Story from A.N. Tas
Thank you for your latest email. I am currently on leave from my teaching job due to a condition called spasmodic torticollis. I have had this condition for nearly two years now but I only discovered what it was last year. I have tried many alternative therapies without any success. Last year I attended one of your seminars in Tasmania. I am not very good at switching off in public as I tend to feel quite anxious and distracted. However I joined in with the group meditation at the end and I was amazed to discover when it was over that I could hold my head straight for the first time in eighteen months. I bought your book and set of meditation CDs. I have listened to the healing CD a couple of times but I let an ill friend borrow it a few months ago and haven't listened to it since. After reading your email I will ask for it back and possibly we could share it between us. After the success at your seminar my head began to involuntarily turn to the right again a couple of hours later. I know that I should be listening to the CD at least once a day and I have now made up my mind to do so. You are so right when you write about letting go of things such as status etc. for change to happen. My husband and I have decided to get rid of our mortgage by selling our house and moving into a smaller one. I will be able to cut back my hours of work until I feel I want to go back for more hours. I may decide to pursue a different line of work. I also agree with the fact that you have to let go of guilt and anger as it can replay over and over in your mind making you a bitter and unwell person. Since I have been ill I have slowed down and spent more time listening to my husband and two teenage daughters. Now I really listen not just nod my head whilst letting my thoughts be elsewhere.
I am going to meditate twice daily in an attempt to heal myself and avoid another session of botox to the muscles in my neck. This didn't work the first time and I am due for another lot soon. I will let you know how the meditation goes.
So thank you once again for your valuable advice and for keeping in touch.