I recently spoke to you regarding difficulties I was having during meditation. I started the weight release program two weeks ago weighing 70kgs and as of today have not released any weight. I have been meditating twice daily ( find it hard to fit three in every day). Whilst seeing myself at my ideal weight I definitely feel the emotion of how wonderful it is to be at my ideal weight. I also apply my anchor (word) at the height of these emotions. I am still having trouble sitting still and have a tendency to lose focus. Could this be the reason for no results? I also have your books and have read them. I would really appreciate some advise as to what I'm doing (right or wrong). This weight problem I have has always been a huge issue for me. I am sure it is a form of protection I felt I have needed since I was nine years of age (which was when sexual abuse commenced). Hence my anchor word is SECURE. While I have done a lot of work with this problem and am at good place with my past, I have to wonder whether this is still holding me back and not allowing me to release the need to protect myself. I would value your thoughts on this matter.
I think you have a lot of awareness and insight to the main issue that would definitely be contributing to the weight you carry right now. It is a known fact that people use "weight" to protect themselves. In fact, I believe you may be perpetuating this, by using the word "secure" when you're talking about your Emotional Anchor. In other words, every time you use your Anchor, you are in fact reminding yourself of the issue that happened when you were 9 years old. It is important to move on from this.
One of the things that I really believe is that you need to Congratulate yourself about the fact that you really have come to the awareness that weight is not the issue (although it's the end result), it's most probably the CAUSE of the weight - protection - from your childhood trauma.
Now, how to overcome the CAUSE of the weight. I really believe that if there is any anger, hatred, hostility, resentment, blame, revenge ... and more ... within this matter, that these are the ones that need to be addressed. Generally speaking I recommend the processes of Acceptance, Co-operation, Unconditional Love, and Forgiveness. These are precisely the steps that I used myself. All these issues need to be addressed in meditation. You have already read the book "Switch On to Your Inner Strength" and this is the book where I discuss these sorts of issues. My tapes (and now CDs), such as "Letting Go Anger", "Forgiveness", "Inner Peace & Harmony" can be very helpful. Together with this, it is really important that you examine your self-talk and the way you think about these issues. Remember, negative thoughts attract negative thoughts.
I have discussed with you on the telephone, the thoughts that may come up for you whilst you're eating, for example, always sitting down when you're eating, putting your knife & fork down between each mouthful, chewing until the food is liquid, when you don't serve yourself - leaving a little bit on the plate (smile when you think of the familiar saying - "to feed the hungry millions in the World"). Remember to increase your metabolic rate by "turning down" your hypothalimus gland - by visualisation, in meditation. If most of the above thoughts are current in your mind, then take note of them, and do them. In addition, you can now look at what you feed yourself (cutting down on fats and excess sugars and carbohydrates) and increasing your exercise. Even committing to half an hours walking each day will help. Keep up this regimen and it will work. Keep doing this, while you address the trauma in your life. If you're able to attend one my seminars I think it could be really helpful.