There are many times in our lives when we need support. A supportive teacher when we're young, supportive parents and friends, support at sport and our job are all areas we can recognise easily. Other areas include support when you're depressed or ill and support when you recognise you need to learn something new to achieve in life.
We have a responsibility to support ourselves. Indeed I believe being proactive about support is a paramount requirement. Look for support, ask for support, give support. Yes, give support. You know that I'm a believer in giving out what you want in your life. Give support. Internalise the action of support inside your mind. Live it ... and it will come to you.
Loving ourselves is taking responsibility for ourselves. So placing ourselves around supportive, positive people is our own responsibility. For instance be proactive about planning activities in your life - such as joining a Walking Club, Tennis Club, or a Bridge Club, Scrabble Club, or a Bee-keeping Club ... and keep bees. You get the idea ... place yourself around like-minded people.
Life's Experience
When I was really down and experienced tragedy in my life, I was lucky to have supportive people around me who kept me talking. Was it all luck, or did I place myself in a position whereby I received support? I actually actively engaged (or was persuaded to be involved) with Insight Seminars - a wonderful group of people who helped me enormously. Talking about issues, when dealing with tragedy, helps to prevent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Today we have Counsellors who do just that - get you to talk.
When you are particularly vulnerable and are having a hard time, say dealing with a life threatening disease, then Dr Bernie Siegel (who has written 3 fantastic books about healing) says to ensure that you surround yourself with supportive people and ensure that you keep away from the negative ones so that you give yourself a chance to heal. It's your decision and your responsibility.
In the work that I do, I ensure that I teach systems that will implant tools and techniques to help you achieve.And guess what You have to apply the system and actually to do it, to make it work.It doesn't happen by itself.So triggers, buddies, coaches, reminder systems, tools are all forms of support to help you make the new habit within your subconscious mind.
I believe our new program - becoming an Independent Credentialled Calm Coach (ICCC) will not only give you an opportunity to make a difference to others, but to help yourself achieve even more.I have ICCCs now who are coaching others and I know that we have the best resources to achieve this easily.
There is a wealth of practical information within my E-Reports - all designed to support.Recently I received feedback from my supporters that having to view the past E-Reports on my website was too complicated because of having to Log In.I have listened and have acted.Very soon there will be an indexed list of E-Reports that everyone can have easy access to.Please use them.Support others by forwarding the E-Reports or the web-links.The success stories that are sent to me, achieved by using the CALM tools and techniques, are wonderful and are a great avenue of support to those who read them.Please keep them coming.
Yes, Bali! Creating Happiness Intentionally is a responsibility you have yourself.The CHI Seminar is an important event to help you achieve this.In fact, it's important enough for you to use a week of your holidays and DO IT !!I really encourage you to think very seriously about doing this.
So, what I have done is to negotiate with a perfect venue in Bali to hold a CHI Seminar there.The 2 proposed CHI dates are from 26th April to 3rd May and from 15th August to 22nd August. And there are limited numbers.The seminars will run for 5 consecutive days and you can plan on leaving Australia on a weekend and arriving back the following weekend - unless of course you decide to extend your stay in Bali.The cost is less than Sydney and the airfares from WA, NT and N. Queensland are less expensive than coming to Sydney.So plan for a week off and support yourself!
On-Line Support
A friend of mine sent me a link where a Personal Development Leader is providing a short video each day on various personal development topics.The cost is US$39 per month.If you introduce 4 people you get it for free and then 5 people doing this gives a profit of $10 per month, etc.The idea of this is "do something each day".
Questions: Do you like this idea?Would you pay for it?Would you give yourself 10 minutes a day for this?
If the above is a method of support that appeals to you, then I have an online course which teaches about the science of the mind - the subconscious mind, goals - setting and getting them, emotion, and much more (it is the first day of my CALM Life Skills Seminar).The course is on the internet on audio, video and PDF (written) files - 36 in all.There are daily exercises and Q&A sessions.I could modify this so that the course would be done in 9 months, doing 4 activities per month.The costs could be A$30 per month, with an affiliate system. What do you think?Would doing this course online be useful as a support mechanism?
So, support yourself and support others.I would really appreciate your ideas on additional support and feedback about anything ... but in particular about Bali and Online support.
All the Best
Sandy MacGregor?
Success Stories
How nice of you to remember my birthday, thank you.It's been a few years now since I attended your weekend seminar and I will always be grateful for that experience.I often use many of the tools that I learned on that great weekend.It really was a most moving and positive experience in my life.I regularly visit my peaceful place (although not as often as I should) !!.But it is still there and I can return there in just seconds.I have had a long term history (many many years) of biting my finger nails.I am know the very proud owner of these fabulous long nails, (almost too long to type with !!) nails. I believe this came about as part of the weekend I spent at your seminar and a sense of peace I found within myself. With very best wishes to you and all the best for continued success, you truly are an amazing man. CL, Qld.
Just thought you would like a little bit of feedback on your weight release CD.
After we spoke on the phone and you said "You don't look very overweight for your height - why bother at your time of life, keep things sensible and enjoy life" I thought what a good idea and thought no more about it. Then you kindly sent a CD up to me which I put to one side thinking 'Well Sandy did think it necessary after all'.
Then my conscience started pricking me a bit. I thought well, I may as well listen to it just to see what it's like so I did. It made a lot of sense. Much better than counting calories or walking for miles (which I can't do anyway).
The part which really stuck in my mind was "Visualise what it would be like to be able to get into your clothes without straining! You could look at your silhouette without being embarrassed" so I thought, well I'll give it a try for a little while.
I started knocking back a second helping of dinner no matter how delectable it was. I learned to say "no" to my wife's chocolate fudge (which was hard).I didn't have a couple of biscuits and cheese an hour before dinner when I got peckish.All of a sudden, it became quite easy.
Every time I was tempted, I remembered the bit about getting into my trousers that bit easier and putting an extra notch in my belt. I actually want to see my silhouette improving and am sure it will. Maybe as a bonus, my B.P. will come down too which will make my G.P happier.
When I started just four weeks ago, I noted my weight at 98.6 kg. This morning I tried it again and it was 94.9kg.Almost 3.75 kgs or 8 lbs in the month.On a roll now (although it IS tempting when I see my wife having a bit of chocolate, even though she does try to hide her look of joy if I catch her eating!). Thanks Sandy - you hit just the right note! LR, Qld.