What is done is done – and can be kept in the past once we have handled it, accepted what has happened, made apologies if necessary, forgiven both ourselves and others where necessary, it is then time to move on. We can’t go back to the past and make things happen differently.
Use Only Positive Ruminating
Dwelling on and mulling over past negative events just prevents us from living for now and looking forward to good times ahead. It can ultimately lead to depression. One term used for repetitive focusing on negative thoughts is “ruminating”. It’s like spinning your wheels in the mud – you’re going nowhere other than deeper and deeper into the mud – digging a great hole of depression. If you want to ruminate then do so on positive thoughts – you’ll feel a whole lot better. A good meditation CD is Moving Through Depression.
Will it serve you or anybody else to replay past injuries, injustices, conversations, health issues and so on? You know the answer – and if it becomes like haranguing others it will very quickly drive people away from you. Any challenges such as these should certainly be talked about at the time and if necessary to a professional Counsellor but the key is to Accept and Move On. To some extent, when people dwell over past negative events they are temporarily withdrawn from reality – stuck in thoughts of a different time. A useful meditation tool is Acceptance and Letting Go.
Develop A Habit Of Daily Meditation
You know by now what I am going to say ….. don’t you? Yes, it’s that familiar plea from me to use meditation as a tool to achieve what you want. I believe that a habit of daily meditation (say for 20 minutes a day) is the best thing in life that you can do – and you can start at any age. Have a look at the Peaceful Place Collection to see the variety of subjects that can be addressed with Active Meditation – Active Meditation using Guided Imagery and Visualisation where you are really doing something inside your mind like – “changing habits”.
Cry if you need to – but not forever. Make goals for the future. Take up a hobby, join a social club – sports perhaps? Book Club? Scrabble? Bridge? Music? Bush Walking? Theatre? Craft? Cooking? Do a course at TAFE or WEA – there are plenty available
Deal With Mental Hurt
You do not need to carry hurts forever through your life. Wounds can heal and yes, there will often be a scar. You will always remember the negative things (this is what we learn from) but you will have released the residual hurt, anger or resentfulness by using the meditations Acceptance and Letting Go, Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. Have a look at my Free eBook.
We live in a wonderful free country with plenty of opportunity to enjoy a healthy, life. Appreciate what you do have in life and take the lesson from what happens.
So, be kind to yourself and do something different. Smile at others and consider perhaps performing more random acts of kindness - I guarantee it will give you a good feeling. I came across this quote from George Eliot: “It will never rain roses: when we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.” … I just love it.
All the best
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."
The Next Creating Happiness Intentionally Seminar -
The CHI Seminar which is all about determining and moving towards your Life Purpose 29 April - 3 May 2015
Read about the seminar - details are here. For more or to hold a spot call 1 300 731 900
Tour To Vietnam - It's on 11 - 19 May 2015
Have a look at the Archives of the previous tour by clicking the dates within the link
Organised by Military History Tours.
Hosted by Vietnam Tunnel Rat Sandy MacGregor and if available Author Jimmy Thomson
Call Sandy 1 300 731 900
Success Stories
I have taken a little bit of the Editors Licence here not revealing names, places etc. What follows is clarity and beating depression after the CHI seminar.
Just to keep you in the loop with events since attending my second seminar with you. You may recall I was feeling pretty low and I took your advice on how to overcome depression and tried meditating. Not an overnight success, but in a relatively short period of a couple of months, I heaved out my blood pressure pills and my anti-depressants and have never looked back. I found it helped me achieve a balanced view of life in general.
Fast forward to May 1st, 2014, we moved just down the road to take retirement just a little more seriously. Mid May saw us winging our way to Bali to catch up with Son (also a graduate of your course) who is on secondment for 12 months at a university at Jog Jakarta. Ensconced in a Raffles type hotel at Jog J, my wife thought she had better take a dekko at her emails - there was a letter from receivers informing us our tenants had gone to the wall and declared themselves bankrupt, owing us $20,000 in rent arrears. This bad news was quite out of the blue, but for me the Indonesian holiday was over. The long and the short of it, we decided the best way to cut our losses and resume our income flow was to reopen again in our names.
Something of a pain in the arse because I am now 70 and my wife is 65, but fairly drastic measures are required at desperate times. On the plus side, we both enjoy general good health (which we must never take for granted), and have retained most of our marbles.
Anyway, we relaunched the shop in August to much fanfare and after huge amounts of work remodelling everything, and touch wood, it seems OK. I approached a book distributor about the possibility of a franchise, as there are no bookshops in this town, and it seems 98% certain we will be taken on board.
So, never a dull moment. My son just emailed – he is now back in Fiji for another 12 months – sure beats the Queensland public service. B.R. QLD
All is very good here, I have been very busy and enjoying my new Alpha Wave business focus, you will see below I have created a new business name/logo and thought I would tell you about my first pilot workshop I had this weekend!!
I had a couple of teachers attending as well as 7 teenagers and some friends and family and I was very excited. Since I finished your CHI course I have been studying madly and expanding my knowledge about the RAS, PP etc., and working on getting a fun 3 hour seminar together directed at teenagers to teach them PP and about the Alpha Wave.
I am proud to say my seminar went really well and I received lots of encouragement to continue in this Education area.
I am aiming to offer workshops to secondary schools so am keen to see how my pilot workshop goes this weekend. Thanks for all of your help, training, blessings and emails, you have not been far from my mind or my heart. D.J. TAS