My mother is very sick with cancer and I have had a recommendation to look at what you do. Could you please give me a brief summary of your philosophy before I take any action?
The proven science of psycho-neuro-immunology is such that with meditation we can actually increase our T-4 (fighting) cells within our immune system. Sometimes this strengthening of our immune system can be sufficient to neutralise cancerous cells and thus put the cancer into remission. Of course, other than the physical causes of cancer, there are many other factors that can cause or contribute to cancer, for instance the increased stress that we have within the body, caused through negative emotions such as blame, guilt, anger, revenge, hatred, grief, mental self-abuse, and more. Indeed there is a cancer now known as stress-induced cancer.
All of the things that we do in life, which can contribute to ill health, we can undo - specific meditations are one of the best ways towards this. Many doctors teach about this and I would recommend the books by Dr Bernie Siegal - being "Love, Medicine & Miracles", "Peace, Love and Healing" as being particularly useful. There are no iron-clad guarantees in life and not even the medical profession speaks of "cure" when they're dealing with cancer - they speak about "remission". There are many positive outcomes of healing from people using the methods that I espouse - including many successes of coming through cancer.
Many people are unaware that their own thinking is negative and that this negativity can contribute towards illness. Awareness here is the key - and it is 100% correct to say that one thing we do have control over is how we handle whatever happens to us in life. I certainly believe that many times people can get cancer and the end result can be death - I say that this means that it is their time to die. I also believe that many people who are given the "death sentence" of say six months to live, can increase their life span or indeed overturn this "sentence".
It is important of course to have the best medical attention available - and then to have faith in your doctor, yourself and your treatment. Spiritual faith is also very important for a lot of people. I think it is extremely important for people not to just entirely rely on what others can do for them but to take a pro-active role and be involved in their own healing. This includes that for any illness or disorder that one may have, learn about it and get to know all the "ins and outs" and "dos and dont's". Check out relevant websites and nutritional supplementation. Shop around for a good doctor - one whom you trust and who will support you - this is all important.
A lot more detail about this particular subject is in my book "Switch on to Your Inner Strength".