Leading up to the Toast I gave a speech - the subject was Leadership. It is as well to know that the main role of UNSWR is to produce officers for the Army Reserve. There always seems to be constraints of resources - mainly money - on the Army Reserve and yet they are increasingly called upon for service overseas. Right now there are enormous fiscal restraints brought about by the $20 billion cutback on Defence.
Here Is The Speech I Gave
Of the people who were not actually murdered, the ones who had goals, who had a family they knew they had to survive for and those who had a great purpose, tended to be the ones who withstood enormous difficulties and survived.
He established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and he only had words of forgiveness for his former enemies.
A story about one of my soldiers in 3 Field Troop Engineers in Vietnam which I commanded in 1965-66.
Douglas Sanderson RAE
Doug Sanderson was a Lance Corporal in the Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) and his No2 (we always worked in pairs when supporting the Infantry on Operations) was evacuated back to base camp – so Doug was on his own on an operation supporting the infantry. Doug suffered from claustrophobia. In the operation an armed wounded enemy was seen disappearing down a tunnel entrance. Doug was called upon to get him out – it was his job. Doug went down the tunnel alone, located the enemy (who had a rifle), donned his tear gas mask and then threw a tear gas grenade. The enemy was neutralised and coughing, spluttering and with blinding tears, emerged to the surface. It was not until November 2009 that I asked Doug how he did it. Doug said “ I told myself that I had to do it – it was my job. I then pictured, imagined and told myself that I was crawling on the surface of the earth with plenty of air to breathe (when I was down in the tunnel).” What a wonderful example of mental toughness achieved through focused concentration and visualisation. I recommended Doug for a bravery award however it didn’t happen.
I call this leadership!
Lieut Colonel Rupert Hoskin
Sappers in Vietnam had the greatest number of casualties per % of soldiers in-country in the Vietnam war and our government’s strict instruction was to design operations which avoid loss of life. You can imagine that not only did this report go right to the top, the Chief of the General Staff, but to the Defence Minister. Col Hoskin got the equipment he needed because of his fearless advice.
I call this leadership!
I Now Refer to Recent Studies
On the Secrets Of Military Leadership in Nov 2009
A survey by the Harvard Kennedy School's Center for Public Leadership shows Americans have significantly higher confidence in military leaders than leaders in government, business and the media. Snippets from the Report include:
Professor Todd Henshaw who previously directed the leadership program at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Leadership is about leaving it all on the field rather than taking it off the table. This is a core tenet of military leadership, and it's ingrained in the culture of each military service. During his time in the Army, he witnessed good and bad leaders, people who empowered or micromanaged, and leaders who had strategic vision or demonstrated an inability to think "out of the box." But one consistency across this very large population of military leaders was the notion of serving: service to others in their charge, service to the unit in which they served, and ultimately service to the nation through duty and sacrifice.
Ed O'Malley is President and CEO of the Kansas Leadership Centre
He said - perhaps we trust the military more because it delivers on its broad promise to the American people. We ask the military to keep us safe, and they deliver. We ask government to solve tough issues like lax regulation of Wall Street and government dithers. We ask media to shoot straight and then media bias, on all sides, is so evident. We ask big business to steward the economic promise of America and then find ourselves bailing out billionaires.
Colonel Mike Haith is the manager of Leadership Training at Whitney, Bradley and Brown, Inc
One of the earliest lessons of effective leadership is to share the dangers and hardships of subordinates; never to ask them to take risks you are unwilling to share. At the end of the day when others are tired, cold, wet, hungry and possibly dispirited and near defeat, tend to their needs before your own, prepare for the challenges of the next day, and provide inspiration and hope when there may be little reason for hope.
Ronald Heifetz, the founding director of the Center for Public Leadership
General Eric Shinseki represented the model of military integrity in the winter and spring of 2003 when he cut against the grain of his boss, Donald Rumsfeld, to give his best judgment to Congress and the American people. He stated that the Iraqi war effort was more than a military procedure, that to secure the country after the "war" and create sufficient stability to enable peace would require two to three times as many troops as the administration wanted to accept. He was fired for speaking up, but the lesson was not lost on the American people.
Sapper Coolburra's Funeral
After the Tully exercise, the very next day 12 tired soldiers were providing a military presence at the funeral of Sapper Coolburra (one of my soldiers in Vietnam) on Palm Island. After the 5 hour funeral the CO Colonel Hoskin, the RSM, myself and a driver from the Island who was the Superintendant of the hospital offered us a beer on the way to the Wake. I said "yes" – we had just been talking about it. We stopped for the beer and the CO and the RSM (Regimental Sergeant Major - the senior non-commisioned officer in 3CER) said "no". I asked why? Rupert Hoskin explained that his sappers won’t be able to have a beer on the island. Think about this! His sappers would not even have known – but of course the CO and the RSM would have known. (The sappers made up for it on the way back on the ferry.)
I call this leadership.
The Regiment Produces Leaders
I was talking to the Commander of 2nd Division, General Williams, a little while ago about recruiting. He informed me that there are enormous numbers of people applying to get into the Reserve and yet the Army Reserve total numbers are dwindling.
You, the Regiment members, may know that recruitment has been in the hands of civilians for the last few years and the average time it takes to get an officer cadet into UNSWR is from 6 to 12 months – by that time most are gone.
I am happy to say to you that the Commanding Officer of the Regiment is leading. He has taken on the enormous challenge of recruiting. The Regiment is now going to actively recruit.
There is talk of combining UNSWR and SUR (Sydney University Regiment)! Can you imagine? I can’t - it would fly in the face of history and tradition! Leaders, I’m sure, will come to the fore.
The Regiment continues to produce leaders of great quality.
I now ask you to charge your glasses and be upstanding for a toast to the "The Regiment".
So, you may recognise that the true story about Douglas Sanderson is what I teach about - using the power of the subconscious mind deliberately - 2 Day Seminar. I would like you to know about my Leadership Website - you could forward it to some companies or corporations if you are so moved. I believe in Personal Leadership and this starts with using the personal power of the subconscious mind deliberately.
Sandy MacGregor
All The Latest
I have updated the CALM Website. On the home page you will find a 3 minute video about what is on the site plus I have reduced the size of the page.
Remember "All the Latest" is at the foot of this page. My main reminder to you is for the CHI Seminar which is on 12-16 May in Sydney and 19-26 June in BALI - it is best to Book Now. More information and testimonials are at www.lifepurose.com.au.
Success Stories
Thanks so much for the four days of wonder, insight, challenge, learning, fun, peace, excitement, more challenge and journeying with friends.
This experience at the 4-day CHI will remain with me as a pivotal one in my life and now, of course, it’s up to me to continue to use the invaluable tools you have given me and so develop what we’ve started into the future. B.C. WA.
I am happy to be settled back home in Tas again and pleased to be back at work after my year of adventuring. Many people have expressed amazement at how energised, healthy and happy I am now. It is almost 3 months since I returned to Australia already and my new attitude and more positive way of living has not worn off at all, unlike the benefits of most people's holidays. So many friends and colleagues are commenting on how great I look - younger even! And even better I feel fabulous.
So what was different about my experience? I don't believe it was just the travelling and time away from my usual stuff. I feel like I think differently now and that I have made some positive changes that will last a life time. The most significant catalyst of this is the skills I learned at 'Creating Happiness Intentionally' in Bali. Thank you Sandy L.J. Tas
I still use my Peaceful Place and find it really helpful especially when the worries or stress of life becomes too much. I especially enjoy your monthly Mind Matters News Reports - so lovely and calming and these give me something up-to-date to send any friend who may be interested in learning your Life Skills, this happens occasionally.
I always use your CDs when I meditate, they are GREAT!! just so valuable to me. I know I must not become stressed as every time this happens the words I want to say flash away from my mind and if I then when go to my PP and calm myself down everything I need to say returns. I can honestly say you have the best Seminar and teachings I have ever learnt they have given me an understanding of how my mind works and an understanding of its behaviour wanting to get me back where I was before, stressed and worried. I can now see what it is up to! If my mind wins again for a while I will soon correct it by meditating and telling myself how my mind is sabotaging me.
All the best for the wonderful work you do. And THANK YOU!! C.W. NSW
I have had an unusual year. It’s funny; I didn’t know I was suffering depression until I started losing the negative effects of the condition and feeling ‘normal’ again. I have to say that following your CALM practices is what has helped relieve my mind of the stress of grief and loss. I do admire your strength and when I start feeling sorry for myself over losing my son, I think of the sudden multiple loss you experienced and the forgiveness you would have had to feel in order to heal yourself and assist others in the process.
As you know, I have followed your CALM practices working with students to help them set their study goals. The teachers have asked me year after year to repeat the process in the form of workshops and they say they take advantage of these workshops to reset their personal goals. Feedback from the workshops has been nothing but positive.
I always reference your work and give the students your website and your contact details
I am ever grateful for your assistance and hope that you will continue with your valuable work. F. J. QLD