Story from M.M. Tas
Dear Sandy,
Some little time has passed since I was last in touch and I’m pleased to say so much has happened since attending the 3 hour Meditation Seminar in Hobart and receiving the Peaceful Place set of CDs and the Switch On book. I’m just amazed at the difference it’s making to every area of my life, i.e. mental, emotional, spiritual, even physical. I would never have believed it possible unless I experienced it personally. Please allow me to share with you some more of the ways CALM has helped me.
When returning to aerobics after the 8 week summer break, I found I was much better co-ordinated and couldn’t figure out why… usually it takes a couple of weeks to “get back into it”. Then I remembered what had been said and written in CALM in relation to improved sporting ability and came to the realisation it was, in fact, the meditation techniques which had helped my co-ordination.
Recently someone spoke to me who hasn’t spoken to me for years. He is the husband of one of my best friends. He is also a Vietnam Veteran. He’s always appears to have a “chip on his shoulder” and, at best, he’d acknowledge you with a grunt, at worst, he’d simply ignore you. At the shopping centre last week I was acknowledged with a “how are ya” and after the initial shock I responded that I was very well thank you! I couldn’t help but wonder whether I was conveying more positive vibes toward him. In hindsight I’m certain that was the case.
I’m glad to say that whilst I’m still very involved in a fight against a local development proposal, it’s not causing me as much angst as it was before I started with CALM. I’m finding I’m more in control of my emotions (especially anger), I prioritise actions I want to be involved with and say “no” to some, and have been much more positive in my approach to the dispute.
Whilst these are just everyday challenges they are significant to me because CALM has made a difference not only in areas I’d hoped, but also in areas I didn’t expect. What has actually happened is that it’s increased my confidence enough to just begin contemplating facing a huge challenge which is still way off, but nevertheless no longer ruled out as a possibility.
Some little time has passed since I was last in touch and I’m pleased to say so much has happened since attending the 3 hour Meditation Seminar in Hobart and receiving the Peaceful Place set of CDs and the Switch On book. I’m just amazed at the difference it’s making to every area of my life, i.e. mental, emotional, spiritual, even physical. I would never have believed it possible unless I experienced it personally. Please allow me to share with you some more of the ways CALM has helped me.
When returning to aerobics after the 8 week summer break, I found I was much better co-ordinated and couldn’t figure out why… usually it takes a couple of weeks to “get back into it”. Then I remembered what had been said and written in CALM in relation to improved sporting ability and came to the realisation it was, in fact, the meditation techniques which had helped my co-ordination.
Recently someone spoke to me who hasn’t spoken to me for years. He is the husband of one of my best friends. He is also a Vietnam Veteran. He’s always appears to have a “chip on his shoulder” and, at best, he’d acknowledge you with a grunt, at worst, he’d simply ignore you. At the shopping centre last week I was acknowledged with a “how are ya” and after the initial shock I responded that I was very well thank you! I couldn’t help but wonder whether I was conveying more positive vibes toward him. In hindsight I’m certain that was the case.
I’m glad to say that whilst I’m still very involved in a fight against a local development proposal, it’s not causing me as much angst as it was before I started with CALM. I’m finding I’m more in control of my emotions (especially anger), I prioritise actions I want to be involved with and say “no” to some, and have been much more positive in my approach to the dispute.
Whilst these are just everyday challenges they are significant to me because CALM has made a difference not only in areas I’d hoped, but also in areas I didn’t expect. What has actually happened is that it’s increased my confidence enough to just begin contemplating facing a huge challenge which is still way off, but nevertheless no longer ruled out as a possibility.