Story from J.N. Vic
Thank you very much for thinking of me on my birthday. It was most unexpected but appreciated. It has only been a few weeks since I attended your seminar. I originally came along for a very different reason than I have ended up using your strategies for. My husband and I attended after friends had told us about your seminars - we hoped to set ourselves some goals that would get us over a flat time in our lives. Not quite empty nesters, yet all our children grown up and our focus of many years (our kids) has changed, the consequences of which were leaving us quite negative and floundering around, without direction. You were able to help us with that and we are now on track with our goals. However, I also decided to use your strategies for weight release, something I had lost all faith in ever achieving. I meditate twice a day and have changed many bad habits that I have carried around for a very long time. I also began to realise the deeper reasons for my weight problem and I am working on those as well. I am feeling stronger and more in control than I have for years. Thank you for your wonderful life-changing strategies, I will keep you up to date on my successes.