Story from J.B. NSW
I would like to share my recent success story with everyone. Two years ago I was average at Maths and English. I always struggled with both. I had a concrete goal to improve my ability and my grades in all my subjects. I began thinking of my Peaceful Place, to remain calm in exams and while studying. I reinforced my Emotional Anchor and used personal, positive and present thinking. Immediately I saw an astounding result. When my yearly exams came I reached the top advanced class. This year I am in year 9, I am studying Advanced Maths, and Advanced English. In a recent English test I scored a whopping 91% (before I would be lucky to receive 60-70%. I did a maths test set by the University of NSW and I came in the top 13% of Australia. I was the only person in my school who got a "Distinction". The moral of my story is: "If you think you can't, you won't. If you believe you can, you always will." Thank you Sandy for your wonderful techniques that have kept me motivated and reaching for the stars. I hope this encourages other children, because nothing is impossible! Never let anyone stand in the way of your dreams.