Your workshops have made a difference in so many people's lives over the years, starting with the way your life and story have evolved with you at the helm. The inspiration to others comes from the way you have responded to some of the major things in your life: some things that don't happen to most people.
Sandy my awe of the way you have approached your personal survival and maintenance is huge. You have clearly made it your mission to survive in so many ways and in so many contexts: from your career in the military and the theatre of war; supporting your son through an horrific incident to the exquisitely hideous time since the deaths of your daughters. And so many other random bits of 'life' that have appeared in between no doubt.
There are so many modes of survival and yet the means you have chosen and developed have not only sustained you but have inspired you to share them with others in the hope that your fellow man may also survive in a really good way.
Thank you so much for being the Sandy MacGregor whom you are and for sharing your story, discoveries and survival means with anyone who is interested.
Again, thank you so much for your wonderful work and your generosity of spirit with sharing with others what you have learned and found so sustaining. S.H. Tas