Life Purpose is such an individual thing. It doesn't have to be something grand or overwhelming. It does take time to commit to searching out and determining just why we are here. The CHI seminar has carefully formulated exercises and procedures to guide you to this point and you develop a vision of yourself as you want to be. This is the start of real personal growth. Read below what others have said.
Some Quotes on Life's Purpose
We do create our own lives ... our own destinies. Every day we do this by the choices we make and the thoughts we think. I found these thought provoking quotes ...
The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live. Joan Borysenko
Life is a promise; fulfill it. Mother Theresa
Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes. Washington Irving
The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Richard Leider
Why do I call it CHI?
CHI of course is an acronym for Creating Happiness Intentionally. How do I think one can Create Happiness Intentionally? The journey towards the goal is what brings happiness, therefore formulating all your goals to take you to where you want to go for the next five years is finding your Life's Purpose Now! Finding your life purpose and your deepest life intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity, every day of your life. You will never regret taking this step.
Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes. Washington Irving
The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. Richard Leider
Why do I call it CHI?
CHI of course is an acronym for Creating Happiness Intentionally. How do I think one can Create Happiness Intentionally? The journey towards the goal is what brings happiness, therefore formulating all your goals to take you to where you want to go for the next five years is finding your Life's Purpose Now! Finding your life purpose and your deepest life intentions can help you to move with greater focus and clarity, every day of your life. You will never regret taking this step.
I do feel that today many people are seeking and questioning their life purpose and are no longer happy just drifting along with the flow - they are setting their own "sails of life". Once you find an answer to this it will set you on a path of joy and freedom. You will identify aspects of yourself that will reach to the very core of your being and identify your talents and your life values. Any blocks to your progress will be identified and handled at CHI.
The Sydney and Bali Venues
The Sydney CHI Venue - at the Chevalier Resource Centre is delightfully relaxing and conducive to contemplation of such issues as Life Purpose. It is an old teaching Monastery, with beautiful grounds, excellent food ... you will feel blanketed in nurturing and safety in every aspect.
And certainly you will feel the same at the glorious Gaia Abasan Mountain Retreat in Northern Bali ... a million miles away from all cares and interruptions. They grow a lot of their own vegetables on this serene hillside ... the food there is superb.See a Report about the Bali CHI. Many say it was sheer bliss to attend. Be There at Life's Purpose Now in surroundings that will support you. There are some great comments below - enjoy reading them.
So, I have just skimmed the surface of this topic. In a future Mind Matters News I will share some of my research into other Seminars and books available throughout the world on this subject. Meanwhile - are you leading a purposeful life ... the life you want? Tempus fugit ... time does indeed "fly" and it may be that you would like to examine your future direction or indeed create balance in your life. Now could be the time to take advantage of this opportunituy.
All the Best
Sandy MacGregor
Comments about the CHI Seminar
Of all the Seminars I have done through the years the CHI Seminar leaves the rest in the shade!! In my opinion it should be COMPULSORY for anyone striving for the best possible life here on earth. In five days I learned more about myself and my fellow human beings than I have in my entire life.
I came here with anticipation to learn how to find the formula for HAPPINESS – but was astounded at the previously untapped techniques which were presented in such a way as to slowly unfold day by day. As the days progressed, each segment became so significant in the way it slotted in with the next day’s revelations – until the final day when it all came together. It was like a flashbulb moment – and here at last we knew How. SM NSW
Thank you so much for the opportunity to attend the CHI Seminar. I found the 5 days challenging, exciting, stimulating, spiritual and extremely rewarding.
One of the great benefits was the opportunity to take 5 days out of our busy world and focus totally on finding my purpose in life and developing the goals to reach my life purpose with people of a like mind. BA NZ
Sandy’s leadership and teaching techniques are a refreshing pathway to living a positive, self fulfilling life. Applying positive thoughts and images through guided meditation and goal setting, I am living life anew. Thanks Sandy. MP NSW
Gorgeous location
Gorgeous food
Gorgeous people
Gorgeous massages at the Beauty Spa!
Amazing experiences.
Bali CHI has assisted me to detox physically and emotionally – to de-clutter mind and body, to provide clarity. Clarity about what I really want and how to get it. A very experiential, enjoyable and useful way to spend my time. BL, WA
Doing CHI for the 2nd time was a very powerful and empowering experience. I enjoyed the first CHI 4 years ago tremendously, but this time I felt more committed, more passionate. I think I was in a different space and felt totally enhanced by the glorious Bali setting.
Knowing some of the things that were coming – but by no means all of them (as I didn’t even remember a couple of things) in no way spoiled the unfolding of the seminar.
I completely love the Sydney CHI Seminar venue and yet now having come to Bali to do CHI I am spoiled forever. This is paradise here at Gaia Oasis Abasan. Bliss, Utopia, Heaven! It enhanced my experience tenfold. I am “floating” in this environment and also grounded and centred by the amazing process of CHI. Well done Sandy! MS NSW