Thank you for continuing to send the MMN letters. They are always insightful to read even though I sometimes don't get to them for a while. I find that you have touched on some relevant points about the lack of success of anti-depressant drugs and I'm a living example of this. Throughout my struggle with depression, I found that taking medication had no positive effect on me at all. What has been the most help to me is the realisation that I have the power within myself to carry on living and the power of positive self-talk is the basis of this.... as you know!
Sandy your CDs that I bought from you really have helped me develop my belief in and my ability to practice, positive self talk. Going to your seminar was the start of me really believing in the power of positive self-talk and I use the positive self-talk technique on an hourly basis every day of my life now. You have changed my outlook on life in a very powerful, positive way. I really thank you for helping me achieve that.
I'm actively using positive re-enforcement techniques while I go about my tasks throughout my day. It really does work. I have developed this gentle coaching voice within me (as you advised) that encourages me when I'm achieving a set task. I always make myself "look back at what I have achieved" more often to actively develop my self-confidence. That works too! My sense of achievement is quite uplifting for me. This is how I have made practical use of the techniques of mind training you have given me. HA NSW