* To help people through a difficult situation
* To give people something positive to do when they are really concerned
* A tool to guide and help people on the path to meditation
* To make something for which people don’t have to make a huge time commitment
* To assist people who are predominantly auditory
* To attract people to my website
My response was that whilst all the above are true the real answer is something different.
What do you think?
Topics of Meditation
Here are some of the topics
* Releasing Hurt
* Healing Yourself
* Forgiveness
* Tapping Your Creativity
* Weight Release
* Letting Go Anger
* Self-Worth and Confidence
* Achieving in Exams and Effective Study
* Making Sleep Easy and Useful
* Inner Peace and Harmony
* Improving Relationships
* Overcoming Fear
* Acceptance and Letting Go
* Unconditional Love
* Overcoming Worry and Anxiousness
* Handling The Labour of Childbirth
* Quit Smoking.
All my meditations are what is called “Active Meditation” – in other words you are doing something inside your mind. By using the CD every day for a month (each meditation employs guided imagery and visualisation) you will establish a new neural pathway – that is you build a new habit for each challenge! A habit is when the body becomes the mind.
You’ve Now Established a New HABIT
So that’s the real reason for the meditations – to help people establish a new habit in the subject area of their choice! The meditation is not just to “fix the current issue” it is so that you develop a new habit to deal with any issue at any time. It’s Powerful!
Of the topics above I find myself automatically using all but the last two. Since I first learned these techniques and saw the huge help they were to me I felt almost responsible to share and tell other people of this easily accessible power available to them.
Developing Good Habits is More Important Than Getting Goals
There is a study done by Wendy Wood and David Neal of the University of Southern California which is reported in the Medical Express. I recommend you read it here. Wendy Wood is Provost [Vice Chancellor] Professor of Psychology and Business at USC, who holds joint appointments in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences and the USC Marshall School of Business. Together with David Neal, they showed that we're just as likely to default to positive habits, such as eating a healthy breakfast or going to the gym, as we are to self-sabotage – it's the underlying routine that matters, for better or worse.
I have said constantly that when we are stressed and anxious we revert to our habits – and now it has been proved! Think of the consequences of reverting to bad habits when we’re stressed. It becomes a never ending cycle leading to depression and worse. We can do without that!
So that’s why these Psychologists say that developing good habits is more important than getting goals. I would add the proviso that when we have good habits – which includes a balanced life – then go for goals that support your Life’s Purpose.
So, go for good habits. Choose an area in the list of topics above that may have been bugging you and form a new habit by doing a 20 minute meditation each day for a month.
All the best,
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."
The Next CHI - go to All The Latest here
Success Stories
Sandy you have been an inspiration to so many & have gifted everyone of us with your amazing insights.
I cannot express my gratitude enough, for all I have learnt & adapted into my life. I started on my own journey to find my own destiny, the day I took the plunge & signed up for your 7 day Bali Chi. It opened my eyes & turned my thought process upside down!
I walked away believing anything was possible, my goals & choices were mine.
I found the bounce in my step again & my smile returned.
I came to a second Chi 2 years later after some major changes in my life.
I needed the time to focus on my needs & thoughts, away from the hussle & bustle of life.
I returned to my life more balanced and relaxed. I had the strength & tools to better cope with the roller coaster that life can sometimes throw at us.
This year, another 2 years on, I was thinking that it was time for a third Chi... Thank you S.M. WA
I would like to share the following with you as I credit so much of what I am about to tell you to the wonderful insights I gained from your workshops.
Just over four years ago I attended one of your sessions in Sydney and not long after this I was accepted into the Queensland College of Art...... a dream I had aimed for for a very very long time. I set my goals extraordinarily high ...and am now about to graduate ..... I have completed my degree with an academic record of 14 high distinctions, an HD for every subject I sat. As a consequence I have been awarded a Griffith University Medal for academic excellence and the Trevor Lyons Award for Print Making. Whilst I was doing my degree I worked 30 hours a week as an Artist in Residence at two local schools and as a tutor to 50 private art students. Both my parents died during the last two years of my study and I also experienced some other rather challenging family and personal health issues.
I know this sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet...the point I want to make however is that I could not have achieved this if I had not participated in your workshops, developed my meditation practice, learnt to set goals, built a peaceful place, developed my resilience and so on. I followed your student guide to educational success to a tee.
I really could not have achieved this without the benefits of your wisdom, life experience, workshops and so on. I am a very strong believer in your approach to life matters.
Sandy I cannot thank you enough! M.M. QLD
From Sandy - We can all learn from how 14 High Distinctions were achieved - so look out for the detail in the next MMN.