Story from M.B. NSW
This is my story of my great success which I achieved with the help of your book and courses. At the start of Year 6 I continuously received test results ranging from 70-80% in both Maths and English. It was than that I started to read your book "Students Steps to Success" and I set my goal for myself - to get over 80%. Daddy promised me that every mark over 80% was worth a dollar. Then in the next test that I sat for I went to my Peaceful Place and completed the test calmly, more relaxed than ever before. When I received my results I was so pleased that I had got the top marks in my class and received $9 and a special dinner dedicated to my success. I am now in my final term of Year 6 and have received the result of 100% in my Maths test and 92% in my English. My PP and Emotional Anchor have helped me a lot. My goal is now set to be a zoologist and with all my positive reinforcements I believe that I will achieve it. Thank you for all your help and great ideas that you have shared with me.