What's Covered In This Guide
Congratulations – know that you have made a good start by looking for and finding this guide.
What I believe is that when somebody recognise a life challenge, or issue which is creating disharmony then they are 50% of the way through the challenge. The next 25% is saying - Yes, I want to do something about it. The remaining 25% is doing it - that's what my methods help with and I always encourage daily meditation.
Whatever is advised by CALM does not take the place of advice from your own Medical Specialists. If in doubt about using anything that CALM recommends please consult your medical team. This guide contains practical advice and includes the recommendation of guided imagery which will assist healing using active meditation techniques. A very special short FREE video segment is offered in Taking Action Part 1 and the first “Building Block” of the CALM techniques is offered free in Taking Action Part 2 so that you can gain an experiential perspective. If you would like to find out more about CALM and the techniques tau ght by Sandy MacGregor, please visit our about section.
Some Discussion and Key Points to Work With Healing
We struggle with many challenges in healing which are caused by a variety of reasons. If you are unsure if your doctor will allow you to meditate, then please ask your doctor first. Generally, Active Meditation you can be used in combination with other techniques to heal yourself. (I am only aware of situations whereby meditation will assist). When you use Active Meditation you are dealing with the deeper subconscious mind in such a way, that with continual use over 30 days, you will create new supporting habits.
It is important to understand the power of self-talk. We talk to ourselves 50,000 times a day and if it’s negative, then it will affect us negatively and only assist in a downward emotional spiral. The key is to become aware of negative self-talk and change it to the positive. Know also that positive self-talk will affect us positively.
Within the deeper inner mind, the subconscious mind, are all our memories, habits, personality and self-image. The job of the subconscious mind is to keep us where we are by creating doubt and negative self-talk. The job of the conscious mind is to implant thoughts (creating new neural pathways, that is, new habits which we want) into the subconscious mind and it can do that using visualisation, goals and active meditation.
Why is this possible? Because the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. For instance, look at a dream about falling. In the dream you really think that you’re falling and yet it’s not true. The power of imagination within the subconscious mind will work for all of us just the same way that great sports people are taught to use their mind to achieve fantastic results.
I know that regular meditation is certainly beneficial in the process of Healing Yourself.
Taking Action Part 1: The first CALM "Building Block"
In my 2 day seminar we discussed a video segment based on 20 minutes of the movie “Leap of Faith”. A summary of the discussion (which really brings out the key points to learn from the movie) is available in my book Switch On To Your Inner Strength Chapter 7 Influencing Health and Healing, Page 100. You can see the video segment here for Free
You can buy the Book Switch On To Your Inner Strength Download Here and the Book itself Here.
After reviewing the extracts from the movie and reading Chapter 7 then do CALM’s first building block in Taking Action Part 2 for Free
An experiential perspective of the CALM Active Meditation methods can be gained by listening to the Guided Imagery Track "Building Your Peaceful Place" – offered to you below for free.
Find a quiet, comfortable location where you won't be disturbed and listen to the guided imagery audio called Building Your Peaceful Place by clicking play on the bar below. Every time you listen to this track you should feel immediate stress relief. This is the first building block taught when using the CALM methods
Taking Action Part 2: Active Meditation "Healing Yourself"
The important thing about healing is to know that you can use this meditation in combination with other techniques to heal yourself. These techniques of course include having faith in your doctor, having faith in your treatment, having faith in yourself and having a spiritual faith, whatever is true for you. In this meditation you get in touch with and you access your inner self and you do that with feelings and pictures. By doing this you can actually activate your immune system, you can actually direct your body's defences in combating and eliminating or assisting to eliminate your illness. Do this Active Meditation at least 3 times a day. Having read the discussion above and experienced the guided imagery of Building Your Peaceful Place, the next step is to do the Active Meditation "Healing Yourself". You can purchase the download here or the CD here.
Final thoughts
If anxiety is an issue then the Peaceful Place meditation #18 Overcoming Worry and Anxiousness is available as a download here or as a CD here
Please take some time to check out the Health and Healing section of this site where you will find some related Articles, Success Stories and Frequently Asked Questions
Importantly – the following seminars may further assist with healing.
Active Meditation Seminar on 2 DVDs
The CALM Life Skills Seminar on DVDs and CDs
5-Day/4-night Live-in CHI Seminar held in Sydney, Australia
So, I know that many people have gained by doing as much as they can do to contribute to their own healing process. If you know anyone who could be in need of assistance on a way to help themselves by being pro-active then please forward this email to them.
All the best
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."
The Next Creating Happiness Intentionally Seminar -
The CHI Seminar which is all about determining and moving towards your Life Purpose 29 April - 3 May 2015
Read about the seminar - details are here. For more or to hold a spot call 1 300 731 900
Tour To Vietnam - It's on 11 - 19 May 2015
Have a look at the Archives of the previous tour by clicking the dates within the link
Organised by Military History Tours.
Hosted by Vietnam Tunnel Rat Sandy MacGregor and if available Author Jimmy Thomson
Call Sandy 1 300 731 900
Many Success Stories for Healing are Here