Story from F.M, NSW
I so look forward to receiving your “Switch On” Newsletters that I’m sure I could not live without them. They are a constant reminder to keep the techniques you taught me 2½ years ago, polished and “alive”... and they have definitely played a large part in my recovery programme from a knee operation last week. Between you, my surgeon and my physio, I am in good hands. I am especially blessed! Pain is such a minor issue that my physio is perplexed ... but then again he hasn’t been to my PP, has he? Attending your CALM Seminar in August 1995 provided a very dramatic turning point in my life ... but it didn’t happen instantaneously. There were a lot of issues I had to confront head-on in my life, and it really has taken me 2½ years to do that, with the constant help of your tapes, techniques and your very personal newsletters. The great beauty of it is that the more I work through them, the greater the depth I feel to my life. I am constantly being recreated from a very comforting spiritual power within. There will always be issues for me to confront but I am not afraid of them now.
God bless, and thank you for a wonderful year of “Switch-On Success”. Warmest Regards.