Story from L.K, NSW
I am writing to tell you what a turning point in my life the CALM seminar has been. I have learned skills I never even though imaginable. I feel I have discovered my own magic powers. I am using the skills learned in CALM in all facets of my life with huge success and the area I have encountered most success is with the creative mediation.
I am a singer/songwriter and a pianist. I always knew this was an area my life was directed, however I had a very hard time writing songs. That is, of course, until I learned how to use the power of my creative mind through meditation. It was an instant success. I simply asked myself whilst deep in meditation what the next lines to the song were. Line by line the perfect words would just come to me and writing them down as I went I was shocked to see how a song was forming in front of my eyes and it was just perfect.
I always seemed to know what I wanted to write about but found it very difficult to find the right words. Since using this method I have been able to very quickly and easily assemble songs and poetry that I am pleased to call my own.
I am still flabbergasted today at how the answers to my questions just come and I often wonder about the amount of information, ideas and visions I can source from within my mind.
Sandy, I cannot express the appreciation I have for what you have taught me. You have given me so much more than was promised. It has opened a door way into a life I didn't know I had. I now so look forward to the future.
To anyone reading this letter who has not yet discovered the CALM weekend, my only advice is JUST DO IT!