Is it OK for children to do meditation? And have you got any suggestions of books where we can find meditations for children
Yes, it's fine for children to meditate. Remember that the number of minutes that they can hold their focus is two, plus their age. So for very young children, it would be quite a challenge to meditate for longer than five to ten minutes. However, someone who is 13 years old could be able to meditate for twenty minutes. Many of my meditation tapes and CDs have been used successfully for 13 year olds. However, if a parent wants to teach the techniques to their 7 or 8 year old, then I suggest they modify and shorten the meditation.
As to suggested books, the words to meditations are printed in each one of my books. I have found useful the following books by Maureen Garth, published by Collins Dove-Victoria
1. Sunshine
2. Starlight
3. Moonbeam
4. The Inner Garden (Meditations For Life From 9-90).