Sandy you have been an inspiration to so many and have gifted every one of us with your amazing insights.
I cannot express my gratitude enough, for all I have learnt and adapted into my life. I started on my own journey to find my own destiny, the day I took the plunge and signed up for your 7 day Bali Chi. It opened my eyes and turned my thought process upside down!
I walked away believing anything was possible, my goals & choices were mine.
I found the bounce in my step again and my smile returned.
I came to a second Chi 2 years later after some major changes in my life.
I needed the time to focus on my needs and thoughts, away from the hustle and bustle of life.
I returned to my life more balanced and relaxed. I had the strength and tools to better cope with the roller coaster that life can sometimes throw at us.
This year, another 2 years on, I was thinking that it was time for a third Chi... And then I read...
This could be the last Chi...
Unfortunately this time it is not meant to be for me...
The timing coincides with my recovery time for my up coming, long awaited surgery. (Another of my goals to be completed)
Sandy, I have booked you in for a few days.... I have your CD's and will have a refresher during my recovery time!
Please do keep me updated if you do run another Chi, in any location.
Thank you. S.M. WA