Studies of the mind/body connection and of the power of the body's intention to heal itself are revolutionising approaches to healing.
The Mind and Body Are Not Separate
Biochemists, physiologists and psychologists have discovered that our bodies express themselves as either thoughts or molecules. For instance, the feeling of fear can be described as an abstract feeling or a tangible molecule such as adrenaline. Without the feeling there is no hormone and without the hormone there is no feeling. In the same way there can be no pain without the nerve signals to transmit the pain and no relief of pain without endorphins which block the pain reception. This is a major discovery - every thought produces a chemical in the body.
The Power Of Suggestion
Another scientific discovery was the placebo effect or dummy drug. Studies have shown that by giving patients a sugar pill and telling them it is a strong pain killer, 30% of them will experience relief as though it were the real pain killer. What has been concluded from this is that although the sugar pill itself is meaningless, it forms a suggestion which is converted into the body's intention to heal itself. The body is capable of producing any biochemical response once the mind gives the body the appropriate suggestion. Therefore why not skip the sugar pill and focus directly on the body's intention?
With the focusing of intention through attention you can convert the body's automatic processes into conscious ones, and reprogram them through simple mind/body exercises. Our past intentions may have created obsolete or inappropriate programs that either seem to control us or are no longer serving us in a purposeful way.
In the Life Skills Seminar we can teach you how to control physical pain by teaching and practising four important skills:
- The ability to relax and release the stress caused by illness
- The ability to consciously develop your power of intention for healing
- The ability to develop focused concentration
- The ability to develop mind/body exercises to promote healing.
You May Ask "How Effective Are These Techniques?"
How about I let some of my seminar participants explain that to you?
At the end of 1993 I had developed psoriasis, where patches of skin recycle in 3 days instead of the normal 30 days, resulting in red scaly patches. I was told by the doctor and specialist that there was no cure. Some relief and control could be gained by increasing my exposure to sunlight (risk element) and by the use of coal tar based creams, which stank and stained one's clothes. I tried these techniques but each day there were new outbreaks and existing areas were increasing in size. I gave up counting the patches and using the cream when I got to 24 sites and still on the increase. By now they extended from my scalp to my feet. The larger ones were the size of the palm of my hand. With approaching summer it made it very difficult to cover these unsightly patches which made me feel like a leper in public.
At this time I was also a keen student of "Mind Control" and how we can use our mind to achieve life goals and improve our health. My husband came across Sandy MacGregor's book Piece of Mind in an ABC Book shop and brought it to my attention. The tapes arrived within two days after a telephone order to CALM and I started immediately on visualising a healthy skin at least 20 times a day. My next appointment with the specialist was four weeks away and so I visualised myself leaving the doctor's office feeling excited because my skin was clear and the doctor was "dumbfounded" over this "cure". On that fateful day I came away from an enlightened specialist's office with a clear skin.
Christine Robertson, NSW
We also have success stories in other areas which we are able to share with you:
For more information on these subjects
- Overcoming Anger
- Overcoming Anxiety and fear
- Depression
- Overcoming Grief and loss
- Controlling Migraines
- Improved Ability To Sleep (Overcoming Insomnia)
- Controlling Physical Pain
- Managing Stress (Improving Relaxation)
- Stop smoking
- Releasing weight
So What is the Next Action Step that You Can Take?
CALM makes suggestions on how you can develop your skills in dealing with Improved Health using Sandy MacGregor's low cost Tapes, Books, CDs, Videos and Seminars which have been utilised by thousands of people successfully since 1990.