Story from D.B. NSW
Your seminar made me aware that a far more powerful tool was available - going to my PP and addressing my subconscious mind directly. I am convinced it works! I decided to focus on my weight - my previous efforts having been unsuccessful. Two weeks after the seminar I have "released" 3 kilograms, my paunch has diminished in size and my self esteem has risen accordingly. During Alpha I visualise the kilos, which look like housebricks, flying off and disappearing over the horizon. (They have little chubby wings which flap furiously). I have used your technique in other areas too and am convinced that permanent changes for good are happening. I am certain that "Providence" provides us with opportunities for growth whenever they are needed - or at least when "it" knows that we are ready for growth. Sandy, your own enthusiasm, honesty and congruence are what most impressed me.