Story from J.W
This year has been full of frustration and pain but since attending your seminar I am more positive, have more control of the pain level in my legs and I am sure I am much nicer to be around as a result. I don't think anything will equal the thrill I received when I realised I had walked properly up the stairs at the conference centre on Sunday morning - the first time in the 3 years since my accident! I am also amazed that I spent two days 9am to 6pm and left each day refreshed, not jaded. This alone speaks of the benefit I received and continue to receive from your wonderful methods.
I would like to express to you also the wonderful "feeling" at the Seminar. I think my husband summed it up when he said ... "everyone had a lovely smile for me each evening as they left, it must have been good in there." Thank you Sandy, I feel I have a new start to my life.