You’ve seen me writing about the 5-Day live-in Creating Happiness Intentionally – CHI – Seminar many times before and expounding its virtues. You have probably seen letters written to us by people who have benefitted by attending.
But how can you tell if this is really something for you? My belief is to read as much as you can about the conduct of any seminar and then read or speak to participants or read what they have to say. (Yes we can put you in touch with those who have experienced the seminars.)
Divorce - Confused and Despairing!
From somebody who was coping with a painful separation and divorce and wrote to me just before attending her 2nd CHI Seminar:
I believe the best thing I ever did for myself was to invest in your CHI retreat back in 2009 and I’m looking forward to attending again now in 2011. I do not believe I would have got through this last 2 years the way I have without the knowledge that I gained from you. I am very sorry that my marriage will not be continuing but I know one day I will be ok and I won’t die, only grow from this.
She was confused and rather despairing after the collapse of her marriage and after attending her 2nd CHI she wrote:
This is my 2nd CHI course. Initially I was worried that it would be boring or repetitive but I ignored these negative feelings and paid attention. I realised that I heard with different ears this time than the first. I had grown from my first experience and had already started implementing much of the CHI strategies and thought patterns.
The 1st CHI assisted me to cope with the ever changing world and my own personal circumstances. This 2nd CHI has helped me reassess my life with a whole new expanded set of goals that have built on top of existing goals or achievements. SA, WA.
Dealing with deep grief and bereavement
How do you deal with the death of a life’s partner? It is a challenge to even imagine that you can make a new life for yourself let alone find new interests! A participant attended CHI in just these circumstances. She set and then went on to achieve some amazing goals, such as Meditating daily, joined a local library and took to reading with a passion, joined a book club where she has met new people, joined a support group for those who are bereaved, started attending Art Classes, attended a talk by Dr Norman Doidge, enrolled in University to complete a PhD, took up creative writing, had some sessions with a Counsellor, sorted out her affairs, travelled overseas and is “threatening” to join a gym.
After attending CHI she wrote :
Thank you. I came to Bali to attend the CHI Seminar just 8 short weeks after the death of my beloved husband. I felt my life was completely lost. I had no goals, no purpose and was full of sadness.
I am so grateful I came here to this course on “Creating Happiness Intentionally” in the gorgeous Gaia Oasis, far into the hills in Northern Bali.
Away from the world’s pressures, with a group of like-minded people, Sandy, you have helped me re-gain my purpose for life.
In 4 days I have worked out my Life’s Purpose with goals to support that purpose. I am brimming, positively brimming, with excitement to get started on the rest of my life. The CHI course is well honed – it certainly does show you how to create happiness. Thank you again Sandy. KA, WA.
We all have Challenges!
If you have something particularly challenging to handle in your life – and at some stage during our life, make no mistake – we all will face a difficult challenge. That’s part of life! What we learn from adversity is what is important. Lessons for the Soul! The two testimonials above are rather compelling. To gild the lily I have included more below which I find encouraging and inspirational. Read them all to get a different perspective.
Plan now and make an intention by reserving your place for $100. Remember it is a 5 day live in seminar with very limited numbers and will be conducted in Sydney from 11-15 January 2012 and in northern Bali from 23-30 June 2012.
So SSSS, give some thought to this email. You may like to do the written exercises at and please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspects of this seminar or to speak personally to a former attendee.
All the best,
"Your gift from God is your potential – Your gift to God is to use it."
Success Stories
Good Day Sandy. You have changed my outlook on life. Visions that are there, but I hadn’t seen them. Ideas that were there – but only released at the CHI Seminar. The location was perfect. I never felt tired, yet it was full-on every day. That’s where the meditation really helped. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the people around me.
Sandy, you were very inspirational, inspiring and always kept me interested. My son also attended the CHI Seminar and being only 19 I could see the changes in his self confidence and positive outlook on life.
My wife was also there and I know it has brought us closer together, not that we were very far apart.
I would recommend it to anyone who wants to find their inner self. Kind regards EB, Qld.
And from that man’s 19 year old son:
Hey Sandy, I “LOVED” the Experience. I remember every night not being able to sleep because I was so excited about what I had learnt – or Goals – they get me excited too – especially the Alpacas.
The location is beautiful, the food is great. Being isolated from what’s happening in the world is perfect, so you can really listen to yourself. No distractions. I love the family feel about it – we all eat together and it feels like a big happy environment.
I have never been so happy and relaxed in my whole life. It has been the best week of my life. And looking at my goals I’ll be having the best years of my life.
Thanks for the experience Sandy. CB, Qld.
If you are even remotely interested in doing CHI, JUST DO IT NOW. The remainder of your life awaits you. LE, NSW
I enjoyed the CHI very much. The Pre-CHI conducted helped me to understand the basics I needed, to follow the CHI.
Sandy’s approach was excellent. I learned a lot about myself and how to set goals. The work of the subconscious mind was great. Thanks to Sandy for showing the practical means of reaching the subconscious mind.
Great ! Valuable 5 days! Excellent Seminar! GE, NSW
After the 5-Day CHI Seminar I realised my true potential is achieveable. In 5 days I have become much calmer and relaxed.
It took me 2 days to really open up and get into the seminar but once I did, the seminar flew by and everything made sense.
All the participants put in 100% and opened up, showing a side to them they probably didn’t know they had.
Sandy was a true pro, keeping the seminar interesting at all times with rare slow spots.
The emphasis on meditation was the interesting part, I have struggled with commitment to it in the past but now realise its major benefits after 5 days of it. I look forward to the benefits for the rest of my amazing life. MM, NSW
I arrived at Sandy’s CHI seminar in a state of total despair, not able to look further than a day into the future.
I left with a clear plan for the future in place and filled with wonder at the awesome transformation which took place the second day of the seminar. BN, NSW
CHI was a revelation for me. I was surprised and delighted that I could actually meditate for up to an hour almost instantly using Sandy’s technique of a “Peaceful Place”. I have never previously managed this.
His precise instructions and step-by-step direction made goal setting relevant and achievable. This is possibly the only “self help” seminar that I can realistically imagine incorporating into my everyday life. GM, Qld.
My life was at a “crossroads” when I decided to do the CHI Seminar. I had a list of eight areas that I wanted to work on. By the end of the course I had clarity, contentment and a plan for the next part of my journey. I am excited and happy about who I am and where I’m going in life. There was a great bond of friendship between everyone on the course by the end of the four days. I totally recommend this course for clarity and a way of life. Wish I’d done it years ago. GL, NSW
Sandy, I have done a number of goal programs in the past and a lot of development work, however I have not come across a program that is so effective in identifying and achieving goals as your CHI program. I now know how to make the changes I want in my life, and how to determine what they should be. The scientific principles behind your program gives me confidence in the techniques you use, and the amazing experiences and insight I gained during these 5 days has been proof for me in its power. I was seeking solutions for changing unwanted behaviours for me and my clients, and you’ve provided that, thank you! KJ, NSW
I found the pre-CHI Seminar really useful for 2 reasons: first, I was readied for CHI and second, it reminded me of techniques I learned years ago and used at irregular intervals.
By crikey I deserved the CHI Seminar. With the help of the fascinating people it attracted from all walks of life and various Australian states, I could allow myself to firm up my goals in a way that feels so natural to me. I am no longer nervous to step forward into my future, because my comfort zone has expanded to accommodate me. More to the point, I understand why I have my particular goals and why I need to reach them.
I moved a long way myself in the 5 days, but to see the gobsmacking changes in others did my soul good – and they even invited me to help them. Some of the people in the CHI community even LOOKED different by the time they left, look out world, here they come!
A loving, supportive and positive community is of inestimable value when I undertake the demanding and sometimes scary task of defining my goals. The community that built itself around you Sandy was a vibrant, compassionate and hilarious work of living art – this is a bit of Universal magic that I revel in … and you do too, don’t you!
As a consequence of CHI, my goals are solid, achievable and in tune with my values and ethics. They will bring out the best in me and help me achieve my potential in a way that is authentic for me, and right for the world. LE, NSW
Thank you Sandy for your support throughout the last few days.
The trusting, confidential and comfortable environment you created upon commencement of the seminar further enhanced my enjoyment of the course.
I felt you successfully facilitated all individuals within the group to reach a higher level of clarity and understanding regarding their current goals of most use and interest, hence their Life Purpose Now!
I gained a great deal from the CHI seminar as a whole. Points to highlight include – location, clear, colourful step-by-step visual tools to aid use of tools, the catering and the open communication and support between all group members. Thank you once again. CA, NSW.
And the person below has attended twice – so both these letters are from that person:
The CHI Seminar is everything you said it would be. And much more! The structure was expertly developed, the facilitation professional, skilled, respectful and empowering, and the process inspirational and enlightening. All the outcomes were visibly achieved for myself and everyone present.
Bringing the concept of “Discovering your life’s purpose now” into reality was one of the most exciting, pleasurable, satisfying, fun journeys I’ve ever undertaken. The energy that is generated through this seminar is extraordinary!
I cannot speak highly enough of your excellent facilitation skills and respect for each participant. It ensures that each person accesses their own wisdom and finds within themselves their “Life’s Purpose Now”. It’s both spiritual and practical, and achievable. PS, Tas
Thank you once again for providing the CHI Seminar. This is my second time having been so encouraged by the effectiveness of the first one I attended over 5 years ago.
I benefited and learnt as much as I did from the first one. There were new challenges and skills gained and, as before, the encouragement and empowerment from you and other participants was evident throughout.
Sharing a seminar where you safely explore your life’s purpose with a skilled, caring facilitator like you Sandy, provides the setting for a profound experience. The techniques you use, the expertise you demonstrate, the compassion you emanate all reflect your goal of working for the higher good of all concerned.
Once again, thank you. I am so very glad I came to CHI. PS, Tas