I am particularly interested in anything that might help my 13 year old son who was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 7. He was put on Ritalin which really helped with his concentration and self control. Earlier this year we took him off Ritalin because he seemed to have improved so much but unfortunately this has resulted in him having major problems with his learning. He just can't concentrate long enough to learn things like multiplication, long division and all those things he will need when he moves up a Grade next year. The Ritalin certainly helped him with his school work but none of us want him to go back on it again. Do you have a book, seminar, course etc which might help him learn more effectively?
I can understand the challenge for you, your son and your family and I can also understand that you do not want him to continue on Ritalin. Interestingly enough though, just recently I heard a doctor in the field of ADHD speaking on ABC radio who said that if Ritalin does help a child to concentrate in his study then it is probably needed - he also said that one can come off Ritalin later in life (after completion of studies).
Is your son at a supportive school (and will it be supportive next year)? It is important to shop around for a supportive school - some schools and teachers are much better than others.
If possible, make it as enjoyable as possible for your son to attend school (does he enjoy it?). Is he doing any extra curricular activities that he really enjoys and looks forward to? And it's always good to focus on and praise the things that he's really good at. The ability to relax and release stress - especially for a 13-year old with ADHD - is a very helpful "tool" in study and coping skills. You could work through the techniques outlined in "Students Steps To Success", with your son (13 is sometimes still a little young to do it on his own) - and this will be very helpful, especially the "Peaceful Place" technique, Goals and Self Esteem.
Your son is old enough to understand goal-setting and to work with that concept. You will find information about this in "Students Steps To Success" which works with using both sides of the brain, relaxation, goals, self esteem and mind charting. All of these skills can be taught to children by parents and may offer some additional ideas to use with your son. On my website there are a couple of chapters of some of my books available for reading (unfortunately not "Students Steps To Success" however my book "Piece of Mind" is similar). Most of my books (and sometimes tapes) are available in local libraries and if they're not then quite often libraries will order in items for people asking.
There are a couple of tapes (or CDs) that complement this book - The Students Steps to Success Audio Pack (tape or CD double) which includes PP2 - Guided Imagery, PP10 - Self Worth and Confidence and PP11-Achieving in Exams and Effective Study. You can read brief descriptions of these at my website. Once again, the content of the meditation is suitable for younger or less mature children when modified (mainly shortened) by the parents.
If you attend the CALM Life Skills Seminar then you will learn the skills at the seminar, in an experiential way, and be able to pass them on to your son. I do conduct some Student's Seminars in schools and I recognise that students do not think that it is "cool" to attend. To overcome this I have filmed the seminar and reproduced it on Video which, together with a workbook, will replace the seminar.