious mind, then perceptions, thoughts and behaviours automatically change and cause you to produce the desired result." Furthermore, Assaraf says that using the new science you first create a powerful vision for your goal, secondly you choose powerful beliefs and habits to support your new vision and thirdly begin a daily program to change your goal, self image and confidence levels. He suggests that you do this for 90 days when you will start to feel the effects of the new habits with new behaviour.
I agree and my words are not very different
The process I teach is to firstly be able to relax and release stress very quickly, which opens the Reticular Activating Filter (RAS) so that you are now dealing with your subconscious mind and then ...
1. Say your goal (which you have written in Positive, Personal and Present Tense language)
2. Visualise the end result of your goal (you actually visualise that you already have the reasons that you want the goal - your WIIFMs.)
3. Emotionalise the goal with your Anchor, because emotion is the language of the subconscious mind.
One of Maltz's key concepts was to use the Theatre of the Mind, or a “synthetic experience”. His book Psycho-Cybernetics written in 1960 was highly innovative at the time and became one of the most influential texts on the subject of self-image, psychology and goal visualisation. Maltz saw human behaviour as a negative feedback (cybernetic) system. This is the type of system used in a guided missile. When the missile is fired, it will correct its course to reach its goal. People also correct their behaviour to reach their goals, including behaving according to their self-image. Psycho-cybernetics today is the ability to guide yourself or steer your subconscious mind to a productive goal.
So the use of the word psycho-cybernetics is creeping in - it just sounds good!
The Joys of the “Synthetic Experience”
Notice Maltz used the words "synthetic experience". It was Maltz who first showed that the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between imagination and reality. Hence his "synthetic experience" is a "pretend experience".
It was Rappaport in 1940 who showed that emotion is not only involved with memory but is the very basis on which memory takes place. It wasn't until 1972 that his work was more accepted and expanded whereby it was linked with real memory that takes place in the subconscious mind - the language of the subconscious mind. Teachers were talking about emotionalising goals to help them set faster into the subconscious mind. In 1989 I extended the NLP practice of having anchors to having an Emotional Anchor to use with goals (that is visualising the end result of a "synthetic experience") and the subconscious mind.
We Don't See with our Eyes!
John Assaraf makes a great point when he emphasises some recent proven science - "We don't see with our eyes." In other words, if things are not in our awareness we don't notice them. For example, do you know anybody who is negative but they themselves don't know they're negative? Most of my seminar audience knows somebody! and I go on to say: "What can they do about it?" "Nothing" is the answer, because they are not aware that they are negative!
A segment in the "Human Brain" series shows a gymnast who can not do a particularly complicated movement on the bars. The gymnast used focused concentration, relaxation and visualisation to imagine the movement. She did this hundreds of times so that she created a neural pathway which eventually went into the cerebellum (the seat of the subconscious mind). Now her body knows the movement. When she went to the bars again she actually succeeded in doing the movement. Now all the gymnast needs to do is to keep doing the movement and pick up ways she can improve or perfect the movement. This example shows how the subconscious mind "sees" the movement first - not our eyes!
The Pre-Frontal Cortex
Many years ago the treatment of many mentally ill people was the extreme measure of performing a lobotomy. Unfortunately these people mostly ended up as "zombies". New science has shown that the pre-frontal cortex is that part of our brain that "does the work". It is the thinking brain and takes up to 40% of the energy in our brain.
An example is mental arithmetic. If you multiply 4 x 6 and then add it to 5 x 7, the results need to be held in the short term memory in the pre-frontal cortex, that is the answer being the number 24, whilst the brain computes 5 x 7 before it can be added to 24. This is done in the pre-frontal cortex. I guess it's good to know the words, however it really doesn't matter. Both Assaraf and Lipton use these words.
You and you alone can change your fears, your behaviour, your health, your relationships, your physique, your finances, by working on the inside first. Remember, it does not happen overnight. I believe that with a combination of both goals (5 minutes a day) and meditation (say 20 minutes a day) you can "move mountains" and achieve in 30 days.
Recent Brain Research
For more than 30 years I have been using methods to personally handle weight release, negative habits, pain and trauma and many more. All of this includes methods to deliberately use the subconscious mind by rewriting memories thus creating change. Now scientists are proving that the brain can do it! Below are two reports by ABC Radio which you can listen to or read. Both reports have references which you can pursue.
US researchers claim memories can be 'rewritten'
Listen to MP3 of this story (3 minutes)
New study suggests brain more adaptable than previously thought
Listen to MP3 of this story (3 minutes)
Neuroplasticity Enters Main Stream Through Dr Norman Doidge
Read my full MMN at this link
Dr Norman Doidge with his ground-breaking 2007 bestseller, The Brain That Changes Itself, brought neuroscience and the concept of the 'plastic' brain into the mainstream. Neuroplasticity was on the map. The German physiologist Manfred Zimmermann talked about a ‘neuroplastic’ event in 1978 but neuroplasticity would remain generally unaccepted for another 25 years.
Dr Bernie Siegel and PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology)
In 1975, Robert Ader and Nicholas Cohen at the University of Rochester, advanced PNI (Psychoneuroimmunology) with their demonstration of classic conditioning of immune function, and they subsequently coined the term "psycho-neuro-immunology". Psychoneuroimmunology and its application to humans is the ability to use the mind to positively effect the immune system. It really wasn’t put on the map until Dr Bernie Siegel worked with it in the Television Movie “Leap Of Faith” in 1988. I believe that my Meditation Peaceful Place CD #4 called “Healing Yourself” uses psychoneuroimmunology. I also refer you to my How To - Healing Guide which also shows the link to the Dr Bernie Siegel movie excerpts.
There are many meditations I have which work inside the mind, changing neural pathways of previous bad habits and replacing them with new neural pathways of good habits. This is achieved in the meditation state using guided imagery, visualisation and positive self-talk daily for at least 30 days. In that 30 days a new neural pathway will be formed and because the old pathway is not used any more it will drop away. You can read about the proof of this in my article called Mind and Matter – Mind Matters. These meditations include Releasing Hurt, Healing Yourself, Forgiveness, Weight Release, Letting Go Anger, Self-Worth and Confidence, Making Sleep Easy and Useful, Improving Relationships, Letting Go Fear – in fact all of them.
Dr Norman Doidge and Neuroplasticity
Have you read Dr Norman Doidge’s new book calledThe Brain’s Way of Healing? It’s is a great read with ground-breaking descriptions of the application of Neuroplasticity.
Dr Doidge’s definition of Neuroplasticity is “Neuro-plasticity is the property of the brain that enables it to change its own structure and functioning in response to activity and mental experience.” My words would include “building new neural pathways” which means that responses and reactions are changed – that is, habits are changed.
So, know that this is the third of 3 papers about my work which when you put into practice will significatly contribute to your well being - and thats an understatement.
All the best
Sandy MacGregor
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."