What's Covered In This Guide
When introducing meditation as a topic in my seminars, many people say to me "I can't meditate", or "I've tried – and failed", or "I always have so many thoughts", "I can't sit with my legs crossed", "I can't think nothing" ... and more. A number of people have queried the value of meditation, many say that they don't have time, or simply ask "What is meditation?"
Let me destroy a few myths that have arisen in our society about meditation: there are no special positions that one needs to be in; meditation does not mean "having no thoughts"; meditation is not "just a lazy past-time"; meditation is not "just a religious or spiritual pursuit". Read more.
This guide contains practical advice and includes the recommendation of guided imagery using active meditation techniques. The first “Building Block” of the CALM techniques is offered free below so that you can gain an experiential perspective. If you would like to find out more about CALM and the techniques taught by Sandy MacGregor, please visit our about section.
Some More Key Points About Meditation
When you use Active Meditation you are dealing with the deeper subconscious mind in such a way, that with continual use over 30 days, you will create new supporting habits.
Within the deeper inner mind, the subconscious mind, are all our memories, habits, personality and self-image. The job of the subconscious mind is to keep us where we are by creating doubt and negative self-talk. The job of the conscious mind is to implant thoughts (creating new neural pathways – that is, new habits – which we want) into the subconscious mind and it can do that using visualisation, goals and active meditation.
Why is this possible? Because the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. For instance, look at a dream about falling. In the dream you really think that you’re falling and yet it’s not true. The power of imagination within the subconscious mind will work for all of us just the same way that great sports people are taught to use their mind to achieve fantastic results.
For a list of life Topics that can be addressed using my Active Meditation methods go here. For each of these Topics there will be an appropriate “How To…..”.
Meditation – Towards Spiritual Meditation
As the Topics of meditation are addressed separately in the “How To” section of this site I will now only focus on Towards Spiritual Meditation.
In this meditation you get in touch with your inner self. You do that by concentrating on your breathing. Another reason for this meditation could be for spiritual growth. To do that you could choose to chant names of God, for example "Hu" or perhaps the word "Peace" or "Love" or "ohm" . One way to start is to concentrate on your breathing so that when thoughts intrude you can always come back to a central focus by concentrating on your breath.
It is a challenge to let all thoughts go out of your mind, having none at all. That's why sometimes instead of concentrating on just your breath you can choose to chant special words. You can combine chanting with concentrating on your breath – doing one then the other. To chant silently – do this on the IN breath and breathe OUT saying your chosen word both times. To chant out loud do this on the breath out only.
The meditation also offers ways to let go thoughts as they come up.
Every time you meditate you are releasing stress and anxiety. I know that regular meditation is certainly beneficial and the benefits are cumulative
Taking Action Part 1: The first CALM “Building Block”
Find a quiet, comfortable location where you won't be disturbed and listen to the guided imagery audio called Building Your Peaceful Place by clicking play on the bar below. Every time you listen to this track you should feel immediate stress relief. This is the first building block taught when using the CALM methods
Taking Action Part 2: Meditation – Towards Spiritual Meditation
Having read the discussion above and experienced the guided imagery of Building Your Peaceful Place, the next step is to do Peaceful Place #5 “Meditation”. You can purchase the download here or the CD here.
Final thoughts
Please take some time to check out the Meditation section of this site where you will find related Articles, Success Stories and Frequently Asked Questions
Importantly – the following seminars may further assist with overcoming depression