Story from S.P
One direct link of your teaching was put into practice 2 weeks ago when on the beach my heel came down on a boxthorn branch and the spike broke off in my heel; PP and control straight away. 36 years ago I had stepped on a similar branch and had to go to hospital and have an operation to remove similar thorns. This time the pain was almost non existent, I believe because of your teaching and even the past did not catch up with me as it was one thing I had feared. The heel became swollen and red by the time I had made it home, so I washed it off and found the offending half inch spike underneath the skin and pulled it out, and with it a rush of blood. Three days later I could hardly feel that there had been any thorn there at all, so it certainly works - it's great! Also I have been on a diet to release weight and my doctor indicated to me that over Christmas I would have trouble keeping it under control but I actually released 1 kilogram over the 4 weeks and I didn't worry about my diet all that much. Once again I was thrilled. The Seminar, the tapes and the learning have made a difference in my life and I'm so grateful. Many thanks.