Story from S.G, Vic
Well, it’s a week since the seminar and I thought I would let you know how it is all going for me. I have applied PP at least 20 times or more a day, sometimes for more than 30 seconds and I complete two meditations minimum a day using the three tapes I bought. I meditate once in the morning and at night before bed. I have in the last week felt more relaxed, happy, and peaceful than I have in a long time. My interactions with people have been relaxed and even inspirational at times! I constantly come up with new ideas for things without trying. A good side effect for me is I noticed I have stopped biting my nails, a habit I have had for years, and I did this without even thinking about it. My dreams have increased — they are more vivid and often deal with some of the things I have been meditating about. I completed two modules of work from my Traineeship that I have been putting off for months, and actually enjoyed it! I have a couple of times been able to wake up before the alarm, but getting out of bed is the hard part! I hope to go alarm-less soon.
My goal I set myself was “I love and accept myself unconditionally.” I use my WIIFMs which I visualise with and I have done this five times a day. I imagine that I am feeling good about myself and people around me. I visualise love in me, and feeling great — I pat myself on the back and say to myself “Good one!” I feel that my goal has been reached because there have been a number of times the scenes I visualised have come true. I realise it is all up to me, and I discipline myself to regularly do it. I’ll keep in touch — I know the next months will be an exciting time for me. Have a happy 1998.