Mantra meditation is one of the most common forms of experiencing spiritual and emotional fulfillment. [Have a look at Sandy's Spiritual Meditation CD or Download]. Many people find that these mantras put them in a state of relaxation that they struggle to achieve anywhere else. That's why many people choose mantra meditation as a way to relieve anxiety.
Why Mantras May Be Useful for Anxiety
• Mental Distraction
One of the main issues with anxiety [see Sandy's CD18 Overcoming Worry and Anxiousness - and the download] is that it can overwhelm your thoughts, and it may be hard to block out those thoughts when they seem to persist in your mind. But these mantras act as a mental distraction, essentially replacing these thoughts with calming tones. When you can get some freedom from these thoughts through these mantras, you'll often find that they have less power over your mind and body.
• Blocking Out Distracting Noise
• Focus on Breathing
Finally, the distractions around you can make it hard to perform the slow, deep breaths necessary for meditation to work effectively. But when you perform mantras, the mantras themselves force you to breathe slowly, which in turn will calm your mind and body. Other meditation techniques have valuable breathing patterns, but those patterns may take more training and can be disrupted by the world around you. Mantras force that style of breathing even in those new to meditation, making them a useful tool for learning to relax.
Benefits of Mantras on Stress and Anxiety
Mantras are just one of many effective meditation styles that can be used to cure anxiety, and mantras themselves are not necessarily designed to be a relaxation strategy. Indeed, they're actually meant for a far more spiritual purpose. But there are psychological reasons to believe that mantras may have additional benefits for anxiety beyond the spiritual component, and could be a great way to improve your coping ability.
About the Author: Ryan Rivera is an anxiety help specialist who focuses on anxiety and natural cures like meditation. He writes about anxiety at
New Research With Depression
I really pricked up my ears when I heard on the radio about British Research involving a study into CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - some of what I teach about). Apparently the study showed that 46% of those presenting with depression took no pills and recovered using CBT.
It is Time to Register and Plan to Attend the Chi Seminar
So Sandy remember to create balance in your life – especially between work and leisure. Consider attending the CHI Seminar.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and enjoy the holidays.
All the best,
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."
The Next Seminar is Creating Happiness Intentionally.
BALI CHI Seminar, June 22nd - 29th, 2013 - you can get there and back for less than $800 with AirAsia. If you know your Life's Purpose and you work towards it, being GOAL directed, then you will only have success in Creating Happiness for yourself and that means "balance" too. Have a look at, do the exercises, read the testimonials and then book for the next one which is from June 22nd - 29th, 2013 in a gorgeous retreat in Bali; and then in Sydney August 21st - 25th, 2013. Remember for repeaters it is half price!