I did not get any physical feeling in my body when I formed my emotional anchor – how does this effect me using it
Many of us have been taught not to show our emotions – 'sign of weakness', 'don't cry', etc., and our bodies have learned to suppress the resultant physical feelings. With practice in recalling pleasant emotional events (using the Peaceful Place No. 2 tape is a great way) we can get in touch not only with more positive events, but the physical feeling as well. The goal process is just as powerful, even when you don't recognise the physical feeling: apply your emotional anchor and at the same time recall quickly the good positive event, and how you felt at that time. This of course adds to the good feeling of seeing yourself succeed in your goal. By doing this there is a resultant emotion, which you may not at first recognise, but this helps to indelibly imprint the success of your goal in your subconscious mind.