Dear Sandy - I am typing this through somewhat blurred vision as I had cataract surgery on my left eye yesterday. I had the right eye done few years ago and in that surgery I told the anaesthetist that I wasn't sure I could keep my head still for the surgery.Of course movement at a crucial stage could be disastrous. He was sympathetic and gave me so much sedation that my head felt like a block of stone.I tried to move it but couldn't. So the surgery went well. Yesterday,to my surpise the pre-op briefing included a lecture about keeping my head still, not coughing,sneezing or talking. I took it all in but thought: I'll be ok-- I'd get plenty of sedation as before. But I didn't! When I entered the theatre I was able to move my head freely and I sure didn't feel sedated. When the surgeon approached I told him but his reply was a sharp "you must keep your head still!" None of this had occurred with him before.
So quickly I had to decide whether to fight or flee. I decided to fight and my only weapon was my Peaceful Place (and I hadn't been there for a while). It came up beautifully and gently and suddenly I was at peace--no worries about an involuntary movement (which I sometimes have) and I was lying there enjoying it (almost) and actually conscious in a distant way of all that was going on. It was over in a few minutes and the surgeon actually complimented me on the way I overcame my obvious anxiety. "What's your secret?" he asked. "Oh! I haff vays" I said and left it that. It still works, Sandy. Incidentally, I still have my cancer remember - the crab is dead) and am trundling along-- a few years beyond the point I think my host of medical attendants had set for me. H. R. Qld