Anonymous Stories
"Thank you for an incredibly wonderful two days. I have benefited immensely and learned how important it is to love myself and the rest of life’s challenges I can handle day by day."
"Sandy, you are a wonderful presenter and your obvious enthusiasm and sincerity ‘beam out’. Your emphasis on simply taking the step to explore new ideas helped me to realise that ‘I won’t (with a cross through the words won’t) know if I don’t (with a cross through the word don’t) TRY”: “I am open to change!! Thanks for a great two days."
“I found many useful aids to help build into my business to provide more interesting contact with people. On my creative side, I am focused on beginning a new series of work for my next exhibition. By beginning now I will lose my panic station towards climax time when it will be all finished and on display.”
“This seminar was delightfully presented with knowledge and heart talk skilfully intertwined. I felt inspired without being on a ‘high’ and feel that I can go home with achievable goals. Thank you for your sharing of yourself and your life Sandy.”
“I have totally enjoyed this experience and I have now learned a new skill to make my life more relaxed, calmer and this will be reducing my stress and tension. For my day-to-day life this will result in my happiness and better health. Thank you Sandy.”
“After two days I have a sense of setting out on an exciting and wonderful new journey.”
“ Thanks so much for your time in teaching me about the subconscious mind and to use it to achieve my goals. They say everyone needs mentors and I can assure you, you have been added to my list. I respect you and strive to incorporate your expertise into my way of life.”
“Important to me: Forgiveness and Anchor. Instead of stressing and worrying to find a solution to a problem I think it’s great that you can relax and it can come to you. Much better — YES!”
“Thanks Sandy for teaching me such valuable life skills that I can implement immediately to improve my personal and professional life.”