A couple of months ago I received a copy of your Healing Meditation as an urgent priority as I was heading to England to visit a young relation who was immobilised in hospital with a broken neck and no clear path for the future. I am not someone who readily pushes my inner beliefs on others and I did not know this girl's parents very well, however during my first visit to her I managed to get time alone with her Mum and gave her the copy of the Healing Meditation and told her how it had helped me. I also spoke briefly to the young girl about it as she lay there totally immobilised with her "halo" holding her broken neck still. At that stage she had feeling in her feet and could move one toe and could move her left hand a little.
I then headed off to do my tourist thing and returned just under a week later. She had been meditating regularly after trying it the first time. That very first occasion she had concentrated on her right, totally immobile, hand and her Mum was stunned that the hand became very hot to the touch. I think this physical indication that something was happening gave them the encouragement to go on with the meditation. After a week she was able to do most things with her left hand and her right hand and arm were moving.
I talked to her about events in life happening if not for a reason, then certainly they are able to be turned to advantage in some way. She is a bright, bubbly girl in her late 20s who after finishing a degree in History has wandered the world looking for "something", who knows what? It appears she has now found it, as she is now walking unaided, has taught herself to write and paint with her left hand while her right one continues to slowly improve and has decided to go back to uni and become an Occupational Therapist working with the physically disabled. She will be great at it as, even when she was totally immobilised it was her keeping everyone else's spirits high rather than the reverse.
Thank you for your prompt response to my request for the meditation and know that your work continues right across the world. K.G. WA