Story From LR, Qld.
Just thought you would like a little bit of feedback on your weight release CD.
After we spoke on the phone and you said "You don't look very overweight for your height - why bother at your time of life, keep things sensible and enjoy life" I thought what a good idea and thought no more about it. Then you kindly sent a CD up to me which I put to one side thinking 'Well Sandy did think it necessary after all'.
Then my conscience started pricking me a bit. I thought well, I may as well listen to it just to see what it's like so I did. It made a lot of sense. Much better than counting calories or walking for miles (which I can't do anyway).
The part which really stuck in my mind was "Visualise what it would be like to be able to get into your clothes without straining! You could look at your silhouette without being embarrassed" so I thought, well I'll give it a try for a little while.
I started knocking back a second helping of dinner no matter how delectable it was. I learned to say "no" to my wife's chocolate fudge (which was hard). I didn't have a couple of biscuits and cheese an hour before dinner when I got peckish. All of a sudden, it became quite easy.
Every time I was tempted, I remembered the bit about getting into my trousers that bit easier and putting an extra notch in my belt. I actually want to see my silhouette improving and am sure it will. Maybe as a bonus, my B.P. will come down too which will make my G.P happier.
When I started just four weeks ago, I noted my weight at 98.6 kg. This morning I tried it again and it was 94.9kg. Almost 3.75 kgs or 8 lbs in the month. On a roll now (although it IS tempting when I see my wife having a bit of chocolate, even though she does try to hide her look of joy if I catch her eating!). Thanks Sandy - you hit just the right note!